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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. watched the current roomate do this
  2. do you get a -1 for being the dumbass that took the penalty leading to a powerplay goal? i only ask cuz i'm not 100%, but i think you do.
  3. so then why all the struggles with recruiting and trying to get the best in the world to come to our school?? we should expect to contend and be there every year.
  4. all great ideas guys and gals, i appreciate it. damn guidelines.....
  5. I'm stuck down here in st louis park, Mn for the night and wondering if there is anything fun to do on a tuesday. anyone in the area have any ideas? the mall of america is fun the first hundred times, any suggestions would be appreciated.
  6. Has anyone else thought that maybe he was trying to prove a point to his teammates that, since they didn't all night, that they need to start shooting the puck and crashing the net?? seems to me when a high powered offense doesn't score a single goal, that they possibly didn't do the things they normally do to score goals. I personally think that was what he was trying to get across. His mental state probably isn't what someone would call healthy being he put on this display, but my money is on shooting the puck and crashing the net. just my opinion
  8. not just towards you, but how many people do we need to kick the horse. he's dead already.. let's just look at the hand we are dealt and focus on cheering our sioux on to kick the s&!t out of the troll and his peoners
  9. why doesn't everyone just send PCM a personal message of what they want to say, and have him clean it up and post it for you. A lot of people (including myself) could probably stand to save themselves some embarassment by doing this.
  10. I think that Colby is playing so much better now because he realized while he was injured how much it woulda sucked to watch his team go nowhere in his senior year and wasn't having it.
  11. That's bunk. Spirko was a stud this year. I wanna think that it was on account of the sioux being more of a mediocre team this year than it was a snub at spirko's play. i think he was more than a spark plug for this team. how many freshman can produce the way he's produced, especially on a team that struggled with scoring all year. It's too bad about this, but on the plus side... congrats to Zajac for living up to the hype. IMO, that is the only reason why spirko was punished.
  12. 4 and a half hours from gametime. I know that i'm starting to get excited for this. I can't wait to see the look on Bruckler face after getting yanked for the second time in his career (2nd in back to back weekends). I also wanna see the smile on Schneider or Greene's face after planting Robbie Earl 4 rows into the stands through the glass behind the net. I hope these boys come out with all the intensity and then some that they had during last weekends games. I want to say in 50 years that i was cheering for the first team to win the playin game and broadmore in the same year. I wanna see the pioneers get a reality check tomorrow in their quest for a repeat title for the NCAA's and remind them that they haven't been to the Final Five recently cuz they aren't welcome. And to top it off, I want them to prove to all of us (me included) that have bitched, that it doesn't matter that the gopher's get the "home ice" advantage and kick their f'n asses on saturday night. I want Bina to hit chucko so damn hard that vanek feels something and wonders what the hell... I want briggs to go back into the locker room after the second period and break his hand again punching the don when his hedgehog hair pokes potulny in the eye. I want JJ to come in and get lit up for the third period and watch the gophers look on as the UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA FIGHTING SIOUX skate around the X as the champions of the 2005 WCHA Final Five. is anyone else out there as amped as me?? LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!!
  13. is "beer fans" a polite way of saying drunks?? jk i guess i was just a bouncer at the bar i worked in so i suppose i wasn't required to know about the beer. but thanks for the info.........damn drunken gopher fans........
  14. thank you, i wasn't sure. i had to buy that for the mother in law a while back and couldn't remember for sure if that what it was, but i distinctly remember having to buy oranges for her to drink it. thanks gopher fan.
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