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Everything posted by mksioux

  1. I'll decline to state the obvious joke about giving something and then taking it back. But seriously, this is the kind of stuff that makes me question my support for the nickname. I'm 100% against political correctness and the NCAA, and I used to admire the Sioux tribes and their heritage. But I seriously question whether the tribes in North Dakota are worth honoring anymore. It's a shame that UND has to beg these victim-mentality tribal leaders for their support for something obviously not meant to offend. It's ashame that the nickname issue empowers people that are not deserving of power. (I'm not targeting this veterans group specifically because they should be honored for their service alone, but I'm speaking more generally about tribal leaders.) That said, I'll continue my support to the end. But I'm comfortable admitting that my support is more about refusing to bow to political correctness than a true feeling of honor for Sioux tribes. Why do we insist on basing our support of the nickname on honoring people that either a) do not want to be honored, or b) are not deserving of honor? If there is a silent majority that do not fall under (a) or (b), it's about time we start hearing from them.
  2. The logo is nice, but a little on the femine side. The shade of green is too dark. It seems darker than it was before. Forest green is not the color of Sioux sports.
  3. One of my pet peeves with UND is that it is not consistent with the shade of green on its merchandise. It typically varies anywhere from forest green to neon green. Heck, on Sioux jerseys alone, I've seen three or four different shades of green. I constantly see Sioux gear in forest green. The school color is kelly green, so why would the school market or permit merchandise with any other shade of green? When you go into a Wisconsin Badger pro shop, you don't see half of the merchandise in brick red. It's all the same shade of red. On topic, I wish you all the best with your green-out, but my two cents (too late) is that green is the wrong color for the aforementioned reason -- white or black would be better. And the Minnesota series is the wrong series (way too much maroon and gold in the crowd).
  4. That's nonsense. If the Board's position is that it will drop the Sioux nickname if the NCAA simply retracts its characterization of UND being "hostile and abusive", a settlement would have been reached a long time ago.
  5. The news is there is no news on the settlement front as the court order suspending discovery is about to expire.
  6. I won't claim to know whether the gap between FBS and FCS is wider than FCS and DII. However, I will say that I can't wait for UND to get to a point where it is playing -- and competing against -- the likes of Minnesota and Central Michigan (not to mention being a top-5 FCS team). I think UND can get there, but it might take a little longer...thanks to some short-sighted leadership a few years ago.
  7. The WCHA will not add more league games until the NCAA allows more overall games. And, I agree, that is unlikely to ever happen. If we could add more games, I'd be okay with expansion. But until then, I'm against expansion.
  8. Adding teams to the league would not increase the number of league games. All it would do is decrease the number of games against traditional rivals.
  9. I've stated this before, but since the topic has come up again, I'll state it again. I believe the reason the Executive Committee didn't get membership approval has less to do with whether they would have been able to get it, and more to do with the role they see the Executive Committee playing in the future. More to the point, the Executive Committee wants more power. Not just for this issue, but for future issues. I believe that many within the organization, including the current President, want the NCAA to be a catalyst for social change. If the NCAA needs the entire membership's approval on every policy it wants to enact in furtherance of this goal, it can not become what it wants to be. The Executive Committee started its power grab against an easy target - the Confederate flag. Next it moved on to Indian nicknames. And by and large, the committee has been pretty successful. Next, they'll probably move on to something more controversial...maybe race/gender coaching requirements .
  10. I took this sentence to mean that the Judge halted the discovery process so the parties could work on settling the underlying case, not simply a discovery dispute:
  11. Because there is another Sioux tribe in North Dakota that opposes it. While the NCAA is obviously making it up as they go along, I do not believe there is another exemption school that has an in-state namesake tribe that opposes the use of the school's nickname. Although that wasn't the criteria when the NCAA started this whole thing, or even when they started the exemption process, it is the distinction they appear to be relying on now.
  12. He couldn't leave UND after it went 5-6 in 2002, but he has no problem leaving the program as it's on the verge of the most important transition in the program's history? A transition that he himself lobbied for? I'm not saying the man shouldn't leave if that's what he wants to do, but this explanation seems odd.
  13. IIRC, the Bison went to that new "modern" pant stripe and changed from yellow to green pants for away games. Personally, I can't stand the new Vikings-esque pant stripe and I would throw up if UND went in that direction. I prefer the traditional look for college teams.
  14. I'll be there for the Thursday game, but I may not get there until close to game time. I'll either be wearing a brown sports coat or a green Sioux jersey, depending on whether I have time to change. If you see me, come say hi.
  15. I'll be in downtown Chicago on Thursday evening. Let me know if there is a place where Sioux fans are getting together.
  16. And they're also not standing up for UND. Too busy supporting NAMBLA I guess. But I agree in the sense that we don't want to make the Sioux name a political issue because we need as much help as we can get from all reasonable people. No sense in alienating one side or the other.
  17. Yes, if the feed is not scrambled and if they can find the coordinates.
  18. This whole process is frustrating. But at the same time, in a weird way, this is part of what makes being a Sioux fan special. Things like this are not just handed to us on a silver platter like it is for some other fans. We have to work at being a fan, which makes it more rewarding when there is a payoff. Assuming Midco airs it and it is not FTA, I intend to drive five hours to Grand Forks just to watch the game on live TV. Having said all that, I'd still obviously prefer it be easily available and have the widest exposure possible.
  19. That's correct. In fact, I suspect ESPN would require that it not be made available FTA. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I might have to make the trip up to Grand Forks to watch the game.
  20. WDAZ would not be producing it. ESPN syndicate is producing it. Midcontinent would be purchasing the rights to air it. FSSN would be the channel they apparently would air it on.
  21. Good point. I bet if DAZ picks it up, espn would not allow them to beam it up to the FTA satellite. One thing to keep in mind, though, is that FSSN and ESPNU have a working relationship. ESPNU has picked up FSSN feeds for regular season games. I'm not sure if that would make a difference though.
  22. Technically, yes, DAZ or FSSN could purchase the right to show the game. But the question is how much espn is charging for it. I'm not sure it would be economically feasible for a small station. But it never hurts to start inundating DAZ with phone calls.
  23. POI won this year. I think the score was 7-2. Unfortunately, ss.com did not have a great turnout and we were a little bit undermanned. Thanks to the following that showed up: Phats mksioux BigGreyAnt41 Fire Chartreuse Musky Killer Stuckinfargo 747Guy roper1313 kateskate Todd (said he was Murray18, but I don
  24. Anyone who reads this before heading to the game, please bring a ten dollar bill and a couple ones. I'm not going to be able to change twenties, except with the cash collected on site.
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