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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. At least they're not nearly as bad as the new hockey jerseys. I sure hope those are more functional than the old ones, because they definately don't look as nice.
  2. 90% on the Visionsat.......... No DirecTV tonight apparently
  3. I'll echo everything that UND92,96 said. This defense can definately be run against, which is concerning especially for the upcoming week since Stony Brook will bring in an extremely talented and effective running attack. I give alot of credit to the coaching staff and players for the adjustments they made during the half. The 2nd half was nearly a perfect half of football in all phases of the game. Ty Boyle appeared to be favoring his right knee on the sidelines after his injury. I liked the dressing up of Alerus to make it more UND-ish. The new uniforms and helmets look good. Ismael Bamba could develop into a very special receiver. He has put together a string of 3 consecutive very good games. Took a real stupid penalty though. 4 games played, just one sack. Not good. Shepard was held in check. Good. Our marching band needs a baton twirler. Great turnout. Sold out. Potato Bowl next week, coming off a big win, could we sell out 2 weeks in a row?
  4. I've thought of that as I have a couple of friends with old 10 ft. BUD's in thier back yard. I think a 6 footer would be aesthically pleasing to my wife though. I also have worried about if by receiver would run the actuators on the old BUD's. Actually the KU dish I use came out of a neighbor's dump. It is an old 1.2 meter Primestar dish. Works great though.
  5. No Sunday Ticket on Dish, which is the main reason I have stayed with DirecTV since I first got it in 1995. I am considering getting a 6 ft. dish for my FTA system so that I can pick up C-band. There is so much more sports out there if a guy had C-band, like tons of NFL and NHL games.
  6. No, I am motorized. Don't get me wrong, I love having my FTA system, it has allowed me to watch alot of Sioux sports and alot of other sports that I've been interested in. I just think it is a bit of hassle, compared to being able to just change the channel. And I have yet to find a really reliable reciever. Seems like no matter how much you spend, they all have glitches, poor instructions, and no support. The picture quality is much better than DirecTV or cable though. Ironically, I'm heading up to the football game in a little while and planned to DVR the game on DirecTV, but now my reciever is not working this morning! So now I set the PVR on my Visionsat, so I should be good to go.
  7. Skinamax, the NFL, AND the Sioux? Sounds like an easy decision to me.
  8. The latter. Unfortunately I feel that there are two factions of fans at SiouxSports.com: those that follow North Dakota, and those that follow North Dakota hockey. I wouldn't expect topics about the Gophers to leave the hockey forum, but for example, a General Sports Forum might be a more appropriate place for discussion about the future of the Alabama-Huntsville hockey program. It is afterall, a topic of interest to virtually all UND fans regardless of which sport is your favorite UND sport. For instance, if someone like AZSIOUX (99% of his posts are in the hockey forum) sees in a "General Sports Forum" or "News About Other Schools Forum", that, hypothetically, there was a football game between Top 25 rated New Hampshire and Top 25 rated Holy Cross, he may take interest and fans that generally stay in the hockey forum may take interest in such a game, which would be played between two schools that compete at the same level as UND in not only hockey, but football as well. The #1 biggest attraction to North Dakota moving to DI for me was to narrow the gap between UND Hockey and UND "everything else". Maine, New Hampshire, Northeastern, Colgate, Harvard, Princeton, Holy Cross, Cornell, Yale, etc.............all schools that play hockey, football, and basketball at the same level. Aside from that, it would be fun to have designated place to discuss major college sports like the BCS (Florida v. Texas v. Oklahoma.......even Gopher football), March Madness of Duke, North Carolina, Kansas, etc..........even on a smaller scale there was a quite a bit of discussion last season on UM-Duluth's run to thte DII national championship last season that really didn't fit anywhere except the football forum, but to me UMD football isn't really a good fit in a UND football forum.
  9. Honestly, and I've been a faithful FTA viewer for 6 seasons now, I'm a DirecTV subscriber and I can tell you that if the game is on DTV, I won't be firing up the FTA. I love my FTA set up, but it can be a pain in the ass. Right now, it looks as if it might be a bit of a crap-shoot to figure out which channel DirectTV is going to air UND games on each week, and we don't know for sure yet really if every singleFSSN broadcast is going to be on DirecTV. Here are my thoughts (if I didn't live on a farm in the boonies of North Dakota where cable is not an option): If you are asking if you should have DirecTV or DishNetwork, the answer is DirecTV.....period. They may cost a bit more, but the reason is because their programming is so much better overall, and especially if you are a sports fan. If you are a hardcore fan and want to make sure that you can watch EVERY SINGLE FSSN telecast, and with some extra effort maybe pick up an away game or two each season, invest in the FTA set-up. If you live in an area where the local cable company offers either MidCo Ch. 23, or beyond the midwest where the cable company offers the 3 FCS channels, that would be the easiest and safest route to go. If I lived 7 miles east, I could get cable from MidCo and that is I would personally do. To sum up, FTA is a small investment dollar-wise, but it is not for the faint of heart. It is not so much a luxury as it is a hobby. You have to really really want to watch the sports that it will provide to take full advantage of it. In addition to the visionplus.us forum that Sprig has recommended, I would highly suggest checking out satelliteguys.us, there is alot more traffic there, and alot of info on the Fighting Sioux Sports Network, just so you can see what you would be getting yourself into. Like I say, FTA is a great option to have, I have loved it for 6 years now, but I would gladly pay $8-15/month to DirecTV/Cable to get the same thing.
