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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. who cares what vanek did. HE WAS A GOPHER. this is a SIOUX SPORTS FAN FORUM. Screw vanek.
  2. I read in the paper that the World Series of Poker had more viewers than the Stanly Cup Playoffs how bad is that, what is this world coming to. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  3. correct me if i'm wrong, but, most concrete underneath the ice that i have seen already has a blue tint to it. i might be wrong and it could just be the facilities i have seen this in (never NCAA or NHL venue) but maybe the blue tint at the olympics could be from thin ice?? I could be extremely wrong about this.
  4. sorry, i would change it to playoff appearances in 05 UND 1>UMD 0 but i'm not much for pouring salt in the wounds.
  5. my bad, it's just been posted on here so many times that it's almost lik..........bertibm's avatar...mmmmmm
  6. how many threads do we need on this??
  7. oh, my bad, i thought that the play in thing would give it away. but yeah, UND
  8. i voted for the hometown team. I think that if they are able to keep this kind of production going for them, their D and goaltending will take care of itself. It's gonna be a tall task, but next year they won't be able to say that the play-in winner has never won the final five.
  9. so did you get the scoop before the herald did and when will you shamelessly plug it?? media whore.
  10. exactly what i was wondering, just didn't know how to word it to be funny.
  11. i'm almost surprised that if the gophers happen to lose the friday night game, that they don't move the championship up to 2pm and let the gophers play the third place game at 7 on saturday night too
  12. Not to continue throwing gas on the fire that is flaming peluso, but did anyone see him come around the net in the third period on saturday night and go down and try and take out mGreene's knees after he gave a breakout pass?? greene just sat there on a knee for a second shaking his head staring at peluso's back as he skated away. gooning it up is one thing, trying to get the opposition to drop the gloves, but to go out and intentionally try and hurt someone. what a pussy.
  13. how long was that??? i watched it for like 3 minutes and i'm sorry to say, that's three minutes i will never get back. i am now dumber having seen that.
  14. rosehill had every right to be pissed, i know i woulda been, we were right there and you could see plain as day that murray stuck him in the nuts HARD. I also liked that Prpich wasn't havin any of it and went right back after Rosie palmer. They showed prpich in the penalty box with a screwdriver having to fix his facemask. now that's hockey.
  15. curtis murphy was almost as wide as he was tall though. he was a bleeping bowling ball. Add to that he was bull-legged (or at least skated like it) gave him some of the strongest skates you can possibly get. he wasn't that tall but he played above and beyond his height.
  16. yes he is, said he got pulled for the first time in his career the other night.
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