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Everything posted by siouxtatoo42

  1. fixed it for the overly obsessed anal people like myself
  2. that's still a pretty dumbass thing to do...it wasn't him that did it, it reflects badly on him, but he shouldn't have to pay the price for something that his son did....this "fan" should have been escorted out by other sioux fans at the game and had the s&!t kicked out of him for being a moron
  3. let me see here 2002-1979= 23yrs 1980-1963=17yrs granted, when it's been that long, it doesn't matter, but because he's a skippy and made a stupid comment...oh, and it's still 7>5.....
  4. my normal seats are right over there by you... but for the harvard series, my neighbor gave me two tickets, so my daughter and i went, and by the second period, she had made friends with the guy sitting next to us, we were in 302 seats 1 and 2, very top row, and while making friends she decided to tell the guy that i was swearing and farting...very embarrassing for me(more so cuz i wasn't), very entertaining for her and whoever he was
  5. i don't take it personally, after the olympics, i'm not a fan of him very much anymore either.... and no center aisle which is a blessing and a curse.....nobody walks in front of you during the game, but son of a if you don't have to make everyone in the row get up for you...i'm pretty good about not having to leave, but the wife is a whole different story..
  6. raynman, at the harvard series, did you have a very curious little girl sitting by you that was tattling to you on her dad for saying "bad words" and "farting"??
  7. i've probably seen you every game i've been too this year, i'm the big bald guy, usually sat nights, with the North Stars beanie and hoodie right up against the railing....i thought it was the cats ass that i had seats 1 & 2....until that first game when i found out there are no stairs there and i have to walk through 18 people to get to em
  8. i'd take one for my daughter with duncan's sig on it, if you're offering , she's 6, i took her to her first game ever this year, and he's about all she can talk about...kinda cute, but it's got me worrying already
  9. i sit right below the press box, in 301, which level are you on, with the radio and tv or the lower with all the laptops and announcer??
  10. exactly...standing up for spirko in the heat of the moment and a fight ensuing is the exact opposite of 5 games later someone performing a vasectomy in the name of revenge is, in my view, bull s&!t. If any standing up for your team was to be done for that incident, it should have happened right then and there when it happened. But, as you recall, the Sioux couldn't afford to lose anyone for an extra game as it was the playoffs and there is no time for that crap that time of year, beating them and calling it number 8, which is the course the team tried to take, would have been payback enough
  11. i'll side with triouxper on that, that's just an obnoxious statement. He's arguing the degree of danger of hurting someone between neuturing someone and blasting someone from behind head first into the boards, not because someone tripped him at center ice....c'mon
  12. look, I love the physical play in hockey. I think it is a huge part of the game, but there is no room for a f**king goon. period. if i was coming across the middle with the puck with my head down, and you poke checked me, i'm gonna be the first one to call you a pussy for not tearing my head off and teaching me a lesson..but to try and neuter someone, regardless of who and why...(which by the way siouxcia..big difference between what your son was taught and what prp did)...i don't see the need to have someone going around deliberately trying to hurt people with dirty play.........I can honestly say that i am entertained by a good hockey fight.....but i also believe that it takes away from the game itself and the game is why i bought the ticket, not the hopes for a good hockey brawl.
  13. the one positive i'll take out of that situation, is when they showed him in the penalty box swatting himself in the forehead for stooping to that level. I don't think anyone, coaches or his parents or teammates, will ever be as hard on him for that penalty and the results as he will.. it pretty much showed me that we won't see him take a stupid penalty like that again for some time.
  14. I agree that his roll isn't the pretty part of the game, but his roll is to draw penalties, or if he takes one, get someone to go with, and preferably a very uneven trade in UND's favor. maybe not 3/4 of the league, but every single teams goon, which would most likely be the guy that steps up, would punish him... and as far as mafia man's comment, i believe they do, but they also lead the league in the "coming in for the hit, player turns, try to hold up, they fall down" checking from behinds in the league, although some of them are very much deserved, and more of a message needs to be sent about the infraction, it's too "easy" for a team...such as denver...to "draw" the checking from behind penalty, especially on a team as aggressive as UND. UND has always been a top of league in PIM, but due to aggressiveness and not dirty play.