  10. Maybe women's hockey if it ever takes off like it has the potential to. Possibly even volleyball too. I like the way the board is set up now, not too cluttered. I really don't see a need for softball, baseball, swimming, etc. to have their own forums. One forum that I would really like to see added is a "General College Sports" or "News About Other Schools" forum or something along those lines. Just a place to talk about what is going on in the top 25 of any sport at any level of college athletics, or regional schools that doesn't really have anything to do with North Dakota.
  11. Cal Poly football loses a home game for 2010 Dropping Poly (for the second straight year) to play at Georgia.
  12. Not much love for North Dakota in Fox College Sports' game preview.... Nice to see the the coverage though on the front page of a national college sports media website.
  13. It seats 12,287 not including the suites. GA tickets are $18. It is an indoor stadium, with a somewhat low ceiling (relative to other similar sized indoor stadiums) that causes the stadium to get extremely loud when it is filled up.
  14. Just read through USD beat writer Mick Garry's live chat from today, and it appears the South Dakota's very talented wide receiver Dan Skelly will be out for this weekend's game. That could be significant, as Skelly is their top receiver, and 2nd in the GWC in receiving yds/game.
  15. I know that South Dakota is a good football team, they have been gotten better and better since Meierkort took over, and we have had some real battles the last several years with them. But I'm not sure if they are really all that great. They don't strike alot fear in me. It is pretty hard to know anything about them based on who they have played. They got throttled on the road by UNI, the one good team they have faced. They've soundly defeated NAIA William Penn, non-scholarship Drake, and Southeastern Louisiana who's only wins have come against a DII and an NAIA school. I like the Sioux by 17. 37 North Dakota 20 South Dakota
  16. Hmmmmm........... 1st home game for North Dakota since fall camp started nearly 2 months ago. Homecoming. Got embarassed last week. Racked up ~7,500 miles on a plane for the first three games. Me thinks this one could end ugly for the 'Yotes.
  17. Aside from our atrocious pass defense through the first three games, the inability of the offensive line to generate any type of adequate rushing offense is a glaring concern through three concecutive games.
  18. This is the fourth year of the "co-defensive coordinator" situation. Since it's inception, the secondary has been, for lack of a better term, horrible, and has not improved at all really over the course of those four years. This, despite the fact that North Dakota has some of the best athletes of recent memory playing in the defensive backfield. Kelling is in charge of the secondary. I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin'. On the bright side, we are 1-2 heading into the home opener, just as I predicted. And at least we're not 1-3.
  19. Watched the whole game on TV, here's my thoughts: Run Offense: C Gained 125 yards on the night, but just for a 3.9 yd average. On running plays, the O-Line didn't get alot of push, none really. Sutton appears to be a very good football player, but ain't real speedy, and is indesicive on when to make a cut or follow blockers. He looks like a good receiver out of the back field. Solum and Davis didn't do much. None of the running backs are as gifted as Josh Murray. Pass Offense: B The O-Line did a nice job in pass protection. IIRC, only gave up two sacks. Ian McGurran played center all night and it looks to me like shotgun snaps have the potential to be an issue. Landry was constantly reaching above his head to reel in snaps, and the one that Sutton scored on out of the "wildcat" nearly went over his head. Landry has a real good arm as advertised. He did have two BAD throws tonight that were costly. The tipped INT to Dombrovski was a very poorly thrown ball, and he overthrew Bamba on a pass over the middle of the field in the 3rd quarter that would have been a sure TD. But overall, he has been great in the first two games.......I have no worries at all about our QB. Bamba played well tonight. Chris Anderson dropped a first down catch. Looks like our RB's are good recievers. Overall Offense: C+ Need more out of the running game to win a GWC title this year. The passing game appears to be very efficient. Getting outgained by 165 yards isn't going to cut it week in and week out. Run Defense: B Opportunistic. They contained NSU's backs, and turned them back on on a goal-line stand. Pass Defense: C- Gave up alot of yards on some big plays. Watkins' coverage on the reciever on NSU's 2nd quarter TD was atrocious. Overall Defense: B Again, oppourtunistic. They held up in very key moments, but gave up some big plays along the way. Forced a safety. Special Teams: A A 50 yd field goal for Hellevang. A punt downed inside the 3 yd line. A fumble recovery by Ankenbauer. A blocked punt for a safety. A blocked PAT. (would have been an A+ if not for our own blocked PAT) My biggest head-scratchers in this game came from the two head coach's on a couple of decisions for each school. I don't understand why Mussman declined the penalty on Hellevang's FG, which would have resulted in a first down. It worked out fine, but why not take the first down? And for the life of me, I can't understand why NSU's coach Peveto would decide to go for it on 4th & 1 from thrier own 17 yd line while trailing by just 3 in the 2nd quarter. He must be a real re-knob.
  20. Thanks, Jamie has never afforded me the courtesy of answering any of the many questions I have ever asked. I believe gametime is 6:00 Central.
  21. Not sure why Northwestern St. was removed from the 2010 schedule posted at fightingsioux.com a few weeks ago, but I've been told by both Brian Faison and Mike Schepp that the Demons are still contracted to make a return trip to GF on Sept. 25 next season.
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