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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. is it just the mention of the color that is offensive, because it sounds like the rest of the song is about being attracted to betty lyrics PC gone rampant
  2. GOPHER REJECTS!! !!! GOPHER REJECTS!! !!! sorry, just the last minnesota school we play at home, and since the students weren't around for bemidji....... tongue in cheek, i'll cry if i actually hear that this weekend.
  3. fairly aggressive reply to an honest question......
  4. toby is 5-11, but before him i think todd jones was pretty tall, 6' or better but he only started for one year. I found an old story from 2003 from INCH regarding the "recent" history of sioux goaltending, kind of an interesting read, and a good refresher on what's gone on in the last 20 years
  5. i can see a bit of a freshman clique, mostly because they are all going through the same thing as being new to this league, also a bit of it because they all are mandated to live together in the dorms... i can also see the shattuck clique cuz sooo many of them come from there, it's something they have in common but as far as it sitting well with the rest of the team, that shouldn't matter once they get on the ice. it's something that is common on every team....not everyone gets along with everyone, but once they get on the ice, that stuff is put aside and they play as a team....maybe with as many freshman as their are, with these cliques, maybe that's the reason they haven't hit that second half stride that they should have hit a month ago with the talent on this team. I have heard rumblings of some of them not liking a certain defenseman....i've also heard of the older guys completely burying a freshmans vehicle in snow.........as long as that stuff goes aside during the game, during practice......nobody cares
  6. positive thread positive thread positive thread cmon man, let's not start please be joking
  7. i'm gonna take a stab at it and go with "hammerin hank" could be wrong, just a guess
  8. some of my favorite memories about sioux hockey don't have anything to do with the sioux team itself, but the game and what it meant to me as a kid. One of my favorite memories is from the old ralph, my dad was a student, and we sat in the student section for every home game for 5 years, every game during warmups, i would go down to the glass by the penalty box and get warm up pucks from the visiting team, and some of them would sit and talk to me until it was there turn to go, and i was just a little kid, i thought that was cool. another one of my memories was waiting to talk to Toby Kvalevog after a game against wisconsin, and ended up sitting in the stands talking to Steve Reinprecht for 15 minutes, who is one of my favorite non-sioux players, he was a really cool guy to talk too. i remember catching a game puck from a gopher sioux series at the old ralph when i was 10, and a gopher fan took it away from me and knocked me over.....he was prompty booooed until he apologized and gave it back to me. anyone remember collecting the old "lux et lex" cups at the old ralph after the games?? odd how most of them smelled like booze, and they didn't sell beer or hard alcohol..... favorite play maker teeder wynne....quick, awesome hands, cocky-but backed it up tony hrkac, only cuz he's one of the best ever in college hockey favortie goalie toby and karl......and i'll lump jordan into the mix cuz he is the horse we're gonna ride for another 14 months to another championship favorite toughguy.........i'll say commodore, mostly because he was a badass....and somewhat cuz he looked like a clown anyone remember the fight between commie and andy sutton (mtu) anyone wish commie woulda just turtled and skated away instead of getting pummeled?? favorite team 97 sioux, my first real experience with a national championship team, (87 didn't really remember alot of what happened i was still pretty young) favorite defensemen between nick naumenko, jason herder, and dane litke naumenko for his knack of finding the net.............herder for the wicked slapper............litke for the intangibles, ability to lead his team..... thanks for starting this thread, brought up a lot of great memories..
  9. i would say that parise's numbers are even BETTER being he has played more games, the less games played, the easier the numbers can fluxuate and looked skewed. I would have to say it is a testament to how well he has played this year, a 4 goal game won't be as harsh on his goals against as it would to phils, it also wouldn't be as hard on his psyche as it would to phils either. bottom line, both good, jordie is better, either could start, let's go with the proven one, it's that time of year where you need a number one, and a number two.
  10. the reason vick got the touchdown was he had established possession of the ball inbounds. they ruled that since he touched the pilon in the air without any part of his body touching the ground out of bounds, it's a touchdown, it's the same as if he was a wide reciever in the air (after possession inbounds) and touching his toe to the goal line on his way out of bounds, as long as the ball is past the goal line is the key. the reason it was ruled incomplete is because he only got one foot down inbounds and did not establish possession, had he gotten his second foot down and then kicked the pilon with the rest of his body out of bounds (albeit in the air), as long as the ball was past the goal line, it would have been ruled a TD. I agree with the rest of your beefs, but this one the zebra asses actually got right.
  11. serious contradiction of terms I think that Phil is qualified enough to start for the sioux ability-wise. The problem that i have with Phil is that he is outwardly a head case (most goalies aren't right in the head to begin with, just ask them). I have seen him throw hissie fits in the net after a soft goal (i.e. 2nd goal st cloud/shooting the puck into the stands at MN) and that to me says that he isn't ready to lead a team through the playoffs....yet. I think next year he'll have a good chance and once jordan leaves, that he will have the best chance to do just that, but i think this year, jordie is the horse the sioux need to ride to #8. just my opinion.
