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Everything posted by sagard

  1. Gophers look dead. MSU on life support. Notre Dame can play themselves back out of the tourney next weekend allowing both UM and UW into the tourney. I think they are a decent team and will qualify.
  2. As far as I can tell Bucky passes the Gophers if the Gophers lose, but yeah we are down to 13.
  3. MSU second post of the OT. Gophers had two in the third. All out competition this weekend. Shep puts his lid back on.
  4. Helmet fell off. Reports are broken nose and concussion.
  5. Kalinski ran Kangas. Only the deserved X-Check on Lucia was called. Probably not as bad as the too many men call the other night. Mankato has much better legs this OT. Of course one shot wins it.
  6. Nice work for your guys. It's no fun grinding out a game three when you have big $$$ spent on Final Five tickets.
  7. You guys gotta be happy with Shep now.
  8. I haven't been reading/posting as much this year for many reasons, but what went down to chase PCM away? Nickname arguments or hockey stuff?
  9. sagard


    If the Gophers make it they will have earned it as much as SCSU did a couple years ago with their 0.500 record. They will draw some top team and likely get beat because they can't score.
  10. sagard


    Funny every time I become a Sioux fan you guys give up a touch down in the Frozen Four. I don't think you want me on your side. 7th place game. Brilliant!
  11. sagard


    You want to be on the side of psycho and Jutting more power to you!
  12. sagard


    The Mavs undoing vs. the Gophers when the teams are relatively equal has always been the goaltending. If the Mavs can't figure out a way to beat this Gopher team this weekend I really don't know if they ever will. I'm sure the Final Five will be fun, but it will be a lot more fun if the Gophers and SCSU are kicking it off Thursday!
  13. sagard


    For the Gophers: Lose in two - out. Gophers RPI would drop and allow a couple teams to pass them and take comparisons. Lose in three or win in three - still on bubble. Gophers RPI would take a smaller hit. BU/UW could easily pass them with series wins. Win in two. - Closer to locking in, but still many ways to miss tourney.
  14. sagard


    Why does anyone think the Gophers have turned a corner? They blew a lead four times against that dynamic offensive juggernaut last weekend. Sure they started to score, but the way Kangas played tDon has to be considering Frazee again. The Gophers need at least three wins vs. AA and UMD for their their post season series to have any meaning what so ever. For the Gophers to make the NCAAs they probably need to get their record to 3 games over 0.500. This would improve their RPI a bit and the some of the wins would be vs. teams they are competing with for the last tourney slots.
  15. sagard


    Cornell's coach whined up a storm back in '03 when Cornell had to play MSU instead of their slated (CHA/AH) team, so I'm guessing if the WCHA is fixed in a 4/13 matchup they will be forced to play. I don't think it will happen though and all but four or maybe five WCHA teams will be bumped before the field is drawn.
  16. Nobody who was special before a nickname change comes out less special after the change. Stanford comes to my mind. Would anyone seriously consider refusing a baseball/basketball/football scholarship from them because they change their nickname from Indians to Cardinal? From what I hear their is a lot more to UND than a nickname. Sure the nickname is special, but what makes it special is UND Hockey not vice versa. That said those who are passionate about the nickname can fight it as long as they are willing.
  17. I've felt for a long time that it is the hockey program is special, not the nickname. But since it's not my issue or fight I typically leave it alone.
  18. sagard


    I'm not saying the NCAA won't do it, but I think it is stupid to continually have the top two seeds in a regional from the same conference.
  19. sagard


    I think you guys will almost certainly be out east as a #1. It's certainly possible but I don't think UND will pass Michigan in PWR, and I think CC will hang onto a #1. Almost no way do I see you in Madison unless both you and CC finish ahead of Michigan as #1s. Really it's still open now, but things are starting to get sorted out.
  20. Radke is actually getting off OK. Isn't the second game DQ typically a two game suspension?
  21. Yes even if known as the UND Cocker Spaniels. This years Sioux play is closer to the edge than any of the bad ass Sioux teams of the past. I've only seen three incidents. The run the Sioux player took on the UW kid, the Kozek run at the end of the 2nd period at the Ralph, and the Zajac hit on Anderson. These three plays don't seem like typical Sioux hard nosed hockey. I recognize there is validity in the concept that if the refs aren't going to call ticky/tack stuff the Sioux will make you pay double. I also see some of the stuff as players losing control of their emotions. I'm getting the feeling that is mostly part of Haks plan. The only guys outside of Finley who are mixing it up are expendable third/fourth liners.
  22. I'm not complaining about your boys this weekend. I was just worried about that Denver kid and wondering why his buddies let Radke continue to hit him. They Sioux are exciting to watch (which is nice given the team I cheer) and you can pretty much bet that someone is going to go off at least once a weekend. It will be interesting the weekend of the 1st round WCHA playoffs if Hakstol can keep the boys in check. Whoever travels to Grand Forks is going to be losing and willing to start **** all night Saturday. Will the Sioux have the discipline to walk away? Or will it be on?
  23. That's pretty funny. I've got no horse in this race, but I was a little worried for the DU kid upon seeing the video.
  24. Biggest meltdown ever. I believe their position in the tourney was vacated. They too kicked a lot of @$$. It was all the refs fault.
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