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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Nope, board certifed and licensed, Family Practice Nurse Practitioner (working in an ER). But I can and do diagnose and treat some mental illnesses. I'd start with a good healthy dose of cheering for your favorite team, the North Dakota Fighting Sioux.
  2. This sounds so very like posts made by GK after he hacked into my account....... Me thinks someone has found something to do with all his extra time.
  3. Kateskate played with them last year. So yes, girls can play!!
  4. All the more reason they must be stopped!
  5. I believe if the measure before the membership was to ban ALL Native American names and imagery, it would likely pass. I find it hard to believe a measure exluding the likes of FSU, etc. would pass. It's all or none, in my opinion. I just don't believe that the NC$$ would risk losing the millions of dollars those 'exceptions' bring into the organization to make it an 'all' measure.
  6. Unfortunately, you're absolutely correct. Given the number of different college hockey organizations, you'd think that unbiased reviews could be made by refs from a different organization in order to avoid 'nepotism'.
  7. Going after the refs, after a game is over or a call is made, is only giving the coach, et al, short term, if any, satisfaction. They are only placing themselves at the mercy of the WCHA-game suspensions/penalties. What needs to be in place (it may already be?) is a procedure in which complaints regarding reffing can be formally made. An unbiased (?) review of the game could then be made. If specific referees are consistently screwing up calls or are found to be favoring a team, they should be fired if they are beyond redemption or 're-educated' if that's possible.
  8. Ooo, with that get up, it won't take much!!! I do believe his BIG V is safe!!!!
  9. I think one of the reasons GK hates me so is because I am a minority who supports the Fighting Sioux name and logo. I believe he views me as some sort of racist traitor. Well, he did use other descriptors but I won't repeat them. You're right when you say the Name Changers don't listen to a word we say. If they do, they manipulate what we say so it fits their 'agenda' which is to say only racists support the Fighting Sioux name and logo.
  10. The times I've seen Kozek play this year, it appears that the majority of his shots fall just short of going into the net. He rings the pipe more than any other player except may Oshie.
  11. I made it to the game!! YAH! The weather was atrocious and the roads are worse. I routed north of Alburguergue last night so I didn't get to see Prp play. They closed roads all around there last night and this morning. I stayed in Santa Fe and didn't leave until 1030 this morning because the roads were 'difficult and dangerous' early in the morning. About 20 miles into Colorado, I ran into a horrible stretch of I25. For about 15 miles the traffic just inched along. There were at least two dozen vehicles in the ditches; cars, trucks, semis, suvs. Lots of police but no ambulances so I'm hoping no one was hurt or killed. It took me six hours to get from Santa Fe to Colorado Springs. Was it worth it!!! Damn straight it was worth it. I got to see my Fighting Sioux win a game on the road!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! *g'night, I'm absolutely beat!*
  12. I'm in Santa Fe and I25 north is closed. I hope it opens up in time for me to get to Colorado Springs tomorrow to see the boys play again. Sad to see we lost tonight. I'm confident the boys will pull together and get a win tomorrow night! But then again, I'm the eternal optimist!! GO SIOOOOOOOOOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. To protect the masses from any possible 'hostile and abusive' behavior that out AD may have been compelled to exhibit.
  14. I was checking different routes and if I go via Albuerquerque (and go really fast!!) I can catch a Rio Rancho Scorpion game at (9:30P) Friday night!! I could see Prp play against the Amarillo Gorillas!!! It's only about an hour out of my way and Saturday I could catch I25 and still get in to Colorado Springs in time to see the game. *or I could just call in sick and leave tonight!
  15. I was misinformed. I thought I was only about 350 miles from Colorado Springs but in actuality, I'm more like 480 miles away. I'll be leaving here right after work tomorrow (will miss the game on webcast!) and drive half the distance if I can. I hope to get in to Colorado Springs by noon Saturday. The ambulance guys are telling me that a storm is predicted to be coming in tomorrow evening. I hope they're wrong!!
  16. Sioux-cia


    The USA has nothing to hang their heads about. They kept up with what most of us thought was the better team!! Congratulations Team USA and Team Canada!
  17. Sioux-cia


    Shhhhh, patient confidentiality!!!
  18. Sioux-cia


    It keeps stalling!!!!
  19. Sioux-cia


    OMG, it's not blocked and there are no patients waiting to be seen!!!!
  20. Well, unfortunately, money is an object for this member. So, I'll try the Doubletree. Thanks for the recommendations!! For those who are going, I'll see you at the pre-game alum get together on Saturday. *I'm so excited to be seeing the boys in person again!*
  21. Sioux-cia


    GO USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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