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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Am I wrong? The response to date is you, HockeyMom, Prprocks and her Jr High friends and me!?! If your up for it, so am I!!
  2. Well, it looks like another one has bit the dust. See ya at the Ralph!
  3. As long as the money doesn't go for a new/remodeled President's house an/or a pay increase for the President, I'll support it (albeit, I only have a wee little bit to endow).
  4. The power of the computer cannot be underestimated! I prefer the new version of the sign.
  5. Siouxmama sent me this pic. Does anyone know who the Sioux GI is? Thanks for the help PCM.
  6. Chief Illinwek wears authentic Titonwan Lakota regalia (Sioux) and Chief Oseola wears Plains Indian (sorry, don't know which one but I don't think it's Seminole) dress. Both are ok with the NC$$. As a sign of comaraderie, why don't we invite them to a Fighting Sioux hockey game (without the horse and flaming lance, of course)? Since they are both 'sanctioned' mascots perhaps the NC$$ won't see us as 'hostile or abusive' if we open our doors to them.
  7. Our tailgating party is gonna be on satellite!!!
  8. I'll bring a 'little' bottle anyway.
  9. Sioux-cia


    Just goes to show even though they're in college, they're still kids. As the mother of two sons, I know for a fact there is NO shortage of girls in this town. No need to fight over one!
  10. I can bring a grill but don't have a truck to bring it in on. Anyone? I'll bring brats and buns, too.
  11. Nice little update on McGregor, http://telegram.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?...421/1009/SPORTS
  12. Looks like this is a good place for http://web.nccray.com/tkessler/undumn.htm Don't forget to flush!
  13. Aren't you sweet!!! GO SCARLET KNIGHTS!!!! WOOO, WHOOO!!!!!!!
  14. So for now they're gonna remain nameless. Hmmm, I wonder if this isn't some sort of smart tactic on their institution's attorneys part. "Let's wait and see what happens with the University of North Dakota. They have the balls to take on the NC$$ and we can ride in on their coat tails." Do you think the NC$$ is going to make the school change their name and move out of their county, too??
  15. And I've heard that she's freakin' awesome!!
  16. BUT not while playing with the Vikings! Sorry, couldn't help myself. We only have '85 but we do have '85.
  17. I say a lil' prayer to that great Coach in the sky every Saturday night, "Please, Big Guy, let the Bears offense come out strong and play as hard as our defense tomorrow." All I can say about Grossman right now is that Lovey had a lot more confidence in him than I did during the Sunday game. He did come throught with that BIG pass for the last minute touchdown for the win. But I have to admit I was wondering throughout the game if Orton or Griese wouldn't have been the better QB for that game. In college hockey, the goalie with the best practice the week before a series gets to be in the net. I wonder how they pic the QB for the next game? I also think that that the stupid penalties called went both ways. FOUR roughing calls!! This is football for Pete's sake!!
  18. I'm not a typical football fan. I see a 3-0 record for the Bears as HUGE. I haven't even mentioned that big football game that's played at the end of the football season. I take it one game at a time. After all, I am a Chicago Bears fan.
  19. Wow, yet another 'DA Bears ain't $#it commentary'. Here I thought I'd be able to go another 8/9 hours without hearing any Bear dissing. So much for wishful thinking but as I've already said,
  20. Me too. You'd think after all these years they'd be used to it.
  21. As a life long Bears' fan, you can only imagine the abuse I'm subjected to throughout a football season. This year, I keep hearing about our 'soft' schedule and 'if only....' or 'they only...' had happened, the Bears would have lost, bla bla bla. Ya know what?? I don't care why, I'm just damn glad we're winning right now! DA BEARS A FORCE TO BE DEALT WITH IN THE NFC. DEAL WITH IT!!!
  22. Even though death row inmates are secluded, I'm know I've heard of them being beaten and in some cases killed by other inmates. I don't know how they get to them but I do know it's happened.
  23. You can build your fan base by giving away free tickets.
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