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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. Maybe UND should stay in the locker room?
  2. The City of Minneapolis is a prime example of what happens when the inmates run the asylum. Two council members and the mayor have all participated in this unlawful and childish protest. So there is no political will to stop this group's unlawful antics. So they continue to break the law with impunity. A majority of the motorists in downtown Minneapolis rush hour traffic (including me) live in the suburbs and have no political say in stopping this madness. What these idiot protestors apparently don't realize is that their antics backfires and turns people off to their cause. Or maybe they do realize it and don't care, because as Ms. Kersten points out, they don't care about the cause as much calling attention to themselves. I haven't seen enough nickname protests in order to draw a parallel. As far as I know, they haven't yet resorted to unlawful behavior. But if their numbers grow, you can bet their inhibitions will diminish and they will start to pull similar stunts.
  3. In discussing the CHA's situation, I have to agree with Don Lucia's take. It would be very nice if some Atlantic Hockey teams volunteered to join the CHA, but my guess is that none of them will.
  4. It's interesting that this is MSU-Mankato's Homecoming game. I don't know, but Mettlers should be open by post-game
  5. I stand partially corrected. But I still think Title IX is the major reason college hockey is not expanding. If a university could simply add mens hockey without making any other cuts/additions, I think many more schools would.
  6. I think most people acknowledge that mens hockey makes money, especially among the top programs. But the problem lies with Title IX. Most schools can not add a mens hockey program without adding a womens program as well. I'm not a forensic accountant like so many nerds on this site, but my understanding is that womens hockey hemorrhages money. The assumption is that the womens team would lose more money than the mens team could make, making a startup college hockey program a net loss.
  7. Do you have inside information on that? Please ellaborate. I agree with you 100%.
  8. While it's true that Joel Maturi (MN's AD) would like to schedule UND in football, it will not happen. There is no way he will expend his own political capital to fight our cause. The Gophers move into TCF Bank Stadium (cap. 50,000) in 2009, so the DOME is irrelevent. The Gophers will sell out TCF with any of the three Dakota schools, so they don't need UND for their regional I-AA opponent. Sioux-Gophers football will simply never happen.
  9. Actually, we have three chips. "Fighting", "Sioux", and the logo. I agree that nobody would stand for dropping "Sioux" or the logo, but I can maybe see a save-face settlement where UND drops "Fighting" from its "Fighting Sioux" nickname and retains Sioux and the logo.
  10. Setting aside practical considerations, ideally it would best to kick teams OUT of leagues to keep six conference alive. Nobody benefits from having two bloated conferences in the west. I'd love to see the WCHA go back to 8 teams so everyone can play everyone both home and away. The problem, obviously, is that nobody is going to voluntarily leave the WCHA and CCHA for the CHA. And the WCHA and CCHA are not going to kick anyone out. That's just reality. I'd absolutely hate to see a 12-team WCHA and further diluting of rivalry games, but it appears there is no other choice anymore.
  11. I don't think it's particularly telling. The attorney general's office is, after all, a political office. Stenehjem has always been an open records advocate so opposing the motion is a political decision and may not have anything to do with the case itself.
  12. Minnesota's new TCF Bank Stadium (opening in 2009) will only hold about 50,000. With that capacity, Minnesota would likely sell out out against any of the four Dakota schools. More importantly, it's my opinion that despite what Maturi wants, Minnesota will never play UND as long as we are called the Fighting Sioux -- no matter what happens with the lawsuit. Maturi will decide it's simply not important enough for him to expend political capital butting heads with the PC wack-jobs on campus. I think our closest DI-A option will be Iowa State as long as we retain our nickname.
  13. Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa won't even play UND at their place due to our nickname. Iowa State is a logical opponent, but there is no way in heck they would ever come to GF.
  14. I'd like UND to play Morehead State. I hear Phil Simms went there. Crookston, on the other hand, should never be on a UND football schedule ever again. That was a disgrace.
  15. You're right. Bison fans never bring it up. By the way...who started this thread?
  16. Quite frankly, both sides of this argument -- the "insiders" that started the whisper campaign and those that defend Buning and rail against the "good old boys" -- are both equally annoying in my view. To me, the only thing that matters is whether the comments Buning made about the athletic department not having the resources for the DI transition are true. That's it. The rest is a soap-opera and is immaterial to me. All I care about is whether UND -- as an institution -- is prepared to successfully make this transition.
  17. To be sure, NDSU is getting Minnesota and Central Michigan at very opportune times. I've heard Central Michigan is down this year and obviously Minnesota is downright terrible. But nevertheless NDSU will have two wins against DIA opponents, one of which is a BCS conference team (yes, NDSU will beat Minnesota). Obviously most on this board will disagree with me, but this Sioux fan thinks that's impressive and I can't wait for UND to get the opportunity to do similar things. * This post is in no way an endorsement of Gabe's idiotic postings. Especially the part where he stretches logic to claim the Southern Illinois-Southern Utah game actually de-merits UND's performance, when it actually validates it.
  18. mksioux

    Sioux at WWU

    WWU was calling timeouts to stop the clock so they must have thought it was still a game.
  19. mksioux

    Sioux at WWU

    Because Western Washington's athletic department is rolling in money?
  20. [url="http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=51094
  21. It all depends on your definition of "best fans". If it's having fun, cheering, and arena atmosphere - nobody can touch Wisconsin. If it's passion for your team and knowledge of the game - UND and Minnesota would have to be 1a and 1b. If it's blindly suporting your team through thick and thin, Duluth is tops.
  22. Maybe. But I think it's more likely that the attorneys are giving the Judge a reason to think that they are making progress and settlement is possible. That doesn't mean it will happen, but it's certainly possible. It would be interesting to know whether this case has mediated yet and who the mediator was or will be. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure N.D. is a state that requires ADR.
  23. I have no idea what was going on at the athletic department. I assume this "leave of absence" was justified. However, I'd like to thank Mr. Bunning for whatever his role was with "nudging" UND into DI. I do not think that would have happened if Roger Thomas were still the AD. If that's all Bunning accomplished during his tenure at UND, I'd say he did a good job. Having said that, this is a terrible time to have a lame duck President and no Athletic Director. I trust Phil Harmeson will make sure that UND is not asleep at the wheel during this transition.
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