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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. I am so looking forward to seeing the Jr. Toews. What can anyone tell me about him. Is he a one and done kind of guy?? Is he gonna leave us early like Zack, (before the tourney is over)or is he gonna be a guy who will give us a few years.

    Who else has some promising prospects. Any sizable defensemen?

    God-Awful defensive games by everyone minus marto didn't help either

  2. This isn't Hakstol's or any of the coach's fault. Genoway has played far and away his worst game of the year. He's been so bad that if this were a normal series he wouldn't play the next night.

    What could Hak have done that would've made this any different?

  3. They have been god-awful defensively for a month now. They played like this against Wisconsin for two periods and some how managed to win that game. They have made zero adjustments, and this time, BC actually made it 6-0 after two just as the Wisconsin game could have been the same. I cringe every single time someone on here mentions "oh if we play our game we'll be all over them". NO. This team has not had an identity all year. They had a 17 game unbeaten streak by an act of god. BC is 8 goals better than this team and i will smile ear to ear when Finley signs his deal, and Bina graduates

  4. If you like pothead WRs who run only one route and try hard only when placed on a team that would be great with or without them, who shove refs, squirt refs with water bottles, beat women, simulate disgusting acts as a touchdown celebration, run over meter maids, scream at corporate team sponsers on busses, leave the field before the game is over, and pout when their "homies" are not allowed on the sideline during the NFC Championship... then I guess Moss is your man.

    You forgot to add, "comes down with the ball when triple covered, can outjump/outrun every d-back in the league, and the best receiver since Jerry Rice."

  5. I'm optimistic that by midseason he can be back to where he was a couple of years ago. It's been about 18 months since his surgery.

    Obviously you have no idea what kind of surgery he had or the history of players retuning from said surgery. I'll be amazed if he can completely regain form, including the nasty slider. He's a good enough pitcher where he'll be able to live without it, though.

    But seriously, if he comes back to where he was two years ago by mid-season I'll have a giant "Fargo Rules" tattooed across my forehead.

  6. Back on topic (sorry, I get riled up when somebody tries to defend Randy Moss in any way, shape, or form)... as a Twins fan I would have to say we shouldn't expect much more than a .500 season. Nice win last night, but I can't help but think it's going to be a season of transition. Had they not traded Santana I think they could have potentially won a World Series with he and Liriano as a dominant 1-2 punch in the starting rotation. You can ride two dominant starting pitchers to a World Series title, just ask the Arizona Diamondbacks. You can't do it with one. I can only hope that at least one of the players who came over in that trade pans out.

    Liriano will be nowhere near full strength over the course of this season. He's starting the year in the minors and will throw no more than 150 combined innings. This will be a "rehab" year for him, but should progress toward his previous ability in the next two years.

  7. For the record, just so nobody gets the wrong idea, Moss is probably the only guy I would choose PacMan over.

    Ok, cool. I have an idea. You get Pacman, I get Moss and then we build teams around them. We will then have our teams play a million times. Mine will win.

    Say all you want about Moss, but I guarantee 99.9% of football fans would take him over Pacman. And its not even close.

  8. You're right. Jones only has about three years of stupid behavior under his belt compared to a full decade for Moss.

    10 > 3

    Moss has had one run-in with the law. Pacman is up around 10. Moss is a model citizen when compared to Pacman.

  9. CCHA one period away from being 3-0 today.

    Don't worry i said WCHA...St. Cloud had one line. CC isn't a grind it out type squad which you need in the playoffs. Minnesota can't score. Wisconsin has no business in this tournament. UND has been inconsistent the past two weeks and played without their feet moving for all but a period and a half at the FF. Denver has looked the best of late and seems the best ready to make a run outta the WCHA especially with a tender that has done it before. That said...the sioux play well and attack with their feet moving i'm not sure Denver's young guys can skate with them. Should be interesting, but it's clear the WCHA isn't as far above everyone else as we thought. At least the top teams.

  10. Couple things. First off, the win last night was in NO WAY a blessing in disguise. Things like that happen two weeks before the playoffs start. Now is not the time to make mistakes like packin' it in after a two goal lead because that is exactly what they did.

    Secondly, it will be absolutely crucial that this team jumps on Tech early and often. A team like Tech will run off of emotion from last night's game. The longer you let a team like MT stick around, the longer you give them to believe and quickly enough that believing will turn into reality. Also, anything can happen in a one-game series and that's what we have now. Teslak has the ability to steal a game so don't let him get in a rhythm or things could get mighty scary.

    My last point...fatigue will become a factor. These teams have not played three games in three nights in probably quite some time so the better conditioned team will really show tonight. That will lead to a lot of hooking and other obstruction penalties so special teams will be very very important as they have been in games one and two. Here's to a Sioux win and a convincing one at that.

  11. I dunno.

    I think UMN will win tomorrow. They looked the freshest at the end the of the game. I just think the Mavs will be tired tomorrow.

    MSU in 3.

    That's insane. You'd be amazed at how a win like that will energize a group of twenty kids...they'll be smellin' blood tomorrow

  12. I believe Lasch has 23 goals and 48 points but is a MINUS 6 on the year!! That means he has been on the ice for 54 goals against!! Pathetic! That's like hitting 50 home runs but striking out 200 times. First team--no way!!

    Horrible, awful, terrible comparison. These two things are in no way related.

  13. BullBLEEP.

    McLeod and Shepherd are to the WCHA as Gene Taylor and Kevin McHale are to the NBA.

    They're either both going to go or not at all... at least until proven otherwise.

    Who's Gene Taylor?

    Either way, horrible comparison. A better one for McLeod/Shep would be David Stern/Stu Jackson.

  14. hak said it as well, lapoint struggled early today but when chay went out he picked it up!! trupp is probably done for the season im guessing and its marto and lapoint together probably until chays back. tear it up guys!! its also millers time or davidsons time to play a big role every night in trupps spot.

    It would be really tough to struggle early before you even get on the ice.

  15. Well, I've seen LaPoint make his first major mistake so all week now we'll be hearing tons of "LaPoint sucks, play Marto" posts.

    Well, with Genoway out, maybe we'll here "Play Forney and Marto! Move Radke back to D!" :silly:

    Anyways, GO LAPOINT GO! I'm a fan of yours!

    That would be awful having Radke back at D and Forney in the lineup. Awful.

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