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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Yes!! People lose their jobs when they can no longer do them due to illness every day. What planet do you reside in? People take out disability insurance (I have) in the event that they contract an illness and cannot work. Social Security has a disability plan for people who have lost their jobs and cannot work due to illness and/or accident. In some cases, they get some sort of compensation, other poor souls get squat! Employers cannot afford to keep people on because they like them, understand their illness, etc. They have a business to run and they need people in their positions to do the job. I know that Tyler lost of year of school beause of his illness. He came back and obviously cannot perform as anticipated due to his illness. It's interesting that you bring up schizophrenia. Statistics show that a good many of our homeless are schizophrenic. Many of them cannot stand the significant side effects of the medication that is prescribed to make them 'normal' and quit taking them. Great choice they have. Take your medication, suffer the side effects or let your disease remain 'uncontrolled'. My mother was in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease before she died. Should my siblings and I washed our hands of her because she couldn't remember if she took her medication and over medicated herself, should we have yelled at her with disgust when she told us the same story six times in an hour, should we have banished her to the streets because she forgot she had something cooking on the stove. Damn woman!! What the hell was she thinking not controlling her illness and becoming a burden on us? We should never have taken her in and provided 24 hour companionship for her safety!! According to you she was a cancer to the family. Up until the age of 76 she was serving meals at the Senior Citizen center, she cleaned house for shut ins for free, she couldn't drive but with her little wire basket on wheels she would buy groceries and deliver them to shut ins. And then....., damn her, she developed a mental illness and couldn't do those things any more! She was a detriment to society and to her family!!!
  2. Since when did having an illness become a choice? You have no idea how difficult it is for someone to be sick, especially an athlete. You're suppose to be strong, in control, and be 'normal' just like everyone else. When an illness is not treated optimally, any illness, in most cases, that is not a choice the afflicted person made. You don't let someone whose diabetes/heart disease/cancer, etc., is not under control and is adversely affected by participating in a sport continue to play that sport. The same goes for other illnesses. I hope for both your sakes that no one you care about loses a job, loses friends, or loses the ability to do what they love the most due to an illness. But then I guess if it does happen it's because they're jerks, losers, a cancer to their family and friends and you won't have one iota of sympathy for them. Hell, it will be their own damn fault won't it? Next time I see someone to sick to work, participate in activities of daily living or take care of themselves, I'll be sure to kick them when they're down. * @#$%^& *
  3. Mmm, Starbucks!! I really miss their coffee. When I'm in Flagstaff, I get myself a grande and for about three hours I'm buzzing like a speed junkie!!!
  4. Well, now that you mention it, yes I do!!
  5. I don't know that he is bi-polar. I do know that he has a health problem. It was widely publicised.
  6. The young man has a health problem not unlike diabetes or hypertension. It can't be 'cured' but with proper treatment can be 'managed'. I hope for his sake that his family and friends help him acheive the optimal management of his health problem. This illness like any illness takes it's toll on a person. For some it can be likened to trying to climb a mountain of loose sand. I feel really bad for him and his family and my prayers are with them.
  7. Me too for a sec!! But then I clicked on the link and lo and behold!!!!!! A white woman!!!! Hmmm...............
  8. Starts with the parents, add in good coaches and we get outstanding Fighting Sioux athletes who impress everyone that comes in contact with them on the road!!
  9. Oh, how about what's her name, Blue Beard, Yellow Hair, Green Face, oh hell, you know. That NA columnist who always spouts unfounded 'facts'.
  10. He hasn't been making a lot of goals yet but I gotta say TJ is just as consistent. Working hard and setting things up for his team mates.
  11. I think she's behind some dump of a water hole puking her cheap whiskey up!
  12. WOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. "Greatest uniforms in the sport."
  14. "It was North Dakota all second period." Really?!?!
  15. There must be a new inexperienced camera man, I'm getting motion sickness watching this!!
  16. WOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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