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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. mksioux


    I'm not aware of a formal policy adopted by Dartmouth, but I agree, I'd be shocked if that school ever schedules UND again in any sport.
  2. Sorry. I do not think things are quite bas bad as Walrus. UND has a great product and is finally moving in the right direction. I think we would have been much better off if we had made the move earlier, and I'm obviously still bitter about all of the resistance to the move. But at least we made it. Things would have been much worse if we had not made the move and got stuck behind the moratorium. We need to look to the future and get excited about DI, regardless of whether the rivalry resumes, or what form it resumes in. I suppose it doesn't help when I keep bringing up the past.
  3. mksioux

    UNO at UND

    It should be. I've watched televised Sioux football games there in the past. But you should call today and make sure they are aware of it and will be putting it on a screen. And then get there early so you can sit near the designated screen. Bloomington: (952) 835-1191 Eagan: (651) 687-9333 Plymouth: (763) 559-1990 Roseville: (651) 631-1781
  4. Unfortunately, I think that might be true. Given the bad blood and NDSU's sense of vindication and taste of success, I think NDSU will do whatever it has to do to stay ahead of UND. I disagree. Making the move with NDSU would have made a huge difference. If UND had moved at the same time, USD would have moved as well and all four Dakota schools would have ended up in the Great West. NDSU would probably be content in the Great West, at least for the foreseeable future. Not to mention that there wouldn't be this rediculous amount of bad blood between the schools. Imagine a 7-school conference, probably the best in DI-FCS, well on its way to an auto-bid that included UND, NDSU, USD, SDSU, UC-Davis, Cal-Poly, and S. Utah. Maybe it would even be more than 7 teams by now because 7 would make it viable and appealing conference, unlike where it is now (on life support). I agree Fargo is a big part of the hockey fanbase, but many of those Fargo fans are UND fans and may support UND football if it was considered more big-time. Put another way, do you think the Ralph would sell out 12,000 a game if UND hockey was not considered big-time and never played Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan State, etc.? No way in he!l. Hockey creates a buzz because it is a high level of hockey and plays big-time schools. Sad indeed. Maybe more people should have thought about this back in 2002.
  5. mksioux


    Obviously there are still teams to play. But we must acknowledge that these are not just three random schools half way across the country. These are the three closest Big Ten teams, three of the four closest BCS conference teams, and two existing rivalry schools. This is a significant blow to DI scheduling, but it is true that it is only three schools.......for now.
  6. mksioux


    Since you asked: This was my favorite part: Umm, then why have this policy again?
  7. Obviously it is not the only link, but it is important enough to have the AD report directly to the President IMO.
  8. I completely disagree with you. Athletics is the life-link between alumni and the University. How many of us would honestly care as much about UND but for athletics? Athletics can be a major tool for growth and prosperity. I would argue it's more important to the long-term success of an institution than any one academic department.
  9. I think it does. You mean it in a positive way. I mean it in a negative way.
  10. I never suggested for a minute Martinsen was the source of the leaks (that's why there was a comma after I mentioned his name). I truly have no idea who was leaking that stuff, but I will disagree with you that it is unimportant. Whoever leaked the information was very unprofessional in my opinion. With regard to Martinsen, I think people may be perplexed because of a lack of a clearly defined role for him and where he fit into the organizational hierarchy. Maybe they should have given him an official position, paid him a nominal amount, and had him fit into a clear line of authority. Heck, I'm not even saying that's my opinion because I don't know enough of the situation...just trying to articulate what others seem to be complaining about.
  11. Maybe that speaks to his lack of interest in athletics?
  12. Sioux-cia can certainly fight her own battles, but I'm pretty sure she was largely referring to what happened before Step 1. I.e. Martinson's involvement, information leaks to ss.com posters who started the whisper campaign, etc. In my opinion, whoever was right or wrong, this is the type of stuff that happens when the President doesn't care about athletics. Leadership starts at the top. Kupchella should have never delegated oversight of the athletic department to someone else.
  13. mksioux


    Not suprising in the least. But still sad IMO.
  14. Or being a fan of both Sioux and Gopher hockey.
  15. It's not realistic to expect a 110-year rivalry to completely vanish in 4 years.
  16. mksioux

    UNO at UND

    I'll be making the trek for both! Living 5 hours away, I tend to plan my fall Grand Forks trips around football-hockey double-dippers. I hope there are many others who do the same and there is a good turnout for the football game.
  17. I'll stick up for the newbie. We're certainly in no position to compare athletic departments right now. UND doesn't even have an athletic director and may not have one for close to a year (assuming they wait to hire an AD until after the new President takes office). NDSU's appears to be a well-oiled machine at this point. UND's appears to be a trainwreck. Those are the facts as they currently stand. Back on topic - given UND's defense this year, it would be hard to predict UND would beat FCS's top team. NDSU would definitely be favored and would probably win, but obviously anything can happen in a Sioux-Bison game. I think everyone except DaveK would agree that it sucks that we can only talk about an imaginary game.
  18. mksioux

    UNO at UND

    You can get $10 Tuesday tickets at any Valley Dairy store for sure. I've heard you can also them at the Ralph, but I haven't seen that advertised anywhere.
  19. I believe SiouxXtra has replaced the old system (Dataflix). I believe there have been a number of problems with quality this year (every year for that matter). There's a pretty good chance you'll be disappointed with the quality.
  20. Just got done spending a lot of time and frustration trying to figure out why I couldn't the signal, only to discover that the cable guy had cut the cable from the dish to the receiver when he was here on a service call this summer. What a complete D-BAG!
  21. Probably a dumb question, but which direction should I move the dish 1/16"?
  22. mksioux

    UNO at UND

    Even though I know it's true, it just seems odd that opening of a hunting season can noticeably hurt attendance. I've never heard other teams complain about this, but UND struggles with it every year. And if it's such a problem, UND should seriously consider night games on these days. It's a shame that a battle of top-5 undefeated teams will be anything less than a sell-out.
  23. One more snap. FINAL. Wow. UND dodged a major bullet.
  24. 1:35 left. Two timeouts left for Mankato. This game is far from over.
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