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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. how was their loss to grafton in the regular season decided by the refs? every other team gets jewed out of games but they dont complain about it. so why dont you pull out the tampon and wipe already

    First off, very classy comment, not many people can use the phrase "jewed" and "pull out the tampon and wipe already" in the same sentence. Class all the way around.

    That said, the referees (as popular opinion and myself would believe) made a wrong call in the Roseau game (the Crary penalty) and the GPR game (obvious six men). The previous poster wasn't talking about two GPR games.

  2. the most embarrassing part of the whole ordeal isn't that the officials missed a call, but how the red river student section and several other fans reacted after the overtime goal was scored by littering the ice with trash, signs and then throwing things at the grafton players as they celebrated....it was a disgusting act of childish, spoiled, self righteous disrespect and the administrators and teachers at red river should be absolutely embarrassed with the way they were represented by the students and fans. absolutely disgusting...

    Both sides were throwing things on the ice...happens every single year, win or lose.

  3. This Red River team wasn't that good, they didn't have the dream team this year. They can't even be in the conversation for best ND high school team ever.

    And thats relevant...how? They had a very, very good team this year. Let's not judge the team because of a tough break that didn't go their way.

  4. I think it was obvious that the best team won the state championship. Being a former red river player it tough for me to say it but GPR was the better team. The refs did a great job and let the kids play. One call didn't determine the game.

    I'm not sure I'd even say that one team outplayed the other. Grafton got a big break and from then on it was about as even as it gets. It would've been interesting to see how the game would've turned out had the officials made the correct call, however.

  5. Great game played by both teams. A lot of fun to watch from the stands and by the end you could tell both teams were completely worn down.

    That said, I left the game completely embarrassed as a fan of hockey. I hate to blame the game on the referees, but when Grafton tied it up at two there were clearly six players on the ice. This went on for about 15 seconds and they eventually ended up scoring (obviously). There was a lengthy discussion among the officials about whether the goal should stand or not and it eventually ended up counting. Absolutely embarrassing by the officials to miss that call, as it would've negated the RR penalty (GPR was on a power play) and given the Riders a power play with just under 8 minutes left in the game.

    Terrible, terrible, terrible, and completely unexcusable. If you were watching on TV you couldn't tell at all, but the announcers get clued in as it goes on. It's tough not to feel cheated if you were one of the kids on the ice (or a fan in the stands for that fact).

    It ended up being a great game and all congratulations goes to the Spoilers, but its a bit tough to stomach knowing what actually happened.

  6. Two years ago South won the championship. I was referring to three years ago. South beat Red River twice in the regular season and, if I'm not mistaken, again in the East Region tournament. Red River pulled off the big upset in the semifinal round of the state tournament. Maybe South can return the favor tonight. I certainly wouldn't bet on it, but crazier things have happened.

    You are mistaken. In the 04-05 season, RR and South split in the Regular season. In the EDC tourney, RR lost to Grafton in the semifinal game and beat North in the play-in game. Red River then beat South 4-2 in the State semifinal. They would then go on to beat Central 3-0 in the championship game. So, yeah, I don't think I'd call it an upset.

  7. Although I don't expect South to beat Red River tonight, I believe they will make a game of it. Their sophomore goalie has been incredibly hot ever since taking over the starting job, and I believe both RR/South regular season games were played prior to the Bruins' goalie change (somebody please correct me if I'm wrong about that). Red River should and probably will win tonight, but the same could have been said for the South team that was upset by Red River in the semifinal game three years ago. As Chris Berman likes to say, that is why they play the games. For the sake of the Red River fans, let's hope your players aren't taking South as lightly as you are.

    Wrong analogy from two years ago. The two teams split the games and they were very closely played. Red River has been the better team twice versus South this year and I expect no different tonight.

  8. Well I suppose I was a bit off. But watching that game it seemed like RR squandered numerous chances. 60-10 edge in shots and the score could've been worse.

    Grafton will need to play better today than they did yesterday to have a chance to win it. It seemed like they gave up a lot of good scoring chances that a better team will capitalize on.

    Century and Williston are two very bad teams.

    Rehak is solid defensively but just about average offensively. Players like him are a dime a dozen (in juniors and whatnot). I would take both of RR's D-men over him. Not a knock on him, he just doesn't do a whole lot with the puck when he has it.

