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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. GeauxSioux

    Trivia ?

    In the 1980's in a packed Old Ralph, a certain item fell from the rafters and swung on a rope right in front of the press box. Name the item.
  2. GeauxSioux

    Gas Prices

    From Karl Marx: I do agree that life isn't always fair, but the system that we have is far better than anything else out there and I wouldn't trade it. The redistribution of wealth is not the answer! The method to success, perhap oversimplified here, hasn't changed. A stable homelife while growing up, get a good education and work hard and success will find you. Some people take risks and make things happen, while others may get some breaks that will launch them further ahead, but I don't begrudge them, that is just part of life and I can accept that. No, I'm not a fatcat, I work hard and am able to provide a nice home and way of life for my wife and children. Sorry, I'm not up on the operations of the NFL or MLB. I don't watch much baseball (too boring) and watch the Saints when I can.
  3. Quesenberry among state's best after just two years
  4. GeauxSioux

    Gas Prices

    Hmmm, a system that allows people to use their talents and take some risks and achieve (see Ralph Engelstad) or a system that rewards people to not work via the welfare system, "earned income tax credit" and other social programs? I think I'll take the capitalist model. Don't get me wrong, I think there are people in our country who genuinely need assistance; and I have no problem that we as a society care for them. But I live in the south and see far too many people living off the system and yet complaining about it. I work with men whom I have talked about advancing their careers and they have no ambition to take advantage of an opportunity, because it would require that they actually take some initiative and responsiblity. Dave, I believe that the only thing in life in which you and I would agree is our passion for UND and Sioux sports.
  5. GeauxSioux

    Gas Prices

    Do you have information as to how much Exxon, for instance, pays for and sells a barrel? I have a neighbor who works for Chevron, in the lubricant end of the business and from what I hear from him and others, is the amount of red tape and regulation to build a new refinery is unfathomable. Hurricane season is just around the corner and makes the current situation even worse. Every time a hurricane enters the Gulf, they start evacuating the drilling platforms and refineries close down to all, but essential personnel. There are vast oil deposits in the Gulf of Mexico and ANWR, but the environmentalists have not allowed us to go after these reserves, putting us more at the whim of countries of the Middle East and Venezuela. You may notice that I post a lot of information on what is going on at EERC. I have a great interest in alternatives to the direction we are currently taking and would love our beloved EERC to take us in that direction. I also have been watching LM Glasfiber, as I think North Dakota has huge potential for wind farms. "Big Oil" may contribute to where we are right now, but I put more of the blame at the feet of the environmentalists movement for they are not the NIMBY's, they are the BANANAs, (Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone). By the way, I paid $3.06/gallon this afternoon downtown Pensacola.
  6. GeauxSioux

    Gas Prices

    People are always complaining about how the oil companies are making these huge record profits. If you maintain the same profit margin, say 5% and the cost of your product goes up 10%, your profits will go up. Crude example using fictitious numbers. $100/barrel to buy, putting 5% on and sell at $105 and they are making $5 a barrel per barrel Now with a 10% increase in the cost of your raw material: $110/barrel to buy, putting 5% on top and sell at $115.50 and they are making $5.50 per barrel. People will say that their profits went up, which is true, but their profit margin remains the same. The newspaper come out and vilify the evil oil company for their "record profits". One of the presidential candidate, whom shall remain nameless, recently said: Emphasis added is mine. The government already makes more off the sale of a gallon of gasoline through taxes then the oil companies do. This is beginning to sound less like American capitalism and more like socialism.
  7. Good luck Jonathon. Welcome new DOT.
  8. May 19th and Winnipeg Sun.
  9. I was playing in a trade association scramble with rented golf clubs down in Ft. Lauderdale and the first time I used my 3 iron the head came flying off. I'm not sure if the ball or the club head went further. Needless to say, I had a nice write-up in the next association newsletter.
  10. Dynamic Toews ready to sign with Blackhawks
  11. This gave me cause for hope. That is what I get for skimming too fast looking for North Dakota reference.
  12. Tallon trying to get Blackhawks settled Edit: I missed the part where they say they are getting close.
  13. Now I don't know what to think. Torchetti leaves Moncton for the NHL
  14. I'm back to being optimistic. Golden boy
  15. I was doing some reading last night and came across this report from the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee. Is this the the report that got the ball rolling with the NCAA? Report on the use of American Indian Mascots The recommendations are what really caught my eye. I believe that UND followed these recommendations to the letter and still look how it ended up.
  16. REA to submit bid for 2011 World Juniors
  17. Toews gains some golden experience In my best Lloyd Christmas, "do you mean there is still a chance"?
  18. Pace is a Pensacola suburb in the second fastest growing county in Florida, Santa Rosa. Half of the guys that I work with live there. They have a huge new planned community located there as well. Jubilee Florida
  19. NCAA WOMEN'S DIVISION II GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP: UND completes historic season Great job, Ladies.
  20. Thanks for bursting my bubble AZ, but I know you are right about his stock. My post is total wishful thinking.
  21. What are the rules of a player (Toews) who is a draft pick of a team, but doesn't really want to go to that team because they stink? Obviously Toews is doing great at the Worlds. So well, that he would sought after by any and all teams in the NHL. At what point would Chicago lose their rights to him? Stay in school Jonathon, your stock will keep going up with a national championship.
  22. I ran into the Florida Southern team at the Olive Garden tonight. I asked their coach how UND looked and he said that they had a great day. UND enjoys best round to date at NCAA Championships
  23. Three recent top draft picks will take part in Canada-Sweden semifinal game
  24. I stopped off at Stonebrook today and talked to Coach Dan Frei. He said that the ladies are ahead of yesterday's pace. From what I saw on the monitors, they were +14 on the day after 12? holes. Yesterday's results had them in a three way tie for 5th place. He also said it was nice to see someone in a Sioux shirt. Go Sioux!!!
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