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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. It is as bad as it sounds. If Silva is your 3rd or 4th starter, that means you are paying 2 or 3 guys even more. Say they average $14 million (probably low), that's $28 plus Silva is $40 million. Add in a closer, the rest of the bullpen and a 5th starter and you are going to be well over $50 million for just your pitching staff. And most teams pay less than 50% of their payroll to the pitching staff. Now you have a payroll of well over $100 million and possibly well over $120 million. I am pretty sure that not too many teams not named New York, Boston, Chicago and Los Angeles can afford payrolls over $120 million.

    A year ago people were amazed that the Twins would resign him for $4 million. Now he's worth triple that much?

    Ok, now repeat that post to us in English.

  2. This is insanity. If Silva is worth that much, Santana should get $35 M per year. Ridiculous. I hope Seattle gets burned on this one.

    Not as bad as you're making it sound, there's absolutely no pitching on the market and Silva is a durable 3 or 4 starter who can give you 200+ innings a year, especially for a team with atrocious starting pitching.

  3. What is up with Jamestown? They got clobbered in basketball by Minot and beat by Minot's hockey team. And I don't think Minot has a really good team in either of those sports. Is Jamestown just terrible, or what?

    Well Minot basketball started the year ranked #2 in the state, so I'd say they have a pretty decent squad.

  4. In fact, you could say that we have no idea how good the Riders are, and they may not even be in the top 4, since they haven't played any of the other top teams in the State. Really, I'm just using this as an example, because I'm sure RR will be the team to beat this year, but don't say a team is the front runner when you also say that you can't make assumptions if they haven't played the other teams, when the team hasn't played any of the other 'top runners' yet. :cool:

    Good point. We should get a better understanding after this week.

  5. Soohockey get off your high horse. I've been meaning to ask you... Did you ever play varsity hockey or are you just a superfan?

    Oh, because I didn't play means I can't comment? My point was let's have all of the top four teams play each other before we start making assumptions as to who the best are. I don't think anyone would argue against the fact that the Riders are the current front-runners.

  6. Maybe it means that there is more parity in the edc than anyone imagined. That's why you have to show up to play the game. Do you wonder if the South players overlooked Central knowing that they got beat by North and South handed it to North pretty good? Maybe Central had overlooked North, but I think it's more of Central is a young team that is working hard every night.

    It looked like a 3-team race before the season started, has Central jumped into that race, maybe not as a 1, but as a top 4?

    Maybe we should wait to see how these teams fare against Red River before we start making any real decisions about who will be contenders.

  7. My lines:

    Line1 - Kozek/VandeVelde/Oshie

    Line2 - Duncan/Watkins/Frattin

    Line3 - Trupp/Kaip/Malone

    Line4 - Radke/Zajac/Forney

    D1 - Chorney/Bina

    D2 - Genoway/Jones

    D3 - LaPoint/Finley

    Scratches: Marto, Davidson, Martens

    Separate Duncan and Oshie so other teams can't key in on just one line. Move Kozek up because he's been playing really well this year and getting rewarded for his efforts with goals. Have Watkins center two snipers in Duncan and Frattin for the 2nd line. The 3rd line would be fun to watch with physical Kaip, feisty Trupp, and Malone for the boards and standing in front of the net for garbage goals. I put Radke on the 4th line, but if he starts taking stupid penalties, substitute for Martens. I'd like to see Forney get another shot, he looked good out there in his earlier 2 games.

    I hate to scratch Marto after his strong, consistent play, but I just can't move Genoway up to forward. He's so good at skating the puck out of our defensive zone (the best on our d-corps IMO) that I can't justify losing his great transition play back on defense.

    That is THE WORST fourth line in the history of hockey period...any level.

  8. It is better than the 4-7-1 start of last season. I think UND played for 26 1/2 minutes this weekend and got 2 points and almost pulled the game off last night. That is unsatisfactory. If the boys can't be ready to play against the Goofers they need to have their pulse checked. Minnesota is not a good team and they peed one down their leg last night.

    I think UND should send the league office the tape where they missed a obvious offsides that lead to a goofer goal. That is unsatisfactory.