  15. i don't like Prpich, probably never will, for me, i'm glad it's his last year. What he did to Paukovich was deserved, but he's lucky that the george flipped or he was, once again, in the penalty box by himself with the team trying to kill off his stupidity. I'm glad that TJ reacted the way he did.....skate away. Prpich would be best served as the "how's your wife and my kids" guy rather than the goon. Angry Canadian or not, 3/4 of the league would whip his ass in a fight, so to bait any other teams goon would not fulfill everyone's fantasy of a "teams police themselves" that some of you have as the results would be negative for Mike. I can't believe that he has/had 92 PIM (as per graphic during game)!! I don't recall UND having that many minutes in power play because of his yapping, or scoring a ton of goals on the ones that they have gotten from him drawing penalties, and for most people, that's his roll...and his other roll, penalty kill, isn't as effective when it's him in the box... I will say, he has calmed down as the year has gone on, and has almost convinced me and those like me that he can be an effective trash talker/get them off their game guy, and then goes and ruins it with a dumbass stunt like friday night. if paukovich getting hurt and missing games is what it takes for some of you to be happy, let it be on a clean, open ice, keep your head up shoulder to the chin hit from smaby, or have oshie or sparky "break his ankles" with some jaw dropping stickwork ending with an overtime game winner on a nationally televised game...hurting someones pride sticks with them longer than any physical pain ever will.....99 of a 100 times
  16. i'm sure ovechkin and the like aren't complaining, mostly because they have been taught not too, but also because of the love of the game, the dream of making it, and the fact that they can now feed entire cities in russia for a month and not feel the dent in their pocket book. these kids are hero's in their country...ours are pissy prima donna's and looked at as dumb winey jocks in our country.
  17. for most of the country, it isn't winter 8 months out of the year like it is up here . secondly, more kids want to play basketball as their winter sports because mom and dad can't afford for them to play hockey. as much as it pains me to say, hockey is an expensive sport, and the travel that can be involved is something that most parents don't want to do or try and afford, and it sucks cuz there could be soooo many more talented kids out there who will never be able to find out just how good they are.
  18. I think it's cuz the cutoff age is 44, and for as long as leetch has been around, he could be 53 by now in all seriousness, USA hockey needs to get their stuff together, you don't beat European hockey with pretty boys and senior citizens, you beat european hockey with european hockey and hitting..oh, and you have to score goals too....team canada found that out this year too...
  19. he needs to clean up his game BIG TIME if he is ever going to make it to the next level...he is a very sound goalie as far as mechanics go, but he gets away from them from time to time, sometimes more than he should and it costs him. I think he has very good potential, but not after this year, and certainly not immediately after next year. I think he'll need some seasoning in the minors to clean up the flopping and his tendancies to wander (which he has improved on greatly since his freshman year), and we'll have to see. Nobody can argue his work ethic or his hockey smarts, and we all know it's in his blood.
  20. did you read his post or are you just angry about any gopher fan posting on here?? i didn't read it as an attack at anyone from the sioux, i read it as someone who is actually curious how it works, and used a sioux player in his theoretical equation...........and then asked his original question, no mallice, and then said one of the most popular players in Sioux Hockey history was robbed for the hobey.
  21. I understand that, i'm not defending or arguing with the story, or anyone else, if the story is crap, that's fine, i just happened to find it and thought it was interesting. We also haven't had a steady number one goalie since karl, and before toby, so it kind of has been a revolving door with the exception of those two mentioned. It also goes with my theory of having a steady number one and then a couple of backups. I like that karl played all the time, there wasn't a debate on who was going to start, who is hot, who had the better week of practice, who's it gonna be this week. I wish hak would call jordie, and play lammy on a stray Fri or Sat just for a rest for jordy, and nothing more. I like the live and die by one goalie theory, but they are hard to come by so i can understand what hak and blais have done, but i would prefer one or the other, whoever it may be, annointed one and two
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