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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. Probably needs the weekend to heal the bruises from being a puck target all week :angry: .

    Yeah, I don't know why they don't dress him either, maybe they have a max number of players they can have dressed? You would think they'll get him in sometime, he deserves it.

    Why does he deserve to dress? Can't your logic be applied to pretty much every player, ever?

  2. This post reeks of elitism. The "skilled teams"? News flash...EVERY team hooks and holds...even YOURS. So your solution to the problem is to tell your goons to "get even" by cheap shotting someone just because they're getting grabbed a bit in the corner?

    The solution is simple, get the refs to start calling an NHL-style game, no matter how many penalties stack up. The players will adjust. And it won't be just the "unskilled teams" you didn't mention in your post that will be parading to the box either.

    I wish players from the "unskilled" ranks you just disrespected read this forum (maybe they do?), cause you just provided some grade AA bulletin board material.

    Sorry to stir the pot here...but comments like this that seperate the league into an upper and lower class really get to me. The WCHA is the best league in the country, top-to-bottom.

    Your $0.02? Keep the change!

    Your exactly right dogz, and unfortunately thats how many people on here think. I have to disagree with you on one thing however. If the league went immediately into a NHL style of officiating there would literally be fifty penalties a game. Bring a note pad to a game sometime and watch all the subtle hooks and interferences after loose pucks or scrums in the corner where the defender lets go of his stick and grabs with one arm. Those are all penalties in the NHL and it would be absolutely insane if they called the college game like that in terms of penalties.

    SIDE NOTE: Chay Genoway's backhand area saucer pass to Evan Trupp was the nicest i have ever seen. Ever

  3. I went to the RR-Central game tonight and saw absolute domination by the Riders. The Knights really weren't in the game at any point but that didn't stop them from playing dirty. I was embarrassed to see Central play that way and a little disappointed to see the Riders retaliate. I can't blame RR, however, as their players kept their cool for the majority of the game and stayed that way until Central players decided to start fighting at the very end. It was pretty obvious that they instigated all of this, as there were numerous times after whistles when their players started shoving and RR players just skated away, deciding that winning 7-1 was retaliation enough.

    I guess there's no one to blame for Central's behavior but their coach, Bina. As anyone who follows area hockey knows, his teams have been notoriously dirty and it seems that he either seems to not care about or doesn't have enough control over his players to stop it. Its sad to see how far that program has fallen.

  4. come on doc, noone wants to cloud this topic with facts. didn't you know that rr will go undefeated to their title this year and every other nd team is a disgrace :glare: rr IS the best team in the state this year, but that doesn't mean they are unbeatable. Malm's comments are very similar to the sentiments of the Roseau coach after they edged out rr in overtime. on most days, Roseau is better than RR, but RR outplayed them and lost in overtime. sounds very similar to the south game, very competitive but south still ended up on the losing side. it will take a hell of a game by the opposition, but believe it or not, there are teams in ND that can beat rr.

    Red River is closer in skill to Roseau than South is to Red River

  5. :blush:

    radke, kaip or zajac drops em.....or stick davidson in tonight to take care of that crap last night :lol:

    money on radke

    Are we talking a fight or a slash in the back of the leg...i'll take Radke too, but only on the latter

  6. I am thinking there is something to that statement. I went to the game last night in Grafton the reffing was horrible. I told my buddy that the Knights got homered by the Refs last night. The Refs were worse than WCHA officials. There were a couple of obvious calls right in front of the refs that were not made.

    I would sure hope the WCHA referees are better than the ones doing high school hockey games.

  7. I'm not wrong.

    Watch this weekends games and tell me, if Hak keeps them together, if Bina doesn't take some nice HQ shots from the top of the Circle. I got five bucks Bina gets a point if not more this weekend off his shot.

    Since they have been together they have not had any issues and have moved the punk at a very high level. I mean no one on our team is close to them in how they move the puck in the zone. Just watch them this weekend and you will see the light.

    Bina has not had a problem getting beat off the pinch that I have seen, I'll watch some old games and see again. And getting beat is to some degree part and parcell with pinching, doesnt mean you don't do it. My point was that Chorney was pinching at the wrong times and out of place to hold the puck in on the boards. Bina pinches when he has the puck or is going to get it. Chorney was pinching while the puck was with players engaging in scrums on the boards behind and next to the net. Out comes the puck and there is no D at the line to keep it in. I know I saw this several times earlier in the year.

    In any case they are preforming very very well together. They are making the opposition look silly the way they move them around, hear me now and see it later.

    Again, they have only been paired for the last two weekends.

    Just out of pure curiosity...how do you pinch when you have the puck...next

  8. Chorney has been with Bina on the power play for about four or five games. Hak put them together on regular shifts starting with the new hamp. series.

    and I think this team, even though they have had some lingering issues (second half of third Sat against new hamp. and most of third Friday against st.cloud), has turned a corner partly because of Chorney/Bina. They hold the zone, they both find passing lanes to the forwards so well, and Bina takes nice shots after Chorney works him open.

    two other big reasons this team is taking a good turn.

    the Canadian line


    Duncan is moving around making plays as he enters the zone

    ahh heck i cant forget to mention Finley becoming a tougher smarter D man

    Bina does not hold the zone. He pinches, gets beat, and gives up odd-man rushes. Your wrong again when you say Bina takes nice shots. Guarantee no one has had more blocked shots this year than Bina. Chorney is having the same issues. Hell, in fact, all Sioux D-men are bad at getting the puck to the net.

  9. My order is Chorney, Finley, Bina, Genoway, Jones, Lapoint, and Marto. You obviously didn't play defense. There is no stat that tells the whole story except for maybe W/L. But to say +/- is a useless stat is crazy. The biggest problem that I have noticed with the D is continuity between D pairs. It doesn't seem like the pairs are comfortable playing together. I think by March this will have worked itself out as Hak continues to experiment. Finley, in my opinion, is definitely one of our top 3 D. My most improved goes to Kaip, but he is also my favorite player.

    You lost all credibility putting Bina third

  10. Kozek--he brings it game in and game out. Might not always get results in stats but he has been consistant and steady.

    Biggest disappointment--Chorney hands down, but I think he turns the corner soon and so does this team.

    Your right, Kozek has been much better this year. Still hasn't played great but after the last two years of not existing on the ice i'll take good. But Chorney is still this team's best defenseman i just don't understand how you all believe he's been so bad yet no one has mentioned Bina who has been god-awful defensively this year.

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