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Everything posted by bincitysioux

  1. I'm sure to SUU and their fans, beating UNLV is not unlike NDSU beating Minnesota. The big bad FBS team down the road ya know............. Good for them. It is nice to see SUU having success the last few years. They strengthen the Great West and will strengthen the Big Sky. Now let's go kick their ass on Saturday.................
  2. Personally to me, if St. Cloud ends up in the Summit, that would make it worth allowing their hockey program to join the NCHC...............
  3. On the home theatre subject, I used to hook the laptop to my TV, but what a pain in the butt I thought.....................so about a month ago, I got an Acer Revo. It is quite awesome. It's a PC with wifi, HDMI output, Blu-Ray player all in one. About 6 in. by 12 in. and 1 in. thick, it fits nicely in the entertainment center, and has about a 4 in. by 5 in. wireless keyboard/mouse that is basically your remote control. It was about $400 bucks, but totally worth it. I can just plop my butt in front of the TV and watch video on Fightingsioux.com, ESPN3, or whatever with no more hassle than it is to pop in a DVD. I really like it.
  4. But using last weeks Kolpack-Logic, UND should have vaulted upwards in the polls significantly, since both schools with "North Dakota" in their name won...........right?
  5. I think it is awesome that North Dakota is ranked for two consecutive weeks now. For a team in transition, cracking the polls and hopefully working your way up is perhaps the best tangible goal (along with a GWC title) that they can hope for. Now, my big question is: If the only possible way that North Dakota could make last week's poll is due to the utter confusion of the voters mixing up North Dakota and NDSU and thinking that NDSU lost to an FBS team hence dropping NDSU in the poll and allowing North Dakota to sneak in by voting for the wrong team, shouldn't North Dakota have moved way up in this week's poll rather than dropping for the same reason? NDSU beat an FBS team. Shouldn't all or some of those confused voters mistakenly voted for North Dakota, thinking that they were the team to defeat Minnesota on Saturday? What say you, Jeff Kolpack?
  6. I think the Sioux can win this game. But SUU is a terrible match-up for North Dakota. If a guy starting his first collegiate game can throw for 200 yards on us, then I fully expect Sorenson to approach 400 yards passing on Saturday. Basically we need to play exactly the way we did against Black Hills. Need to have alot of success running the ball to keep SUU's offense of the field. Need to have one or two big special teams plays, and either a defensive score or multiple take-aways. Basically we need a perfect game. On the plus side, we have put together two very good games in a row. If we can't establish the running game early, it'll be a long day. Also need to get alot pressure on Sorenson. I don't think our db's can cover their receivers, so we need to make the qb uncomfortable.
  7. Nice to see North Dakota destroy a team that they should, and the way that they should. Defense did give up a couple big plays, and didn't like the Bumble Bee's last touchdown. Running game was awesome. Passing game was adequate...........I think that's probably the most we can hope to expect the rest of the season. Offensive line was great. I believe we scored in every facet of the game: offense, defense, special teams. Two more blocked kicks.
  8. Congrats to NDSU...................gotta give credit where credit is due.
  9. Compare that to 91% at South Dakota St...............that is a huge difference.
  10. I echo all that! Too bad they couldn't have had the HOF induction on a BYE week for Dale Lennon's team. Would have been great to see him back in town to be a part of this.......................
  11. What he said.................. This is an extremely important game. UND cannot play on Saturday like they did in 2009 against Sioux Falls and Southern Oregon. They need to whip this team with authority. They need to use this game as an opportunity for every player on the roster to get better for the next game. Good teams improve each week, regardless of the opponent. I'm not sure we improved from week 1 to week 2, but we did from week 2 to week 3. Need to expand upon that. I'll be disappointed if North Dakota doesn't win by at least 30.............................. The team I saw last Saturday was deserving of a Top 25 ranking. I hope that the one I see this weekend is too...............
