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Posts posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Harmeson: New president will OK athletic director

    UND's vice president for general administration will not name an athletic director without the consent of the school's next president, he assured members of that search committee at their first meeting Tuesday.

    "This decision will not be made without, not only (the next president's) input, but his or her blessing," vice president Phil Harmeson told the committee.

    Kind of like what I said here. ???

  2. Editorial -- UND should begin name transition

    We applaud new North Dakota University System Chancellor Bill Goetz in his desire to resolve the University of North Dakota nickname and logo controversy sooner than later.

    Given the wording included in the settlement between UND and the NCAA, we unfortunately also encourage Goetz and UND to begin an effort to select a new nickname and logo.

    The settlement that was reached requires UND to reach an agreement with the state’s two Sioux tribes to continue use of the nickname and logo within three years. Even if an agreement is reached, however, the settlement allows for either one of the tribes to reverse its decision, at which time the nickname and logo could no longer be used.

    We cannot support the idea of putting the UND administration on a yo-yo, waiting for the winds to change on tribal lands to prompt one of the tribes to back away from the original agreement. No administration should constantly have to look over its shoulder in this regard.

    The truth about the NCAA finding the UND nickname and logo to be “hostile and abusive” is political correctness gone flying off a buffalo jump.

    It seems that former backers of the Sioux name are for speeding up the process now.

  3. I understand all the potential negatives of hiring an A.D. before a President is in place, but on the other hand, this a very inopportune time to delay the hiring until a new President takes over in the summer of '08 what with the transition to DI and all. It is not as if it is status quo as it would be if we were not moving up and it would be business as usual as far as scheduling and fund-raising goes. Whatever happened to the idea of an Interim A.D.? I know, Ralston and Brekke are co-acting A.D.'s, but anyone who reads the football forum knows how I feel about that type of situation (see Co-Defensive Coordinator threads :D ). Is there anybody out there from the UND community that could help steer the Athletic Dept. through this somewhat uneasy time until a replacement is found? I just think of the Nebraska situation and Tom Osborne being named interim A.D. All of the guys off the top of my head of course have other commitments or conflicts that won't allow for it like RT, Bollinger, Blais, Gasparini, etc. If only to give the public a sense of stability and act as a temporary-type figure head, Dave Gunther comes to mind. He's retired, local, popular, and probably has alot of contacts that could be useful right now. Say what you want about Buning, but he gave a face to the Athletic Department to people like me who aren't privy to the daily operations at UND. Until a permanent replacement is found, I think we need someone like that right now.

    The new president won't officially take over until June 2008, but should be named well before that. That being said, I would think the incoming president should be able to take part in the selection of the new AD.

    After the Nov. 27-28, the committee will reduce the candidate pool to 6-8 unranked candidates for campus interviews during Jan. 9-25. During a Jan. 28 meeting, the committee plans to select at least three candidates to recommend to the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education, which is scheduled to interview final candidates Feb. 4-5.
    UND Presidential Search Committee
  4. Not on fssn. They showed Chappell heading alone to locker room on crutches, and also Murray heading off alone - holding his left arm rigid against his side (they had been icing his left shoulder)

    Hopefully it isn't as bad as it looks.

  5. Would Dakota or Dacotah violate "the Policy"? It would be similar to Illinois maintaining the Illini. The interlocking ND as the logo.

    Edit: The more I think about it, the NCAA wouldn't go for it.

    I'm back to the no nickname camp. Put "Dakota" on the jerseys, as I previously suggested and the logo can be the interlocking ND.

    I agree with Dagies. I'm no legal expert either, but it would seem to me using _______ would be okay. They sure couldn't find it hostile or abusive. :silly:

  6. You know what I find disappointing about the direction the debate here has taken? For years, people on this board have been saying that American Indians have much greater issues to deal with than nicknames and logos. They bring up unemployment, drug abuse, alcoholism, infant mortality, diabetes, teen pregnancy, teen suicide, lack of education, etc. So the minute that UND's nickname and logo are in danger of going away, what do we do? We threaten to take away the very programs put in place at UND that are intended to help American Indians deal with the big problems.

    So what's that make us?

    The best post on this thread!

    I'm in favor of continuing NA programs/classes regardless of what happens with the name. UND is in a position to help the Native American people through education that can hopefully solve some of the ills that occur on the reservations. It has been said that "most of the NA people are in favor of the nickname". If you discontinue NA programs and classes, you are not hurting Ron His Horse is Thunder, you are hurting the very people that agree with the nickname and would benefit from these programs.

    Additionally, as I said in a thread a while back, I thoroughly enjoyed the Indian Studies classes I took at UND.

  7. Folks: REALITY CHECK.

    From Section 2.d (page 5) of the SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ....

    There is no "no nickname" or "no logo" option. Give that up.

    Would Dakota or Dacotah violate "the Policy"? It would be similar to Illinois maintaining the Illini. The interlocking ND as the logo.

    Edit: The more I think about it, the NCAA wouldn't go for it.

  8. Tribe votes to reject UNDnickname

    The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe has three years to decide where it stands on the issue of the Fighting Sioux nickname.

    But it didn't even take three weeks for tribal officials to firmly state their position.

    The tribal council on Friday voted 8-1 to reaffirm its opposition to the University of North Dakota's nickname and logo.

    However, two members chose not to vote on Friday, and six others were absent, council member David Bird said. UND still has until 2010 to coax a different decision from the tribe.
  9. City/State you were born and where you live now? Park River ND/Pensacola FL

    Did you attend UND? Yes, UND '84

    Favorite current sioux player? Marto. I grew up with his dad, so I'm rooting for Jake to do well.

    Favorite all time sioux player/s? Phil Sykes.

    Favorite all time NON sioux WCHA player and team? Player/Chris Chelios Team/Duluth

    Are you a season ticket holder? No.

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