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Posts posted by soohockey15

  1. Do cowards wear make-up and pink ties? I guess they do!

    Brock woke up one morning and realized he was playing for that creampuff and found the quickest way to get out of Fairyland/Denver.

    Nowhere near the truth. You can guess again though, without repercussions.

  2. No doubt the women bball team there is a great team and coach Roebuck knows how to motivate them, but...

    don't you think the players, fans and coaches would like to have a season where there are really tough challenges week in and week out?? After all, thats what life is all about, problem after problem, deal with it, solve it, defeat it. So I think you will be much happier in D1 where you will have some really tough games.

    This is the single dumbest thing I have ever read on this board. Are you seriously wondering if we want a season where the Sioux play a bunch of close games and lose some or have another 1 or 2 loss regular season?

    Does Roebuck sometimes after games wonder to himself "Gee, that was sure fun winning by 20 tonight, but maybe next week we can keep the game a bit closer. Even if we lose its not a big deal, because at least we'll have a challenge." Do the players want to lose some games, just to keep the suspense in it? Or would they rather work hard and play as well as they can and win by 20?

    The absurdity of your post astounds me, and I honestly hope you think about what you're saying the next time you decide to post something because it is quite evident you didn't do that for this one.

  3. Back to what this topic is about...Dubay is Very correct in a couple things he said. The Sioux have not had an impressive win in their nine game unbeaten streak. Getting three points in Minneapolis means absolutely nothing. The Gophers DO NOT score. And when he said that Oshie and Duncan have to do more he was also very correct on that. Duncan is no where to be found on the ice, and as soon as Toews left, he should have went too. Duncan's year last year was a product of playing with Oshie and Toews.

    I won't say i don't think the Sioux will make the Frozen Four because Phil can keep winning games for them. That and Miami just proved they are average and the WCHA really is not that good this year. Mankato is in fourth or fifth and for god sakes you have all watched them play. CC is the only bonified "Good" team in the league. Denver was, but then Trotter left. Offense won't win the Sioux games this year, Goaltending will have to win the Tourney for them.

  4. He is a radio personality in Minnesota-you are fans of another team. You are not going to agree with his opinion on your team, or his on my favorite team or his on most things because of your difference on UND. Most of you can't stand his opinion yet, you listen...... You have an opinion and he does, you are not going to agree when looking through green or maroon colored glasses. It's not going to happen. Unless he says you are the best team in hockey and your team is all saints and Minnesota is not, you wont be happy. He is not going to, get over it.

    How people can have such a difference of opinion on something with video is beyond me and a great display of social differences. I think it's in the middle of both homer sides. Neither team was without fault and calls could have gone either way on many things. We all won't agree, ever. As you all know you have open minds and we dont.... :):D I dont agree with everything he says either.

    Your one hundred percent right

  5. It will be interesting to see what affect Hakstol's suspension has on the team in the series against Denver. I think, undoubtedly, it will motivate them to go that extra mile for him. He's demonstrated that he's a coach who will stand behind his players, and now the players will do the same in return. This could turn out to be something that brings this team closer together, and this is the time of the year for that to happen!

    it will have zero effect. Once the game starts, coaches are done coaching and its on the players

  6. Like I said on GPL, UND wouldn't have suspended him if the whole nickname thing was still very much up in the air. That's a huge part of this, IMO.

    Thats the dumbest thing i have ever read. In fact i will put that as one of my favorite quotes and label it the dumbest thing i have EVER read

  7. I know one thing teams do to get shots is to pass across from point to point to get the open lane. I've noticed Chorney and Bina stand relatively close together this year when they are passing to each other, so it doesn't require a big shift from the defense to get in the lane. While I question whether that is being effective, I realize I don't know enough about PP systems to know what else they might be trying to accomplish, but from my seats I wonder if this is one reason why they are not getting a lot of shots from the point, anyway.

    Good thing you mentioned your lack of knowledge on the power play cause it shows in this post. This is for all of you on here...so take note:

    A.) The lack of shooting is not the primary problem, the primary problem is having too many guys stand around and do nothing. Just because you are on the power play doesn't mean stand still. Right now they aren't looking for the perfect shot because they aren't doing anything creative enough to be looking for the perfect shot. Give and Go's, Back Door Plays and opening up lanes is all a product of moving.

    B.) Yes, the two defenseman are supposed to be standing close together on the powerplay. The idea is to create two on one's in their zone when your on the powerplay. The further apart you stand, the easier those passes are to either intercept or for the goalie to adjust to. Right now, i'd say throw the puck down low and work it from the corner or the wall just to switch it up.

    C.) Shooting the puck does not do any good if you don't get it to the net. As of now, Genoway is the only one who has been creative enough out there to get the puck to the net. Robbie Bina is so god awful at getting the puck to the net it hurts. And those short passes, as mentioned above, are what create the lanes the get the puck on net.

    D.) Where not having Mr. Toews hurts the most is on this very power play. Doesn't matter who you throw out there, it's not close to the talent level Toews was at and the PP is designed to let your skill players do their thing.

    Shooting the puck helps, yes, but you better be shooting it with the right intentions behind it.

  8. I don't know many teams that do this with 3-4 games left in the season.

    All kinds of teams do this tryout business being talked about. Which by the way has been the topic of convo on here for way entirely too long. In high school, especially at the end of the year, once the JV season ends usually two or three kids will be asked to practice with the varsity team. Usually this consists of the top JV line or a top JV defenseman. Now, once these kids are up, every damn practice certainly does become a try-out. Most JV first lines equal the varsity's fourth line. Once these guys are practicing with varsity everyday the third line guys, and even some second line guys will feel the pressure because i can gurantee those fourth line guys would just love their spot in the Region and State tournaments. It's a concept of fighting for spots, but in reality it is a late season try-out. So Goon, yes, a lot of teams do this with 3-4 games left in the year.

  9. I don't know the facts here but feel extremely sorry for Hagemo and his family. I hope if he does have a problem this is his 'bottom' and he gets the help he needs.

    Um, I think anytime someone is found with heroin there is usually a little problem.

  10. soohockey15 the next time before you post maybe you should think about what you are saying. both of your posts are pathetically insensitive. I assume the 15 stands for your age. If not I hope you don't have kids, or I hope you get sensitivity training before you do. Sad story and it is too bad that people have to go through things like this, try some compassion

    Its too bad this has happened, but I can't say I have much sympathy for this kid. He and he alone made the choice to use drugs. And its not like he was smoking weed either (not like thats any better, not exactly deadly), he was shooting heroin. I can't imagine the U would've pulled his scholly just cause he got hurt either, so he had that going for him.

  11. a couple of years ago there was a thread as to what the Sunday morning headlines would be after a series. any thoughts?

    How about if the right Sioux team shows up; Gophers KO'D by Sioux as Sioux sweep.

    How about this one - "Study shows predicting headlines rarely works out."

  12. Regardless of the score, I guarantee you that the Sioux will have twice as many penalties as the Gophs over the series. It never fails in Mpls that the Sioux are fighting bullsh*t calls like three straight against them in 3rd periods of close games. Happens every time. The one time that a guy tried to call a fair game (which was even in Grand Forks) he was suspended (Kleven).

    Yep your right. Any official the WCHA sends there gives them direct orders to screw over the sioux...idiot

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