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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. Well the first one was certainly not questionable...Galbreath got crosschecked and ran off of a faceoff and the kid knew it as soon as he did it. Not the refs or Red River's fault that Grafton had no discipline.

    Red River was all over GPR in the first, jumpin to a 3-1 lead.

    Second period was all GPR from the ten minute mark on. They scored then RR let it snowball on em and Grafton took full advantage.

    Third Period RR played very well and controlled zone play. Galbreath and Ladoucer logged tons of ice time and did their job.

    Grafton is quick but has one line. That could hurt them. Red River got production from other lines than their top one tonight which will be huge. Depth in the state tournament will win them games. Arnason needs to get better. He generally plays pretty well, but tonight there were a few bounces that got the best of him. He needs to make the saves he's supposed to then once in a while make one he shouldnt

  2. o.k. now is the time of year when we start the bus to denver talk---

    are you on the bandwagon --------- or off well what is it?------------

    i am a fan of this team not just when things are going great--------

    there is always bumps in the road and with each bump a few fans--------------------------- fall off the wagon-----------------------------

    well when we get to where we are going (denver) i am sure you all -------------------------will be getting back on-----------------------

    but for now remeber last year or the year before or how about columbus? history repeats itself over and over again

    for all you hardcore sioux fans it's going to be one hell of a ride :lol:

    GO SIOUX oops i shouted-- go sioux!!

    p.s. triouxp you have the map this year sappy is fired!!

    Don't talk in CAPS, that way you won't sound like an idiot.

  3. The schools are way too strict, I was a senior a few years ago and I thought it was bad, now if students come to games dressed in costumes they aren't allowed to get in!. The admins have waaaaaaaay too much control and don't let students have any fun.

  4. This is really getting old.... Every week we watch the opposing goaltender(and goalposts) stand on his head and keep his team in it. And lately we haven't been seeing JPL doing the same. He should have easily saved the first two goals. Just because he didn't get any work in the second period is no excuse... And these third period defensive breakdowns are just killing us!! :lol: .... Shaky defense and suspect goaltending = No trip to Denver. They better get it together soon.... like tomorrow....

    You can throw in lack of offensive fire power as well

  5. Agreed! He should have stopped the wrap around but the other two goals were the fault of the rest of the team.

    Yes but no...you need your goalie to make one or two big saves for you throughout the game. Yea the team didn't help but he needs to make a big save. What the hell was he pokechecking at on the third one...he had no chance

  6. First, Duncan will get an offer. I just don't see Duncan have a pro career any greater than that of Peter Sejna. Both Peter and Ryan have tremendous talent, short on size, and will never get a shot.

    Oshie is a goal scorer who is now being called on to be a playmaker. I think Toews and Oshie acted in the same capacity last year as Toews and Kane are performing this year with the Hawks.

    I think Duncan and Oshie will be fine.

    I think Frattin is a freshman... correct me if I'm wrong. He's playing well for a freshman.

    Chorney is a great puck moving defenseman, but so is Genoway. Finley has even shown flashes as well. But what he misses the most is Brian Lee. He took some attention off of him, could pass the puck pretty good and took all of the blame and responsibility off of his shoulders. Without Lee to be blamed for everything, now he has to shoulder some of that and he's getting weighed down with it.

    He'll be fine though. Our problem isn't defense really. Our problem is sustained offense. Putting two games together against the same opponent is darn near impossible for this team apparently.

    Don't compare Duncan to Sejna...thats not close. If you really think defense isn't a problem thats naive. It wins championships and we don't have it. If they have to run up against a Michigan in the National Tourney, Phil WILL have to steal one for them because they won't win a shootout the same way they did last year

  7. What has happened to Frattin? Talk about hitting a wall. The way things are going I would be surprised to see Duncan get much of an offer after this year. And talk about another guys play who has regressed that would be Taylor Chorney. Man o Man


    A.) Duncan and Oshie BOTH hurt badly from not havin Jon Toews playing with them. To think otherwise would be foolish. I have actually heard people say he wasn't that great at UND...huh

    B.) Chorney has regressed, but is still by leaps and bounds their best puck moving defenseman and to be honest is having to play both D positions every time he is out there because any of the other five you throw out there have just been god awful...god awful

  8. That's a new one, drama queen. The only problem is that most of the time I'm 100% right, and you and other's just have a difficult time coming to terms with that as well. What really amazes me is the unbelievable number of people that need serious help, I knew it was bad, but not this bad.

    Hey awesome quote.

    Brian Fantana: 60% of the time, it works every time.

    Ron Burgundy: That doesn't make any sense.

    Do us a favor and stop posting. You sound more and more like a deranged lunatic every time you post.

  9. What is interesting is you guys check his facebook...thats the creepiest damn thing i have ever seen...get any pictures of him holding booze too? What were his interests. You by chance get any of his favorite quotes?.... losers

  10. I think the gap between Red River/South and the rest of the state is what is widening more so than the gap between East and West. I think most objective people would agree that the top two or three teams in the West are not all that far behind the third to fifth best teams in the East.

    Nice try throwing South in there...they lost to Bismarck, no way in hell they deserve to be grouped in with RR.

  11. Oh wow. That is so funny.

    People completely neglect the fact that if you throw out all of his numbers after the year 2000 he is still a first-ballot Hall of Famer. The man was (is) an amazing, amazing hitter. Top three of all-time (Ruth, Williams).

    One stat that I cannot even begin to comprehend is the .609 OBP he had in 2004. That means if he had 5 plate appearances in a game he was on base at least 3 of them. Insane, insane numbers. Not to mention the 9 Gold Gloves in a row he won between 1990-1998.

  12. I don't think too many people say that the North Dakota high school tournament compares with the Minnesota tournament. But i think that most would say it is getting closer. Considering that Eastern North Dakota has been the king of hockey in ND for years(decades) but Western North Dakota is finally starting to catch up. Neither East Nor West may be there quite yet but North Dakota is certainly getting there.

    Disagree. You can actually make the argument that the gap between the East and West has widened in the last few years. When is the last time a Western team made it out of the first round, 2004?

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