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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. (All reserved seating) Non-Sat. Sat. game Adult Non-WCHA $21.00 $22.00 WCHA $24.00 $25.00 vs. Minn $28.00 $28.00 vs. Wisc $28.00 $28.00 vs. St Cloud $28.00 $28.00 Youth $11.00 $11.00 UND students $6.00 with valid student-ID students can go to 4 games and 2 periods of a gopher game to a non students 1 game, and then have to sit in the student section and listen to em bitch about how they can't stand and be drunk and obnoxious and about how expensive the games are for them??? I'm all about the students having a good time and providing the atmosphere, but gain a little perspective about how the other half lives....we still have fun at the games.....and we aren't hammered, or organizing cheers about how to tell a ref to F off, and then turning around and complaining about the people who paid 30 thousand dollars for 15 seats and can't watch the game cuz nobody will sit down....... it is all about the students, but why not give a little in your rediculous demands, it's a hockey game, not a MudVayne concert
  2. and to top it off, he is playing on a very young team, he doesn't have the older guys on the blue line to help every shift, he's not always on the ice with smaby.....basically 5 freshman on D most games (radke's lack of game time as freshman puts him in the group) all of which will end up in the NHL at some point or another as long as their progressions keep going at the rate they are going, this is going to be one scary defense in the future, even this time next year with those 6 (smaby stays) is going to be night and day difference than what we've seen to this point.
  3. i understand, i just had to defend my honor being compared to a dumbass WCHA official....nobody deserves that, i just wanted to clear my name, i would like to be one of those guys with credibility on this board, at least as far as hockey goes. and as far as meltdown, i meant finally got sick of all the cheapshots and bs that he has been taking for the last year and a half being a smaller skill player, the horse collar mugging sent him over the edge and became more than a point at the scoreboard, or make a defenseman look silly to prove his point....he had to show someone he isn't going to be someone's bitch just cuz he's smaller.
  4. i would like to see Crookston step it up like Bemidji did. I think it would be fun to have ANOTHER minnesota D-1 college hockey team in the mix for our beloved FIGHTING SIOUX to rival and kick the snot out of.....you could also have a new holiday tournament.......THE HIGHWAY 2 CHALLENGE....... i was checking the spec on the endline rotary girder....i'm retarded....(tommy boy)
  5. easy there dags, i was only tellin what i saw, what i also saw was zelkin standing behind/leaning? on the net watching the whole thing go down, not sure if he was writing down numbers (which he shoulda been doin if he's just gonna stand there) or just watching his ARs' ability to break up a good old fashioned college hockey fight...(although Radke broke up his own fight).....but i can say that sparky's glove did come off and he did throw punches and i was as shocked as anyone else to see him meltdown like that since his isn't that type of player.
  6. my boss uses the "ya know, my memory is the second shortest thing I have"
  7. speaking of cummings, I was watching the game on friday night, and sweeny made the call, paraphrasing.....sioux player comes in hard on cummings......and then starts laughing and continues...some of the funniest things on tv are what you don't see, mr bernstrom just did the lamoureux stick salute with his water bottle and while squirting water in the air, he almost lost the bottle over the edge and into the fans........ i couldn't believe he was talking about that on a live broadcast of a family event.......of course i laughed cuz the imagery is hilarious, but couldn't believe he even touched it....
  8. i can tell that nobody saw the reason sparky got the DQ. After he got horsecollared and subsequently in the pile up of him, the landcow, and the two AR's, he took his right glove off and started throwing punches, most of them hitting one the AR's and/or missing all together (from my vantage point), but never the less, throwing bare fisted punches in the direction of the mav player. The whole game was frustrating for him, at least a fan's perspective, and I think he finally melted down (and who could blame him) as he was getting poked, and cross checked and cheapshotted, and held and all the other things that can wear a guy down all night long, even one as level headed as him, and the horsecollar-like mugging after five and a half periods was the straw that broke the camels back. As far as the rest of the fight goes, Oshie is a f'n animal, he earned more of a penalty than he got, mostly because once the AR's split them up, he kept after it, he REAALLLY wanted a piece of that mav, but kudo's to him for breaking up the two on one with findlay and the two mavs at the beginning of the maylay, takes some stones for a 5-10 kid to push the 6-7 guy and tell him to use his head. I have a new found liking for Radke. He and Jones played with more emotion in one game than they have all year. I especially cared for the uppercut he delivered to the mav with his jersey pulled over his head and watched him skate into the boards with his jersey still over his head while running like a scared little pu$$y. I didn't care for the "get it up" he did after that to draw more attention to himself, but the crowd sure enjoyed it. I thought it was a little Charlestown Cheifs to do something like that after a fight, for the show, and not the raw emotion from the situation. Findlay's 10 minute was warranted, he went back into the scrum and threw some punches, which is what the enforcer is supposed to do, protect his scorers/playmakers like oshie and zajac and sparky, kind of a message sender, so he also earned his rest of the night off. As for zajac, i didn't really see anything that he did, other than being there when it started and holding a guy back, but he kind of seemed disinterested in the whole thing, other than, like i said, initial "i'm here, that's bullsh!t what he just did to sparky, get off of him and let radke and findlay handle this situation, i have an empty netter to get tonight to end the game."
