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Everything posted by GeauxSioux

  1. Letter: "Fighting Sioux" tradition As opposed to the first letter, this letter provides information as to why she feels the way she does.
  2. Letter: logo causes harm First of all UND does not have a mascot. Second, call me stupid, ignorant, etc...., but I still don't get how UND is mischaracterizing the male ancestors of the Sioux people. Further, how are they being dehumanized? How and where they portrayed as simple-minded bloodthirsty primitives? This letter is filled with emotion, but does not provide any information to further any discussions for or against the Sioux name.
  3. This very topic (what would happen if) was discussed at our office today. The scary thing is, I couldn't argue with you on any of these points.
  4. GeauxSioux

    WWU vs UND

    Western Washington Univ. Schedule/Results
  5. Are there any conflicts between the game and hunting to impact attendance? It would be nice to add to the 10,278 average thus far for the season. I'm hoping for 11,800+
  6. Homecoming weekend coming up against Western Washington. What kind of attendance are we looking at? Predictions?
  7. Is this season over already? I'm one of those unique fans that will cheer for the Sioux regardless of what their record may be or how bad they are doing in a game. One of the things I love about college hockey is that is a long season. Right the ship and move forward. Go Sioux!!!
  8. The reason that people have wanted to come to America for the past couple hundred years is that you can make your life what you want of it. The opportunities in this country are endless. If you choose not to take advantage of those opportunities, it is your own fault. I have taken some risks (decisions), some have worked, some have not. As those decisions brought me to where I am today, I can't complain. I find it interesting that Dave comes down on the capitalist system and then cites teachers and policeman, as the overworked and underpaid. Typically teachers and policemen are government employees and not really part of the free market (capitalist) system. Their wages would be set by the government (Socialism?). It is 2008 in America and your life is what you make of it. I hope I can say the same in 2010.
  9. Thanks for the live recap MD. I'm glad you were there, I found the game difficult to follow through the Alerus webcam.
  10. Dave, did you read my whole post or just one part. If you read this... You would understand that when the owner of the company does well, others within the company do well. I am in the middle class, but would not want to see the upper class have their taxes increased just so it is more fair. How many lower income people do you see creating jobs for others? I would say very few. The job creation comes from those very people that you want to raise taxes on. They are the ones taking the risks. With those risks should come rewards. When they are rewarded we all gain with increased pay, benefits and more jobs.
  11. I think you are missing Petey23's point. The rich accept that they pay more in taxes. The problem is when there is a tax cut and their cut is more than the lower income people it is always defined as a tax cut for the rich. Those who classify it as such are clearly being disingenuous. It is class warfare and the redistribution of wealth, in short, socialism. If you continue to tax achievers at a higher and higher rate where is their incentive to succeed? The company that I work for has been a successful one, especially in the past 10 years. Of course the owner of the company has been the major beneficiary of that success, but he has also raised the standard of living for those who have helped him achieve that success. If you raise his taxes, who is going to get hurt? Him? Maybe, but more likely it will be the employees. Benefits will be cut, jobs will be lost..... Putting more and more tax burden on the "rich" doesn't help the working class in America. It will increase unemployment and federal revenues will go down. I know I keep pounding on this, but educate yourself on the Fair Tax. It is a workable solution to this country's tax system. The IRS could be abolished. The "rich" would pay more in taxes, because they consume more. Those below the poverty line wouldn't pay taxes. Those who want to live a frugal life, could do so and not be penalized for it. If you consume more you pay more in taxed. Simple.
  12. I was listening to Neil Boortz this morning and he said that he received a call from his publisher asking if he had been doing any promotions for his Fair Tax book. Boortz told him no. It seems that the book has been flying off the shelf lately. People are looking for answers in these troubled times and if we could start an honest dialogue about the pros and cons about it, I think people would flock to the idea of the Fair Tax. Boortz also noted that Knight Kiplinger mentioned the advantages of the Fair Tax in a recent piece entitled A New Economic Agenda
  13. [url=http://www.grandforksherald.com/articles/index.cfm?id=88974&section=homepage]State Board won
  14. To resolve the tax issue.....The Fair Tax What does it do? * A progressive national retail sales tax. * A prebate to ensure no American pays federal taxes on spending up to the poverty level. * Dollar-for-dollar federal revenue neutrality. * Repeal of the 16th Amendment through companion legislation. Before "poo-pooing" it, read the information on the wesbite or read the book. Educate yourself. If this were implemented, it would be fair and the wealthy wouldn't want to drink overseas and the ones that are getting drunk overseas would come home to drink.
  15. You're not afraid that it's going to get out that your name is on the list, are you?
  16. North Dakota captures fourth sweep in a row, twelfth of the season Way to go ladies.
  17. At least this week's game is on the radio.
  18. Welcome to America of the past 20+ years.
  19. I checked our local paper on Sunday, but didn't see how the Sioux did against Open. Anyone have any info? Score? Stats? Video clips?
  20. Are you a betting man with inside information?
  21. GeauxSioux


    I recall back in the '80's Howard Cosell saying something like "That little monkey gets loose" about a Redskin player and really catching hell for it. Cosell was probably one of the least racist people on the planet, but the black community wouldn't let it go. Cosell quit MNF soon after, never to return. Love him or hate him, he was one of the best.
  22. While the REA is independent of UND, the lines of communication should remain open. Can you really protest both things at once??
  23. Protesters contest REA flag-raising 40? Yes, people have good hearts, but they also have brains. If most people supported what you are doing, don't you think your protests would draw better?
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