  12. As I said before, it is most likely that the members of the National are aware of Notre Dame's intentions, and that is why we have this new development. Notre Dame likely slammed the door on the National, not the other way around. I hate the fact that it appears St Cloud is joining up, but you just made a pretty decent argument in their favor, when you consider that Notre Dame has apparently turned them down.................It is a contingency plan. Most on this site were claiming that the WCHA without Minnesota and Wisconsin would still be far superior to the Big 10 Hockey Conference. I fail to see how trading Alaska Anchorage, Mankato, Bemidji, Michigan Tech and Bruce McLeod for Miami and Western Michigan is a joke.................. Minnesota by far and away had the best TV deal in college hockey. Wisconsin and Michigan also had decent coverage from Fox. I'll reiterate that I hate the fact that St. Cloud is joining the National, but I do see the point IF Notre Dame has said no thanks as they likely have. Fox Sports North in 2013 will lose what, 35 Gopher broadcasts and 10-15 Badger games? Couple that with the Big 10 Network taking away the basketball and football broadcasts from Fox North the last few years, and they have a serious need for programming once the Twins baseball season is over. I would not be surprised to see Fox Sports North, Fox Sports Rocky Mountain, and Fox College Sports carry NCHC games every single Friday and Saturday during the season. Hell, the Fox Sports networks in Ohio and Detroit may jump on board as well with Miami and WMU in the fold. Again, I much rather would have seen Notre Dame join instead of St Cloud or either of the two that will be for that matter. But sometimes you gotta make lemonade out of lemons. I hate St. Cloud, but they are in Minnesota, and the state of Minnesota is pretty critical to college hockey.
  13. LakesBison University.............................. I like it.
  14. Like dmksioux said, my bet is that the NCHC are already aware of Notre Dame's intentions, and they probably do not include joining the NCHC. I don't like the addition of St.Cloud at all either. I would much prefer Bowling Green or Air Force. However, St. Cloud probably makes the most sense of anybody (other than Notre Dame) from a television standpoint. Fox Sports North is going to be losing alot of programming when Big 10 Hockey starts up, and having Duluth, St Cloud, CC, and Denver, the NCHC will have significant presence in 2 of the 4 major college hockey markets in the U.S. (if you consider Minneapolis, Denver, Detroit, and New England the 4 biggest markets for college hockey................)
  15. NDSU is playing Minnesota this weekend? Well, now that I know I hope they play to a 0-0 tie. I can't imagine I'd ever "root" for either school in any sport.
  16. I'll say this...................... It sure was funny listening to Kolpack on WDAY radio tonight trying to explain why North Dakota cracked the poll today............................radio "gold" if you ask me. He was truly offended................................
  17. Don't kid yourself....................your Irish aren't all that relevant on skates either.................................
  18. Typical Bison fan.............................. On vacation, out of the country, and bringing up North Dakota hockey..................................... The "which school is more well known?" arguement is pointless on these forums. NDSU fans and alums walking around Florida or Arizona with Bison gear on are bound to at some point run into someone that recognizes the NDSU logo. Then they will quickly run to their hotel room and log on to both Bisonville and SiouxSports to recreate the drama that was their interaction with some total strangers that apparently have heard of their favorite school, and proclaim that they are "NATIONWIDE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Same scenario will play out for many Sioux fans......................................
  19. Brian Faison was on the Coach's Show tonight discussing scheduling. He said that North Dakota will be playing Bowling Green in an upcoming season for $350,000. He did not say which year. He said they are also "close" to coming to an agreement with Colorado St. Also said they are "almost there" regarding getting a series going with NDSU, but it will not be every year.................
  20. I'm normally pretty hesitant to express my displeasure with the performance of North Dakota's head coaches. But on the Coach's Show tonight I heard coach Mussman say for about the 9th time since he became coach that although the defense was tired (in the Idaho game), that at some point "they have to make a play to get off the field". I think at some point, he needs to acknowledge that there is a problem with the offense. He is an offensive coach, but it seems like he holds the defense to a higher standard. The D was stellar in the 1st game and throughout 1st half of the Idaho game. The offense was mediocre against Drake and pitiful against Idaho......................
  21. FWIW, and in a lame attempt to get this thread back on topic (before I close it), North Dakota A.D. said on the Fighting Sioux Coach's Show tonight that we "are basically there" when asked about scheduling NDSU. He said it will not be an annual series, but something is close to getting done...........................
  22. IMO, Drake is better than St. Francis, but Lafayette is better than Drake.......................
  23. I don't understand why so many are infatuated with Kalen Deboer.........................he was a successful NAIA coach...................that bailed when his program decided to move up and the recruiting parameters would be changed immensely. Southern Illinois had their worst season in years last season after he came aboard...............not at all saying it was because of him, but I fail to see what would make him an attractive head coaching candidate for any FCS program..................
  24. Sorry, but the Sioux were basically equally as ineffective in the 1st half as they were in the 2nd, save for those 2 big plays................out of 70. Other than that there was basically no difference between the Sioux performance in the first half compared to the second half. Except that the defense continued to get more and more tired as the game went on. Mussman seems to be taking a lot of heat, and perhaps rightfully so, but why is the OC Greg Breitbach getting a pass? He was the genious behind the pistol last year, and calls all the plays. Honestly though, I didn't have any problem with play calling today, just execution.........................
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