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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Sioux-cia

    Gas Prices

    Gas on the rez is 3.30! 90 miles away it's 3.18! I don't know how much more the average citizen will be able to afford! The majority in this community have four wheel drive trucks, big ones. They need them because those that don't live in town, haul water, coal and/or wood for home heating, live in the boon docks without paved roads, haul feed for their horses, etc. These folks are on limited budgets and gas prices are having a dramatic affect on them!
  2. As "role models" for other mascots, I certainly hope that it was "safe"!!! I also hope someone talks to Goldie and tells him/her that smoking is NOT something UMtc wants the public to see a "role model" doing in public, let alone on film. Who does he/she think he/she is, Paris Hilton??
  3. "Toews insider" Moreso than the rest of who read and post on SS.com? OK, so tell us what did you post preceeding your ban??
  4. May 18, Brad's Blog
  5. I don't think you can get money for selling blood anymore. BUT selling plasma is ok. You can only donate blood every two months. You can donate plasma every 7 days but most facilities restrict that to twice a month. I know a professional couple who give plasma twice a month, each, and put the money in a college fund for their child.
  6. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    Good job!!! You're up!
  7. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    What hockey player is referred to in a Barenaked Ladies song? *another song group also refers to him in a song but that would be giving away the answer*
  8. I was wondering why you had a big grin on your face!
  9. Let's see now, hmmm, who am I going to believe?? Brad who called and spoke with Jonny or some guy who won't name his source?? Give me a minute now........ Seriously, I'm one of those that, regretfully, believes that JT is ready for the NHL and will likely leave us BUT I truly believe his decision hasn't been made as of yet. He's a young kid, has made some lifelong friendships here, and (I hope) wants that NC$$ ring!!! And so, the waiting continues!
  10. Where do you go to find sane Sioux fans?!?
  11. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    So, it's YOU!!!
  12. I think they still pay for plasma in Grand Forks and Fargo. If you get a phony id, you could do it twice as often.
  13. ...only when I ask the questions!!
  14. Goon, did you have proudsioux type this for you or has someone hacked into your account?!?
  15. I bid on this same card from this same seller last year. Notice the shipping and handling fee? I didn't mind as I got the card at the opening bid. The guy sent me a different card. Three times told me the right one was in the mail. Finally he told me to send the card back and he'd send me my 5 cents back! I'd have to eat the original s&h cost (he sent the card with a 37 cent stamp on it) and I'd have to send the card with 'signature' reguested' from him. A$$hole!!
  16. *clears throat* Judy's *cough* back room *cough*
  17. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    Nope, it's still your turn. Because no one answered your question correctly.
  18. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    I thought you laughed so hard that you cried AND peed your pants on a regular basis. Or was peeing your pants another issue. I forget......
  19. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    It's ok. A good cry like a good laugh (but less often) is healthy. Now back to trivia!!!
  20. Sioux-cia

    Trivia ?

    I went looking for the answer to your question, not to answer it (because my questions are to hard to answer )but just to find it. I found this instead, http://www.grandforker.com/Ken_H/Ken_Hendrickson.htm You made me cry today Fetch.
  21. Yep. Parents also read and post here. I hear from a couple every now and then.
  22. The kid's too damn good to come back!! *sobbing uncontrollably*
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