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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. none of the three is a bad choice. honestly they aren't. it's just fun to bash kessel, as i'm sure it's fun for the gophers to bash anyone for UND, good smack talk, that's all
  2. like the jackass in basketball that needed one more rebound for a triple double so he bounced the ball off his own basket on an inbound!!! that would also add to the wooooooger's theory on phantom assisstsststss
  3. i honestly think that kessel goes as the gopher PP goes, and the gopher PP goes as Potulny and Ihrmen go, plain and simple. garbage goals count, and the assists that go with count too, BUT, how many of Phil's assists are from potulny's or ihrmens taking a beating and getting a rebound goal?? how many are actually pretty plays? I know that a point is a point and that oshie has those kinds of points too, but most of his goals are the rebound type, hard work type, walk a defensman and make a pretty shot, not gravy training potulny or ihrmen on the don's unbelievable power play
  4. from what i have heard, read, seen, St Cloud outplayed the Badgers for most of the weekend, which can be seen in the 60+ saves that elliot had. Although 2 shutouts is very impressive in a series, the sioux outplayed the s&!t out of tech and 95% of the shots jordan faced weren't of the "great scoring chance" variety. Believe me, i'm not taking anything away from jordan, but there is a huge difference between what either goalie did and it sounds like elliot stole two wins from st clown, whereas jordan "just" held tech off the board
  5. no, i believe someone was making fun of gopher fans comments about the sioux using 25 yr old canadians to improve their program, and what I said was we will admit it when gopher fans admit that without the NORTH DAKOTA boys, they wouldn't be enjoying the succes of the last 6 yrs (including 2 NCAA titles)
  6. .......no stanley cup for the dallas stars......
  7. as long as you admit that without NORTH DAKOTA, the gophers would not be enjoying the success that they are right now!!!
  8. and he still scored 20 goals and avg a point per game as a TRUE freshman
  9. I am looking for 2 tickets for Friday's Playoff game against mankato. Live in area and work in grand forks. anyone with two tickets can PM me or email me at jrichter_42@msn.com. thank you
  10. i'd probably have to get a second job to be able to afford my water bill bring on the pudding fights!!!!!!!!
  11. if i had boobs, i'd take longer showers
  12. let's hope that the sioux treat tech like Craig did Deebo, "you got knocked the f**k out!!"
  13. if they would just call the games the way the rules are written, and stop puting all of these "emphasis on ...." we wouldn't have a problem. But in recent history the better skilled players would get mugged and nothing would get called (i.e. parise) they put an emphasis on clutch and grab. IT WAS ALREADY IN THE RULE BOOK. Now that Bina had his neck broken and a 2 minute penalty called, they put an emphasis on CFB....IT TOO, WAS ALREADY IN THE RULE BOOK!! The situational officiating and the officials just trying their damndest to affect the outcome of a game "indirectly" is the problem, not the rules in place.
  14. you can guaran damn tee that he is going to have defensive responsibilities once he gets here, and he will make it a point to get in a corner and give someone a facewash, come out with the puck, and make a play or two or he flat out won't play on this team. there is plenty of talent on this team, but every one of them will go into the corners because they want to play
  15. vince young says D. unable to tell based on information provided
  16. that is EXACTLY the breakdown i got from a buddy who follows 8A extensively exactly what i wanted to say, but didn't want to start a flame fest.....hard to argue with that
  17. have a lot of people seen Forney play?? i haven't, but one of the knocks i've heard on him is that he doesn't go into the corners, and just sits out high cherry picking...not my take, just what i've been told....if that is the case, it could be easily justified by him not needing to go into the corners, could be he doesn't want to, no matter the case, he'll have to once he gets here. can anyone confirm or deny??
  18. You might, but here in civilization, we use kleenex.. now i know that the area up in warroad isn't all backwoods and hillbilly's (it's too cold for a complete takeover), but i can see how you can bring that analogy to the table. Fact of the matter is, Marvin Windows is a hell of a lot better sell than Crystal Sugar is for getting parents to move up to the land of the hostile and abusive (warriors) with hockey stud kids in tow for a shot at the state title..
  19. they do play a lot of AA schools, and they have been very successful as of late against them. I don't think they would fair well year in and year out, but they could do it, and still be successful. They just wouldn't have the whipping boys to beat up on like some of the lower teams in 8A. That said, I think that they are fine right where they are at, nothing needs to change, it's not like they will get more scholarships by moving up a division, maybe more recruits.........
  20. sorry, let me get it back.....kessel is the obvious ROY and deserves all the accolaids..... just kidding...
  21. they didn't even go out and recruit any new talent before this season started!! they let the kids that have been there forever go out and try to win it all....that in itself is a huge testament to the program... (sorry bout that, didn't mean to kick the horse before it had a chance to get back up...GO GREENWAVE!!)
  22. It is IMPARATIVE that the sioux win because if they win out, and don't make it, that's it's not just dumb luck and puts a bigger focus on earlier in the year, not just how your playing come playoffs. In the event that they do make it, you don't want to go in like wisconsin with most of the crap down their legs , and, since you don't control your own destiny, win out, and let the chips fall where they may!!! GO SIOUX I also want to give a pre-game thank you to the TRIOUXPER, as minor as it may sound, he's agreed to hook my daughter up with a puck autographed by ryan duncan (her favorite player in her first year of really watching sioux hockey). She's gonna love it....She's also gonna be a little when i tell her that her boyfriend (she's 6) signed a puck for her !! so thanks TRIOUXPER, we appreciate it.
  23. isn't this the problem that the league was having before?? correct me if i'm wrong, and please do, that's it's always been the issue, that the officials didn't WANT to be calling the major unless someone was getting hurt... as long as i've know hockey, CFB has always been able to be called as a major and a game?? Please fill me in if i've missed something, or if i've assumed this penalty as what it is all the way up through college hockey....
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