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sioux rube

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Everything posted by sioux rube

  1. I'm in a suite. How sweet is that?
  2. When I coached high school hockey and we played an inferior team I always had my players try to set up a player who had yet to score a goal in there high school career. This after having a lead of 6 or 7 to nothing and knowing full well that the lead was not in jeopardy. Sorry but a kid scoring 10 in a game is just ridiculous.
  3. I totally agree. As bush league as it gets.
  4. I got lucky last year and got one online and a buddy of mine got me one when he waited in line at Scheels Arena. Doubt that happens again.
  5. I'll just ask this here. When do west regional tics go on sale?
  6. Put down the pipe and your cheap tequila bud. Dam you are delusional.
  7. Looked knee to knee to me. No call. Hope he is okay.
  8. That was real cheap. Left his feet and elbow to head. At least a game if not 2.
  9. That was a very entertaining college hockey game. Hopefully this is a sign to come for the rest of the season.
  10. Hell of a season. Got a taste of the playoffs. Bubba will have them back.
  11. Time for a change at the top. Overdue in my book.
  12. Pretty much. Got 2 kids who didn't make the Bobcats too. By the way one kid had 10 goals and no assists in the 24-1 embarrassment. Peluso is not liked in Bismarck. He sits on a very high horse.
  13. He's playing. 2 shots and a -1. Leafs up 4-2 in the third
  14. It's missing the guys that left early last season.
  15. Congrats to you and Mrs Wilbur. Nothing like witnessing your own child born.
  16. That won't help the pairwise. How the hell can they shutout SCSU in their own barn twice and then lose to a crap team like State?
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