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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. WOOOOOO WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! RUTGERS ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I don't care for the new design one way or another. I'm just happy that the Sioux name and logo are still prominently displayed!
  3. How about the Red Commies to honor Commadore, our illustrious ex-Fighting Sioux, Stanley Cup winning hockey player? Our logo could be a red wig? Not a scalp, a wig! Or the Black Eagles to honor Eddie, our illustrious, black haired, ex-Fighting Sioux, Stanley Cup winning hockey player? Our logo could be an eagle? Not a sacred eagle like you see displayed all over Native American owned casinos, just a regular eagle. OK, Name Changers, it's just a joke! You know, ha ha, joke? I don't seriously consider changing the name and logo EVER!
  4. SDSU Native American students = 1% of total student population UND Native American students = 3% of total student population *it's sad that given the number of Native Americans in both states that the numbers aren't higher - the fault lies in their pre-college age education, IMHO* It's been said before but with all the 'hostility or abuse created by the name and logo that disrupts the quest for education' why is there a higher number of Native American students enrolled at UND than at any other institution of higher learning in any of our surrounding states? The old GK answer that they don't know of the name and logo before they come here is crap. When looking for a school to attend, intelligent, potential students look at every aspect of the institution to see if there is a 'fit' between them and school. My answer>> UND has more programs, support and opportunity for success for Native American students than any other institution of higher learning in the country. Those that don't succeed can blame it on the name and logo but that is also crap. Persons with mental illness, physical handicaps, lack of resources (yes, non-Natives also have money problems), single parents, etc. succeed at UND, 20% of the country's Native American physicians succeeded at UND, a large number of Native American nurses succeeded at UND, etc. But, I'm speaking to the choir.....
  5. I guess she doesn't believe that 'Sticks and stones can break my bones but words (logos) can never hurt me."
  6. This is getting more and more hilarious. The Goofs should change their name to Lemmings the way they all keep coming onto this thread!! Yes, we are having our problems winning games but we'll get over. It's not a forever thing like THE BIGGEST HOCKEY UPSET IN NC$$ HISTORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Phats has played goalie on occasion. But know that it's only been since he's been out of school and only occasionally. My older son, lives in Mpls, plays hockey in a Mpls league. I could ask if he would like to play. I believe he's only been a guest on SS.com though.
  8. On this page alone there are 7/17 posts from Goofer fans. Only one admits that the HC still rankles. The others are only here protesting anything HC! Yeah right! Holy Cross is behind you... Oh wait, that was Goofs behind Holy Cross!!
  9. You go HockeyMom!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K92OVFeGgIE...ted&search=
  10. From Sioux-cia Merry Christmas Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year to all SiouxSports.com members and guests!!!
  11. All these Gopher fans coming to SiouxSports.com to tell us how the loss to Holy Cross is in the past. Yet, here they are, post after post after post, talking about the Holy Cross loss. If it doesn't bother you, why bother? Me thinks thy protest too much.
  12. I salute you, honest Gopher fan!
  13. You all know where I stand! Bending over and saying, 'I quit', is not a position I choose to take. I respect the opinions of those Sioux fans who choose to capitulate to the NC$$. I just don't agree with you nor will I support your choice.
  14. That is how it is suppose to be. My best friend's husband is a Packers' fan and I'm a Bears' fan. Over the years we have had the best time with our rivalry. I have given him a galvanised pail filled with green and yellow beads. On one side I wrote, Packers Bucket of Tears and on the other side, I wrote Packers Kick the Bucket. I gave him a box with a picture of Lambeau field on it and the words RIP above it. When you open the box, there's a Packers doll with stars taped over it's eyes lying on a bed of green and yellow confetti. We've done things like this to each other in the name of a great rivalry and 'fan-ship' over several years. He's never set out to deliberately hurt me, my property or my family because we're fan's of different teams. The Goof's that I point out in my previous post are jerks and don't belong in the same group as 'real fans'. Being an asshole to other teams' fans doesn't make them look like anything but the pea brained pencil pri@ks they are. Same goes for Sioux fans. I don't throw food at rival fans, try to pick fights with them or insult them while waiting in line to buy a puck. But mess with me and I'll take you down! Just ask the little twenty something Goofy weinie I brought to tears with just words when he gave me a bad time for cheering for my team after a loss. Nothing physical, just words. Easy for me to do, I guess, when one of my sons is a 250 pound athlete, 'mostly' muscle, and the other one teaches JuiJitsui to law enforcement officers. But, this thread is about Holy Cross! I will always cheer for the little guy, the under-dog, the 'surprise out of no where' team. Yes, even if my team looses to them, just not as loudly! For what they accomplished they deserve the respect from all fans, and athletes. They're a team that parents, coaches, teachers, etc., can point to and say, 'Look at the odds they faced! And they came out winners. You can do the same!!'. So, am I going to 'get over it'? Hell no...