    Finally; Campion is a horse bleep official, call me a :lol: I don't give an ef, the penalty on Wheeler dive was horrible. Unfortunately, the Sioux team gave up a goal before the power play. Campion was just waiting to call a penalty against UND. Also the reviewing of the goals was over the top. Everyone knows that Oshies goal off the skate was an obvious NON-kicking motion.

    You would blame the officials ....wow

  9. I agree, pretty good reflection of the game and the weekend in general by soohockey. After seeing both games I think that the sioux were very lucky to come away with a win Friday night. This team is just lacking in so many phases of the game to be consider an above average WCHA team. The lack of offense and excitement that this team creates for me is hard to watch. This team lacks a lot of key elements of past great Sioux teams. A few things that really bother me are the breakouts and transitioning and along with that, puck possession. This team doesn't have the smooth breakouts and passing skills of forming teams as well as an effective offense attack. This team is a one line team with Oshie, Duncan, and Vandy, after that the offense just tails off and is really ineffective and cannot generate scoring chances.

    Also, the powerplay looked so out of synch and has all year. With all the skill out there on that first powerplay unit, I really don't understand why the powerplay in general hasn't been more effective. For the second powerplay unit, all I have to say is find the right people for it and stick with them. I am sick of seeing different players playing on the second powerplay unit one night and then the next night rolls around and we see someone else. I could be wrong on this, but wasn't Martens on the second powerplay unit friday night and then tonight he was obviously a scratch? Talk about not developing consistency let a lone chemistry with a unit when you have different players on that unit every game. I am not Hak, but I think with this team the way it is you have to have Frattin, Kaip, Trupp, and then Genoway and develop Marto on that second powerplay unit, those are your best options of players and talent to give this team somewhat a more realistic powerplay unit that may generate scoring chances when out there.

    Ha great points sir, and doesn't Martens out on the Second Unit for power play sum up the lack of talent we have to throw out there right now? Because thats what a power play is, you throw out your skill guys and let them do their thing.

    Now, with that said, I have to disagree about chemistry on the power play. 5 v. 4 is much different than 5 v. 5 when talking about chemistry simply because when with the man advantage you should know already what the plan is. You work on specific things in practice to set up shots from the slot, or to pull d-men over with your points and set up one timers/back door plays/etc. The Sioux are just struggling because when other teams use a pressure penalty kill they are failing to make that one extra pass, because simply put...if they all have one guy covered...someone is open. For that to work, however, you must make quick short passes to set up the long back door pass. They'll work on it i'm sure, but they need to start scoring on special teams because the future doesn't look to extremely bright for even strength.

    p.s. beyond the first line Hak could switch up the other three lines on a nightly basis and i wouldn't notice simply because they all do the same thing anyway.

  10. Other than that Oxbow...GREAT weekend summary. You nailed the up and down offense and just Extremely extremely disappointing play of Zajac. He absolutely looks like a fish out of water. Never in my life have i seen a D-1 college hockey player let a puck bounce of his stick on a tape to tape pass so many times. Should never happen. I see mighty mites able to catch those. (Yes smart guys i know they pass harder in college)

  11. This is now 4 straight sub-par games at home. Stalock was aweful Fri. vs. UMD and we got the win and this Fri. JPL stole one.

    JPL is no where near a/the problem for this team. With his save % and GAA, this should not be a .500 WCHA team.

    The D lapses that occur in games like last night and in prior loses are mind boggling. I thought Bina was aweful all weekend. LaPointe stuggled Fri. Chorney was aweful last night and Marto didn't play well either. The D play this year has really been a disappointment in many games.

    The offense is up and down at best. They looked lost as to get anything going all weekend. No consistant play from any lines offensively even though the top line has good moments. Zajac and Miller, to name 2, give us nothing night in and out.

    But I feel the biggest issue if effort/urgency! I took some (different) buddies who don't get to UND ever often on both nights and to a person they commented on how "slow" and "lazy" UND looked. UND won 1 period all weekend...Friday's 3rd. If you want to count last night's 3rd to make yourself feel better go ahead.

