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Bison Dan

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Everything posted by Bison Dan

  1. Isn't that sweet - UND fans can name call and say whatever they want but because UND uses an Indian name for it's NICKNAME nothing can be said? Yea it's everyone's elses fault. As far as the promoting NA's - just take the state and federal money away and UND would claim that there isn't any NA's in ND. Face it UND administrations over the years are at fault, like I said before if you would have had good relations with the tribes none of the chants or t-shirts would have mattered. And don't talk to me about student sections and what they say because it's well documented the trouble that UND's students have gotten the university in. Talk about hiding your head in your ASS.
  2. My question is why is Goetz and company even messing with this. Hell it's a NICKNAME - Let UND handle it, but the dirty little secret is they don't want to want to touch it. UND's powers to be pawned it off to the HBOE so as to be held blameless if they have to change it and then will try to get the state of ND to pay for the change. Does anyone actually think that if Mayville State changed their nickname to the "stars" that the board would even blink and care? The NCAA doesn't care one bit what Goetz and Co. does or doesn't do. You guys are so ready to blame everyone else but the real people that caused this. If UND would have had good relationships with the tribes to start with this would have never come about.
  3. I love it when UND fans think this - this logic is what got your AD's and presidents leaving quite regularly. Your playing catch up in research, enrollment, and transitioning to DI. Fact is you were left behind 7-8 years ago, it's just most refuse to acknowledge it. But keep thinking it!!!
  4. I think MN averaged 325 or 350 - CMU was 250 and Ball State was 150 or 200. The big plus was MN as a bus trip is alot cheaper than flying. I can't remember if we flew to the other games or not. Usually when a school gives you a guaranteed pay out they don't pick up any expenses.
  5. Didn't I just say that???
  6. NDSU had chances to play some teams like TT but decided that being blown out early in their transition wouldn't do anyone any good. The scheduling of Idaho is good for a transitioning team but a team like TT that doesn't care it they score 100 points on you is a different story. They're the kind of team that if they get you down they'll pour it on (no class). Just wished you would have scheduled them on year 4 or 5 of the transition, it would have been more interesting.
  7. Well said?? What a joke - 92,96's analogy is skewed as there is a larger difference in the talent level of TT and UND than the teams he mentioned. As a athletic dept I would think you would like to give your teams every chance to succeed as possible in the transition to DI. I can see playing TT after the transition when your up to speed in scholarships and have more depth. But to throw the 09 team to the wolves after losing 18 seniors and starting a new qb is an act of desperation for attendtion by the AD. Coach Lennon would have never scheduled it. We'll see how it works out for you next year.
  8. Let me know how it works out. Getting the shi$ kicked out of you before you have the players you want and are up to 63 scholarships is one way to approach DI. NDSU had chances to play some of the powers in BCS but decided to play teams they had a chance to win against. Good luck with the game.
  9. Thanks for your concern. I guess the same thing could be said about alot of posters.
  10. Not worried - but I find the lack of conversation on the subject in this forum interesting. Hey graduation happens at least at NDSU it does. No one is worried about our LB situation as we have some great people returning. QB position we're thin and we'll have to see what happens.
  11. You might be surprised! Has anyone addressed the loss of Chappell and Stroup to your team?
  12. MadDog - Crusher - Bruiser - and the very capable Kenny Jay
  13. Your right. I'm done. There wouldn't be any Uzi's and AK-47's in the hands of criminals if it wasn't for the NRA.
  14. Statements like this are what I would expect from uneducated people. There's so much wrong with your statement that I'm not even going to get into it. It must be a bitch going through life in a fog.
  15. So what's his downside?
  16. Yep they took it when they got Nick Mertens (EGF), Matt Anderson (Cavalier), Sczepanski and Gratzek from Stephens, MN.
  17. Actually my last word on the subject. I think everyone knows what it is.
  18. Since it's an arrangement that your administration has made such a big deal about I truly hope that you'll be in it for many many years to come. You guys have short memories maybe you should dig into all the threads about NDSU when we joined the GWFC and started our transition or how if you guys were to go DI the BSC would come running.
  19. Those teams joining the GWC are teams that you could ALWAYS schedule. It's just that you don't really want to if you don't have too. There's nothing to be gained by playing them, they're bottom of the barrel schools. I don't care about und scheduling games but if you think for a second that this arrangement will make scheduling of good teams easier it won't.
  20. You could always schedule the DI independents that are joining the GWC. They are always looking for games. Good luck with it and may you have many years of success against that talented and exciting bunch joining the GWC.
  21. I agree - it's not a zero sum game. Both universities should try to be all they can be.
  22. That maybe true but there's more students looking into those programs than med/law schools. One of the reasons I feel that NDSU will over take UND in students is SU getting out the word on these programs which attract more students overall. Now having the most students doesn't mean anything but "having the most students" but UND has been making hay on it since day one.
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