  15. Why would we be watching the NC$$'s from our couch? Sioux fans are hockey fans. Those of us who are lucky enough to get tickets will go regardless of who is playing. Unlike Goofy fans, I won't be selling my tickets for 10 cents on the dollar if we don't make the Frozen Four. I believe you're the one obsessed with Sioux hockey. You have over 500 posts on a Sioux Sports forum. That's over 500 more than I have posted on any Goofy sports forum. Now go back to GPL (?), pound your chest, scratch your balls and boast how you came on the SiouxSports.com forum and made an ass of yourself while attempting to insult us.
  16. Goof fans sitting two rows up from us throwing pop corn at us and, cowards that they are, pretending it wasn't them. Goof fans trying to start a fight with my son because he was wearing a Goldie with a noose around its neck as a necklace. Goof fans turning to Siouxmama who was looking at some souveniers and out of no where telling her Sioux suck. Goof fans saying Robbie was faking it when he was carried off the ice on a gurney. Goof fan starting an argument with me because I was cheering for my team after we lost a game. I don't feel like going on. Is that enough?
  17. Holy Cross represents the little guy that every one blows off. They are around but nothing to worry about. Holy Cross's win over the Goofs was and still is the biggest upset in NC$$ hockey history. It will likely hold that title/record for many years to come. Get over it? Not likely. I own three game worn Holy Cross jerseys and one replica. I also own seven game worn Fighting Sioux hockey jerseys and four replicas-two are signed by the team. I will always wear the green, white and black when my team is on the ice. BUT since what I spend my money on pisses off so many Goofy fans, I'm gonna wear my HC jersey whereever there are Goofy fans and my boys aren't on the ice. One of my game worn Holy Cross jerseys looked real purty on the Goldie statue on the UMtc campus. What was really hilarious was while we got some smiles, those that gave us dirty looks while we were trying the jersey on ol' Goldie for size, just ducked their heads and slithered away. If it doesn't matter to you, why are you bothering to post here? I would have thought if you found this to be of no consequence, you wouldn't waste your time posting in this thread. By posting, you're telling me you do care, it does bother you but you don't want me to know it. Too late!
  18. My son, who was at the game, said he didn't boo Philippe, he booed taking Anthony out of the game for no VALID reason. But then , he didn't yell, YOU SUCK either.
  19. No one wants to be perceived as 'hostile or abusive'. The NC$$'s decision to be the moral conscience for college athletes, students, fans and institutions is NOT RIGHT. The people in this country have overwhelmingly agreed with UND and not the NC$$ regarding UND's decision to fight this. By agreeing to change our name and logo, we would be agreeing, 1) our name and logo is 'hositle or abusive' and 2) the NC$$ has the authority to dictate to it's membership what is right or wrong in areas outside their jurisdiction. Those institutions that have policies regarding the name and logo have not affected our athletes in the past and I don't believe it will until after the court case and only if the court rules in the NC$$'s favor. The name and logo may change in the future but that decision should be the University's decision not the NC$$'s. As the judge pointed out when he granted the injunction, this is not a court case to determine whether the Fighting Sioux name and logo are 'hostile or abusive', the court is to determine if the NC$$ acted beyond it's own rules, policies, regulation, etc.
  20. Don't assume that your pediatrician or family health care provider is talking to your children about these easy to do self exams. They all should but they all don't. My sons were sick of me asking them if they were checking themselves routinely. I told them how to self examine when they were around ten years old. About the same time they didn't want me to see them naked anymore.
  21. My message to the team, "You're never a loser until you quit trying." Mike Ditka
  22. I love FIGHTING SIOUX hockey and always will but that doesn't change the fact that right here, right now, the team sucks. I look forward to some hostile and abusive hockey during the Dartmouth tourney. I had planned on going to the games but they need me here. GO SIOOOOOOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. CRUMMY movie. Geeze........ Oh well, I hope I made some of you smile or laugh out loud.
  24. 'night fellow fans. I'm going to take my bottle of wine, go to bed and watch a cummy movie. Maybe it will take my mind off hockey.
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