    Maybe Gophs aren't that bad from what I saw this weekend, but I'm leaning towards UND might not be as good as originally advertised. Because there is no excuse to play the way they have played at home this year, especially the past to series against, at best, decent teams in UMD and UM.

    Toughest part of the WCHA schedules is over but we can't sweep at home and unfortunately there is going to be some road weekend that we don't play well and maybe get swept? So then where are we?? More than likely around .500 in the WCHA when it is all said and done. Unless we get the second half surge for the 4th year in a row???

    Agreed completely on the Lamoureux bit, but have to disagree about that other part. This is a .500 WCHA team. It's not their fault all you guys crowned them before the season but I said on earlier posts before this season that they will have to rely on one line to produce and thats gonna catch up to them badly. Looking at their roster I saw no reason to believe anyone besides the top line would score. If you couple that with terrible coverage in your D-zone (which is not just defenceman, the forwards are terrible at covering the points and they run around and chase a lot) your working towards disaster. Toews made those other two A LOT better. Not saying they aren't talented in their own right, but if they are a 6 this year on the talent/effectiveness scale, then they were a 200 with Toews centering.

  12. Alright, time for some thoughts on the weekend...and no one roll their eyes. I'll be objective as possible.

    After watching the Gophers play on T.V. so far this year, i figured we were gonna see a team that was a lot worse than what we saw this weekend. They were pretty good. But pretty good is it. The sioux were outplayed for AT LEAST 105 of the 120 minutes this weekend. They were faster, worked harder, beat us to nearly EVERY foot race and were so so much stronger in the corners that it all most made me sick. If their defense played at about a 7 on the weekend, ours played at about a 2. No excuse for the odd-man rushes...if you try to pinch and miss the puck...take the body. Not hard. Bina is torched because of this frequently and is behind the play often. Finley played alright and he was the best on the ice tonight at D. And he only played alright.

    The forwards are a mess. Vandy mentioned after the game that the sioux just weren't getting the bounces. Well...they were because had they not been getting the bounces it was a 4-0 game and not a 4-3 game. All three goals were on broken plays and fortunate bounces. Absolutely zero production from anyone but the Oshie line. Someone mentioned that a hurt Oshie is still the best forward for the Sioux and thats dead on. Some of these forwards are young..but not all. Miller isn't, Kaip isn't, Martens isn't, Kozek and Watkins aren't. Our forward group isn't very good and doesn't create anything. Couple that will an effort that left something to be desired and your just flat out screwed.

    Good news? Plenty of time to right the ship. Yeah yea we've seen this before...their just building up for a late season run. But they don't have a Stafford and Travis Zajac from 05' or a healthy Toews for the stretch run like last year. And i stress Travis on the Zajac because Darcy was the worst player on the ice by leaps and bounds this weekend. Here's to turning it around and fast because we were awful fortunate for a split this weekend.

    Rant Over

  13. "will need something to celebrate the long drive"

    as that will be the only thing you will be able to celebrate! :D

    The Sioux are 5-5 in the W...i'm not counting any chickens at all...the Sioux aren't good enough to do that

  14. Good point. I think the key difference from the 2005 series to this series is the 2005 team had a dominate line in Potulny, Irmen, and Kessel. This years team does not have a dominant line. Hell this years team could not even score in a whore-house :lol: Also, 2005 team had upper-classmen blueliners who did not turn the puck over and also could jump up into the rush. This year's blueliners have only 1 guy even remotely capable of that and that is Cade Fairchild. Also, wasn't und's 05-06 team made up of mostly freshmen--Oshie, Toews, Duncan,Lee etc etc etc??

    Like I said, I would be estatic with a sweep, pleasantly surprised by a split but really looking for und to break out the brooms on Saturday night.

    It's amazing seeing the decline of the Gopher power-play without a solid puck moving defenseman. Right now they dont have a guy that can dominate at the point and move it with a purpose. Keep in mind for the last five or six years they have had a Ballard or a Goligoski who were both fantastic with the puck. Fairchild, Fischer, and co. cannot move the puck as well. This year it shows

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