  12. Not just the power play.....all the time....I remember when this team used to put up 40 shots a night, every night. there are too many finese play makers and not enough shot takers. shoot the gdam puck, pick the corners, get a rebound, ugly goals go on the scoreboard too, i want to see someone put up a highlight reel goal(like oshie's in last years state final)* i don't want to see 28 chances go by the boards cuz a 2 on 1 turned into a pass into the defensmans skates and a rush the other way. SHOOT THE PUCK!!! GO SIOUX!!! *For those who didn't see it, in overtime of last years MN state HSH tourney championship game, warroad was in the offensive zone face off dot to the goalies left. oshie "won" the draw through the legs of the other teams center, walked around him, both him and the goalie dove for the puck, oshie beat him and from his back fed it out front to a waiting winger and a wide open net. game over. state champs. Thats the kind of highlight reel goal i wanna see, nothing but hard work and determination to put the puck in the net.
  13. THANK YOU FOR THAT!!!!! Class is so overused on this board, it has lost it's effectiveness to me.
  14. DITTO. It's getting even more rediculous.POST #1 you expect it from trolls, but to be sucked in by them makes it just as stupid.
  15. I hope you are all correct about kozek, I really like the way he plays. I can see that there is a touch of offensive spark in there somewhere, he is a very quick skater, and he's not afraid to take the body, in fact, i've commented every game this year that at least one or two shifts a game that he's trying to get the "Collision of the Game" on the scoreboard. That being said, I likened him to Prpich as he was once the leading scorer (or one of the) on his canadian junior team and even though you see bits and pieces of his scoring ability, he's been relegated to a role player on the checking/stupid penalty line. Even though he's still a freshman and things can definately turn around for him, as for now, i see that being the case with kozek also, simply because of his willingness to run at the biggest guy on the ice and try knock him on his ass. Again, i hope you are all right about him, because with the talent and high draft of most of the freshman, hell forwards for that matter, he seems to be a four year guy and it would be nice to keep one of these scorers through their senior year.
  16. see i had heard that before and heard the comments travis had made, but i just looked at his stats and he has 70 some points in 40 games this year. I also saw that travis holds plenty of scoring records for the Salmon Arm, so i am thinking he won't be AS good as travis, but can hold his own with the puck.... unless he ends up like a prpich or how a kozek is looking to be (hitter, grind line, score a few goals)
  17. i've seen his stats, and he doesn't appear to be the gifted offensive threat tzajac was in the BCHL, but they are similar in size......is dzajac the corner guy who mucks it up making life better for the goal scorers or is he just on a bad team this year.. thank you for the info and again, if this has been stated before, i apologize for the questions and lack of digging on my own edit: just looked at his stats again, and damn was i looking at old stats, he is an offensive stud, ignore the above
  18. please forgive me for not reading through the 28 pages in this thread but is darcy coming next year??
  19. just wanted to feel like part of the group i guess, is that so wrong?? everyone else is posting stupidity in this thread....i just want to be loved too.
  20. Rather than just arguing about which school's fans are more classless (which, by the way, is being overused ad naseum throughout this board) why don't all the fans from the sioux and gophers get together, get on their respective sides, and all together whip it out and measure, see whose is bigger??? this is a sickening thread every time, not just this time, every time....... you should all just be thanking your respective GOD that you are a fan of an elite program in the finest conference in all of hockey...period... kessel is good, oshie is good... some sioux fans are idiots, some gopher fans are idiots.....these aren't discussions, they aren't even good, entertaining arguments.....they are a bunch of pointless attacks on people similar to d!(k measuring contests....POINTLESS LOCK THIS THREAD
  21. didn't zach put up a goal and assist in his first game as a devil?? i think he scored a goal and assisted on a gionta goal if memory serves me Oct 5 PIT W 5-1 Scoring Summary 1st Period New Jersey 16:55, Sergei Brylin 1 (Alexander Mogilny, Dan McGillis) New Jersey 19:25, Zach Parise 1 (power play) (Paul Martin, Brian Gionta) 2nd Period New Jersey 16:28, Brian Gionta 1 (unassisted) 3rd Period New Jersey 3:29, Brian Gionta 2 (power play) (Viktor Kozlov, Zach Parise) Pittsburgh 5:36, Mark Recchi 1 (power play) (Sidney Crosby, John LeClair) New Jersey 13:02, Sergei Brylin 2 (Scott Gomez)
  22. check this out in the Sioux Name Forum this
  23. 1. as with most things in life, one bad apple spoils the bunch... you know as well as i do that it doesn't take too many idiots to ruin it for the masses, especially if the idiots offend the wrong people 2. MudVayne is like Ozzy on Steroids and Crack....only screaming and very hard
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