    Red River started off a bit slow but then picked it up. I expect a convincing win over South tonight.

    For a team that's down 2-0 in the third (Mandan), it sure seemed like there wasn't much of a sense of urgency to win. Their goalie played exceptionally well, however. I thought he turned in the best performance of the day.

    GPR-BHS will be the best game of the day. I'm thinking Grafton will pick it up tonight, however, and earn their spot for Saturday night.

  9. you can call me one, only if you do it to my face, but your entitled to your opinion, reguardless of how idiotic it is. i put my life savings up saying ive got more education in my left pinky than you'll ever have, but if that makes me an idiot, go ahead. i never said rehak was a god, i said he is a legit mr. hockey finalist with div. 1 talent. i also said i think ladouceur deserves the award. i like how you also made up a second quote to fit your "argument". and yes, they play three periods of hockey or until they have a winner, my point was to those of you saying no west team can stick with rr, and that they will win by 15 (was one quote). and to lives-to-play... i live in the east, so yes i have left the west, and i mispelled a hs kids last name, sue me. im sure that is on par with not know how to spell the name of towns in your home state. i should have know better than to post on this forum and get in an argument with a bunch of angry hs kids ??? i take full responsibility for that one.


    Now, with that said, there is no team that can skate with Red River or Grafton, there just isn't. They may be able to keep a game close with the assistance of a hot goalie, because that's what happens at tournament time. No one can SKATE with them though. And you laugh at all four finalists coming from one school, well i'll tell ya what, RR didn't deserve four, but one could strongly strongly argue that they could have had three up for the award. Jarrett Galbreath has 35 points on the year and that places him pretty high in the rankings. Add that to the fact that he's a four-year varsity player (in the east, YES it's harder to do that in the east than west) and that this is his fourth state-championship game the kid has been in and you can argue strongly that he deserves it. I've seen Rehak play multiple occasions and i can tell you with honesty, not eastern bias, that i'd take both RR d-men before him. Not because he is bad, but because they are better.

    LASTLY.....people predicting on this board, especially the ones that have RR winning 5-0...add an "after the first period" when typing in that absurd score...they'll win by 10 at least

  10. Mostly because kids don't know how to have fun. It is a high school hockey game, not college or bigger. Every kid that puts the uniform on needs to be respected at the high school level by all who are in attendance. There is a set of parents in each community that could use the same lesson.

    Should they even allow people to cheer? Wouldn't that make the losing team feel bad? Or should we just quit keeping score? All this PC crap is getting ridiculous...

  11. I believe both the Grand Forks schools also have thursday and friday off.

    My predictions:


    Bismarck over North 4-2

    Grafton over Mandan 5-1

    RR over Century 7-1

    Williston over south 3-2 OT


    Grafton over Bismarck 4-3

    RR over Williston 4-1


    Grafton over RR 4-3 OT

    I'll bet my life the RR --Century game isn't that close. When i say not that close i mean they'll beat them by fifteen goals

  12. There has got to be more reasons to stay than leave, but just for discussion think about changing to the CHA for a minute.

    Reasons that would be for this:

    -help save the CHA conference from folding (would need another one to join too)

    -(almost) guaranteed NCAA appearance as conference winner

    -escape the horrendous WCHA referee situation (this may be the best reason)

    -guarantee better PWR rating with higher winning record, no advantage to schedule strength now

    Reasons to stay:

    -better competition (but more losses in PWR calculations)

    -traditional rivalries

    -travel cost savings

    -we dominate now, why think it won't continue


    1. Log out of siouxsports.com

    2. Close internet browser.

    3. Turn off computer.

    4. Leave post-it note on computer screen that says, "Under no circumstances shall this machine ever be turned on again. By making moronic posts involving a completely idiotic and far-fetched opinion, the owner of this machine has lost all privileges pertaining to use of advanced technology."

  13. If I were to rank the D right now I would say:








    You have got to be out of your mind if you think Bina is second. He is not only the worst defenseman on this team. This year, he is the worst defenseman in the LEAGUE. He gets beat wide and flat-footed regularly. He tries to make passes that aren't there regularly. And he has been brutal, regularly.

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