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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. Come on PCM your not wrong, I have also been taught to respect my elders. That being said, I think I have actually heard Hak call Kyle gritty.

    Nice to see this "grit" earning him a spot in the lineup every night...oh wait, nevermind.

  2. You forgot one talent that Hak likes: grit.

    How do we define this "grit"? Is it defined by taking yourself out of the play trying to fight someone? I guess I'm a little in the dark here but this is the very "talent" we've been debating; the very talent that Radke doesn't have. He will continue to take dumb penalties, despite how much anyone will attempt to beat it into his head. As I have said before, I would LOVE to see him succeed, but when a player starts not going on trips and dressing only one of two home games his senior year, I think the coaches have realized this as well. Can't we just quit using the word grit because no one seems to know what the hell it is and I'd love to see you define, my good sir. PCM, for a guy who is supposed to be a hockey mind you are really burying your credibility.

  3. I just find it difficult to understand why Triouxper keeps trying to defend Radke. Yes, all players take dumb penalties, but these players (at least ones who play for the Sioux) also bring things called "offensive talent" or "defensive skill" or just "talent/skill". Can anyone convince me that Kyle Radke falls in to one of these categories?

  4. Triouxper...shut up...just shut up. You keep prying and prying for an argument and its one you cant win. The only way to describe this is that YOU are Kyle Radke or a very very very dumb hockey mind. I'll take my chances on the latter because you could take the "untimely" penalties (no penalties are timely so thats the most overused phrase on this board) away from Mr. Radke and it still wouldn't matter because he still isn't any good. He doesn't score, he doesn't create plays, he's awful in the defensive end and MOST of all HE'S NOT AN ENFORCER. So tell me why he should EVER play because i'll give you an argument

  5. hahahaha..... when was the last time a team went undefeated in the state? Not even South did that with their dream team, and they had better offense, defense, and goaltending than RR. Either Grafton or South will beat RR at least once this year guaranteed. High school sports are too unpredictable to say something so bold as that.

    You must be drunk. What Fargo South Dream team are you speaking of. I'd be making references to the 03' Central team or the 01' RR team. But you make a assertion about the FS Dream Team...comical

  6. Are you at practice on a daily basis? Do you sit in the locker room? You see, you really have no clue as to what value Kyle brings to this hockey team. The best thing would be for you to shut your mouth or else keep proving your stupidity to everyone on this board. Give all the free passes to the players you choose, but the fact fact remains that stupid penalties by Porter cost us a shot at the last two NC's. They were momentum killers, and nothing he or anyone else did made up for them or cancelled them out. And by the way, at that point in his Sioux career, Porter should have damn well known better.

    Your right, god-awful defense and goaltending had nothing to do with the losses. Of course Porter's momentum killers just crushed the hopes of Sioux fans across the nation. Dumb. Don't say i'm speaking in pure stupidity because thats just not true. Your wrong, you know it, and you clearly know little about everything in general. I'm not at practice, but if he was REALLY contributing to anything positive for this squad, odds are he'd be in the line-up. So use common sense and get off your high horse.......dumb

  7. I am not tyring to bash Towes or anything he is an outstanding player, but i honestly think that he is overrated! People were so mad and saying stuff like "We are going to suck this year whithout Towes." I think that we are doing fine whthout him.

    More insightful hockey knowledge from Prpichrocks...TOEWS was overrated. Yea and your boy Mike had talent. I'm sure.

  8. If you look at how many goals Russ scored their aren't too many player who put up "36 and 40" in his Soph and Jr. years,but don't let facts slow you down.(by the way I really like Goren and Bochenski)

    Cmon' now. Me and you could have scored that many against goalies back in those days. You give the puck to Bochenski anywhere near the opponents zone...yes the opponents zone...and he would shoot and quite often score. Not to mention he put 17 g-notes up his freshman year with NO ONE at all to play with. Throw Parise on his line Soph. year and BOOM 35 goals. The guy could just flat out score...couldn't skate...but god could he score.

  9. I am a Sioux fan, and I do cheer for all the players. But, as odd as this may sound, I actually form opinions on players as I watch them. I have told you my opinion on Radke. Do I hate him? Absolutely not, but as you can tell I really don't like the way he plays. I'd like to see him change his game but after seeing him play for the last three years I realize this isn't likely to happen.

