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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Something special is building for the Sioux this year. I can't tell if they are going to go out and win the NC their way, or if they are going to go out like the '92 Badgers. Either way it's going to be pretty entertaining.
  2. I think Gwoz was a little worried for his guy, no more no less. Radke had beaten him and then those last two looked like MMA finishing haymakers. It's a fine line and truthfully I'm shocked no DU player jumped Radke after Vossberg was thrown down.
  3. The only thing missing was someone getting stabbed with a trident.
  4. I've been slacking, but I think I did my part on this one. +1
  5. I like it. DU claims their first Virg for outstanding mid-season achievement!
  6. Speaking of the Virg--- Did anyone earn the Virg this year? Does it need to get sent to either Michigan or Miami?
  7. When you slow down the replay you will see #16 Carmen cross-check Oshie (who didn't bring his stick up at all) in the jaw. Flynn #22 sneaks in with a butt end to Oshie's ear, Lucia #12 does a Prpch on Oshie, then RJ comes in with a viscious knee-to-knee hit. Lastly DeMarchi comes flying in from the crowd and delivers a heinous cross-checking from behind on Oshie.
  8. http://letsgodu.blogspot.com/2008/02/anoth...ts-hakstol.html I don't recommend reading it or you may end up being a Gopher fan this weekend.
  9. Seems out of character for Hakstol. He gets his boys to play with an edge, but even with Eaves yapping at him he stayed pretty calm. I'm sure he means it when he says he'd take it back if he could.
  10. There was no cheap shot on Oshie on the last draw. At worst Anderson thought about it, then let up because he knew the game was over and saw no point in it. He delivered no shot to Oshie. If you say he had it coming for something earlier in the game, fine. Do it straight up like the Sioux usually do. That play was not your typical hard nosed Sioux hockey, that was Ferris State. Zajac has to live with getting tossed by Lucia of all people. The Sioux are going places again this year, unlike my boys. They better get it in check before the tourney.
  11. Anderson let up and barely touched Oshie, he has never hit anyone in his career. He might have had some bad thoughts, but he sure didn't act on them. Darcy wasn't doing anything but taking a wack. He would have kick Tony's tail as well, but he pretty much quit after he thought he had him finished. Then Lucia was able to turn it around on him. As usual the Sioux have a nice team, the biggest question is whether they will keep their cool in the tourneys when the refs actually start making calls.
  12. I'm somewhat with you. Tony L. immediately went after Zajac sticking up for the blindside crosscheck. Things didn't go well at first, but he got up and eventually threw the coward down. Tony Lucia can't score to save his life, but he righted a wrong. I don't think I could possibly be more disappointed with Wheeler this weekend. Fighting with guys like Kaip and Malone, then his OT poke. Ridiculous. He needs to take Oshie's approach and just skate away. He let let the Sioux get under his skin. All in all it was the best weekend of Gophers/Sioux at Mariucci for a long time. Eight periods of teams going all out.
  13. Sadly it's not. Seems like many have drank the kool-aid. These guys have let sloppy third periods cost them a tourney shot and probably home ice as well. I doubt it's going to be a long term issue, but it still sucks for this year.
  14. UND has brought out the best of the Gophers this year. They haven't been able to maintain that level vs. anyone else. I don't buy into the "too many leaving early" crap, these guys just haven't figured out how to play. None of them. Pat White a prolific scorer in the past makes a slick move in the OT corralling the JPL glove rebound, makes a nice drag to the slot and simply has to flip it into the top 2/3s of the net. He wiffs. Story of the season. The defensive core plays great for two periods and then it's like they trade sticks and all play wrong handed. It's been an embarrasment and 50 teams in the country would kill for the talent tDon has.
  15. Yeah his play has been nice. Sadly he's been racking up the stats, but not the wins. He certainly could have had that Finley slapper last night. I'm guessing the Sioux would have tied it at some point, but it sure hurt to give up the lead so quickly after taking the lead. The best part about him is he doesn't let a bad goal affect him like Frazee. He just picks himself up and keeps going. I haven't been up on the game as much this year, but JPL and that CC freshmen seem like the best I've seen this year.
  16. I'd consider it for a conservative, but not Bushie.
  17. I don't fight. Way too old and us Minnesota kids don't get to play that way growing up, which is obvious watching the Gophers for so many years. I don't talk BS.
  18. Again. That didn't happen. I'd believe #16 was Carmen, he hits and slashes like Ballard. I'm not going say our guys were innocent, they are not. Your guy blindsided a guy #6 who actually let up on Oshie. Watch the replay.
  19. Your making this crap up. Anderson didn't crosscheck Oshie at all on that last draw. As usual Anderson gently bumps Oshie at the buzzer with his stick behind his back. The game was over. Then your guys drills him. Watch the replay.
  20. Sadly didn't see much of the game. Knowing Peltier I'm guessing he didn't land a single shot.
  21. Hakstol didn't say to cross check some guy (who has never hit anyone in his career) with his back turned after the final horn of the weekend. You want to go after someone do it the typical Sioux way, not some chicken___ hit on a guy not looking.
  22. Darcy with the biggest punk move of the weekend and probably of the season. Then he hammers Lucia, but didn't realize it wasn't over. Lucia then slams him down and he has to live with being the first Sioux since Notermann to get beaten down by a Goph. Talk about punching and backing up. Mr. Finley sure likes to talk, but funny he never found Bickel. Wheeler is a f'n idiot. Sits four minutes last night with some hack. Tonight his sits with Malone? Then the ultimate idiocy by face washing some guy when they were about to get an OT power play. Best weekend of Gophs/Sioux hockey at Mariucci in years.
  23. I was sitting 3rd row behind Kangas in section 24 and nobody knew what happened. It wasn't 'til a Sioux fan on a cel phone with his buddy said the replay was hitting it out of mid-air. Nice pic Jup.
  24. First paragraph spot on. Last paragraph crazy talk. He has had issues long before the Toews shootout. He was brilliant in the WJC third place game shortly afterwards. He finally beat out Briggs with good play down the stretch last year. If there was a single goal (which I don't believe) that got to him I'd point more to the Porter goal than any Toews shootout goals.
  25. If they don't ever relax the rules on MJ players adding these schools will put pressure on everyone's recruiting. More kids staying at Canadian colleges means more people hitting Minnesota for players. In the end it will mean more opportunities for MN/US kids as well. I wish they would relax on the MJ eligibility issue. A 17 year old with good acedemic standing should be able to choose a US college for hockey if he hasn't accepted payment for his hockey playing.
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