  9. despite the risk of making a better life for themselves?? despite the risk of a higher education?? despite the risk of being able to show the ones who blame everything wrong with them on the government or the white man that there is a way, that there is opportunity to do better out there?? the risk of getting so damn educated, and getting ones people so damn educated, that the stereotypes that hold true today can be no longer?? or is it the risk of having to "tolerate" someone with different views than your own. happens every day to every one. the trick is to not be so f'ing thin skinned that anything that anyone says to you affects you so personally and so emotionally that you are unable to live a life worthy of yourself. If you are that thin skinned to take some assholes opinion of you and hold it in such high regard, then you are the weakest of the weak and don't deserve to voice your opinion to anyone because the odds of you even believing in the things you say you believe in aren't very good and nobody should take them seriously.
  10. i wanna know what the young white kids growing up in mandan think of growing up as the "braves" or if they had a say in changing the name, what would they be told by the natives there? would they be told that they have no say because of the sovereign nation and since they aren't native they don't get a say, or would they just say ok, because you are the minority here, and you asked nicely, demanded, picketed, had one leg to stand on, and got your ass kicked in every single argument to be made, we feel bad for you and are willing to change it to something more politically correct because that's the way this f'd up world is going. i'm gonna bet it's the former
  11. very funny , but also very true to the way the world works these days, the minority of the minority making the rules for the majority of the majority to live by, because they are uncomfortable, but the majority should adapt to the ideals of the minority and be ok with it. hmmmm
  12. Pontiac cars were first produced by the Oakland motor car company in Pontiac, Michigan hence the name, pontiac. Pontiac michigan history states that vehicle history website city of Pontiac history web page in light of these findings, I too believe that the NCAA needs to ban itself from all NCAA sanctioned events and remove all logo's and mascots from their facilities. OR they could take a step back and realize that this country was first settled by the natives and like it or not, they are still a very large part of our society and some people still choose to honor them with naming things after them, like sports teams, cities, rivers, county's, townships, shopping malls, and things of that nature not to berade or belittle them, but to keep their rich culture and history alive. I am a firm believer in that singling out schools for their native american nicknames is more racist and biased than the names themselves.
  13. I still don't know why, in the big series, namely UM, WISC, DEN, CC do you risk giving up 2 points by NOT going with the hot hand. I know everyone says it's early in the season, and that's fine, but how many people would kick themselves for missing home ice in the playoffs or missing winning the McNaughton by two or three points that you lost in november because you wanted two fresh goalies in april. There are teams you can definately give each goalie a game and be comfortable with, but why not the hot hand?
  14. I have to ask this. I want to begin this topic with a disclaimer. I don't feel that Lammy is a bad goaltender, i think he has the ability to be a very good college goalie. The question is this....Why don't the Sioux just keep going with Parise in the nets until he has a bad game? I know that Hak and those closer to the team say the Lammy is deserving of the starts due to the week of practice leading up to the weekend, but in my eyes, he isn't translating that into the games he's started. I understand that the team seems to play better in front of Jordan, and has at times seemed to leave Lammy out to dry, so why isn't that something the coached take a look at and say, "hey, jordan is hot, the team plays better in front of him, he's winning and has two shutouts already this year, you get the nod for saturday too". Just want to hear some of the imput of the hockey minds out there. I get the "we need two solid goalies down the road" argument, but only one has been solid.
  15. anyone know if the Timeout bar in Elk River is showing the game??
  16. thanks for the info, anyone else with any info.....invites? the wife better hope her dumba$$ brother in law has CSTV or FSSN
  17. is there any bars in the elk river area that are going to be carrying the game. I'm being forced into coming down there from GF and giving up my seats to both games. Any help would be great
  18. I was wondering with all the sioux fans out here and all the knowledge that gets passed from day to day and post to post if anyone out here in SIOUX land might know of any fantasy college hockey leagues out there. I have inquired within my circle and nobody seems to know but I am now reaching out to the masses for any kind of info. I'm looking for something preferably online, but can't seem to find anything. I don't have any preferences as to either WCHA or all of NCAA. I know more about our beloved league but would be intrigued if it were all of D1 just for the fact that it would make me follow the national scene more closely too. Any info on this would be appreciated......PCM.....Sik.....WPoS....... I know you guys know something... thanks boys and girls
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