  10. OK then, how about Chris Porter, the king of stupid penalties in the last two Frozen Fours. I suppose he gets a pass from all of the "experts" because he was a good hard working guy and brought more to the game than Radke does. It's funny now that Prpich is no longer here that people hold him in such high regard. Rewind a couple years and look at what some of you guys were saying about him and his stupid penalties. I don't care what else a player brings to the game, a stupid or untimely(and stupid) penalty, does not get offset by something else you may or may not do. The fact remains that it is a stupid penalty and could be costly. But hey, justify it to youselves however you want.

    Well lets see, a dumb penalty does not get off-set by anything a player may or may not do. Where can we rank that on the dumbest things written on this forum. I'll put it top one-hundred. Your right Triouxper, when porter takes a penalty (which the Sioux killed at a high percentage last year) and then comes out and scores a goal...that doesn't off-set anything right?? Dumb, just dumb. Get off your Kyle Radke Bandwagon because if you haven't noticed, your about the last one on there. You and that prpichrocks fella. You two must have a fetish for bad hockey players.

  11. I like the way radke plays, when he plays under control. The untimely penalties need to stop if he wants to be in the lineup.

    Inside college hockey had Radke rated #2 for incoming freshman defenseman.

    Someone got fired for that one

  12. Dumb penalties? Jones makes up for the "grit"? What game are you watching? Jones is a over rated spazz that constantly takes poor penalties down in his own corners for no reason other than trying to put some lumber on someones back.

    Oh, and no, Jones just isn't very good

  13. Isn't that what people want in a player? Someone who can play both D-man and forward? Radke has not been a disappointment at all! He has got so much better then when he started to play. He brings so much when he is on the ice, maybe not a goal, but he sure as hell brings the physical game. Don't get me wrong, sometimes he does take those untimely penalties, but people make mistakes. Hak made the choice to sit him out this weekend and i respect that. All i am saying is that Radke is a good player and plan to see him in the lineup

    HE IS NOT PHYSICAL. What about him is physical. Cheap Shots after the whistle is not physical. You people are not understanding what the concept of physical is. David Hale was physical. Erik Johnson in Minnesota was physical. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE! And sure it's nice to have a guy that can play D/F but he can't play either well. He is not a good player, you wont see him in the line-up he brings NOTHING to the table. Clearly your a Prpich fan cause i'm sure he was just a juggernaut too.

  14. I say play whomever is going to be the most physical. The sioux win when they are physical and lose when they are not.

    Yes physical is one thing, but stupid is another. Cross-checking a guy in the back behind the net is not physical it's a cheap penalty. Oshie crushing the CC player in a race to the puck...that's physical. Now let me ask anyone on here...who sent the larger message: Radke with his two minute cross checking penalty, or Oshie with his clean physical destruction of Petrosso. All i'm saying is Radke does not bring grit or toughness and he sure as hell would not have touched any Wisky player out there last weekend...at least with a clean hit or clean fight...He's not good, not tough, not gritty. Get over it.

  15. That's bull$%!#. There are times when you need a Kyle Radke in your lineup. Saturday night in wisco is a good example of that. How many times did our guys (Oshie, Duncs, ect.) have to be the victims of cheap shots before it was too much. Insert a player like kyle and at least you have some kind of physical presence on the ice to help out our boys. I like the grit Radke brings to our lineup, he is as important as anyone else on this team in my opinion.

    It's actually not bull$%!#. The Sioux do not miss anything when Radke is out, the only thing he produces is dumb penalties. Kaip, Kozek, and Jones more than make up for the "grit" that Radke supposedly brings. He isn't a leader, isn't productive offensively, and isn't good defensively (witnessed by his move from defense last year). Throw dumb penalties in and what do you get? Anyone? Someone who isn't a very good player.

  16. I don't understand!! I mean he is a senior and he is a pretty good hockey player. Shouldn't he be able to play? and who did he get beat out by?

    On what planet is Kyle Radke a good hockey player? The same one where Tarvaris Jackson is a good quarterback?

  17. Atta boy Taylor. It's good to see you stick up for your brother, and set the story straight. Brothers stick together. Hope we see you in a Sioux jersey too someday.

    Well let's not hold our breath, he'll have to make the Central vars. squad first.

  18. I wish Sioux fans would take enormous pride in beating a 1-7 team. NDSU beating the Gophs is akin to the Sioux beating Southern Utah. The Bison won against a team that they are better than. Period.

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