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Everything posted by Rick

  1. Rick

    Tear it down

    I bet there are a few people like GF Herald Editor Mike Jacobs, Leigh Jenoette, RHHiT and others whe lobbied quite hard for ROK. Remember when Chris Matthews from MSNBC admitted that he gets a tingly feeling up and down his leg whenever he heard Barack Obama talk? Well, I suspect that Mike Jacobs gets the same feeling when he listens to Kelley.
  2. Rick

    Tear it down

    Appreciate your input Marcia.
  3. Unlike what the previous poster heard in the bar over a "few" drinks, 99.9% of the information that he and others have been posting on this board has 0% accuracy. I don't know why people have to make things up and pass it off as fact on a message board.
  4. First we get this..... Let's see...... - had a "few" drinks at an establishment - heard from a very reliable source (while having a "few" drinks) at this establishment - 99.9% sure that what he heard over a "few" drinks is the truth The we get this..... Now this is where it gets a little confusing for me when he comes back on his next post and says....... - this may or may not be the whole story (he's 99.9% sure it's the truth, but it may not be the whole story) - just what he heard over a "few" drinks Well, I don't know about anybody else, but I believe we can pretty much run with this impeccable source.
  5. Not true. Did you make this up or where are you getting this information from?
  6. Well, who do we believe here? If Douple is telling the truth, Kelley should be run out of town. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/191367/
  7. Easy mistake. Zach Parise and TJ Oshie are easily mistaken. Happens all the time. But, I don't believe we ever had a "Blaise or Gasparinni" either. No Blaise or Gasparinni as coaches and no Zach Parise as a player for Hak. If Hak was as good, accurate and competent as you are, wed be finishing 12th in the WCHA every year, right behind Tech. For someone who gets almost nothing right, you expect a lot out of other people. Maybe you should work on improving yourself before you worry about others.
  8. Are you talking about Zach Parise? What year did Hak have him as a player?
  9. I can't believe she'd go on the IR list with the Gopher's series coming up in 12 days. Mike Prpich played the last half of the season with a severely dislocated shoulder and he couldn't even raise his arm to take off his own jersey after games. Matt Greene had an injury that was equally as bad and he wasn't even allowed to practice all week but then he'd go out there on Friday and Saturday night and bang people around without regard to his injury. Come on YaneA, be a true Fighting Sioux and lace them up and get back out on the ice.
  10. http://www.bigskyfans.com/forum/
  11. Don't forget about Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo. I heard Dan Hammer and Scott Miller talking on KFGO one day and they were saying that it was the best setting for football that they'd been to. Getting into the Big Sky was a grand slam for UND. When a university is making the transition to D1, obtaining membership into the BSC would be at the top of the list but they'd think it could only be a dream. But, for UND, that dream came true. There are so many advantages in being in the BSC and most of them are mentioned in previous posts. I see that UND has offered a scholarship to a kid from Concord, CA. The chances of getting a good recruit from Concord to come to North Dakota aren't very high, but when you consider Concord is only about 50 miles from UC-Davis, 60 miles from Sacramento State and 3 1/2 hours from Cal Poly, I bet the chances go up significantly. I have no idea if this kid is a great recruit or not but if UND was competing with NDSU, SDSU or USD for him I bet I know where he'd end up.
  12. Remember, the U of Minnesota also ended up turning down the Sanford money for their football stadium. I believe that was $30 or $40 million. When Sanford donates money it apparently comes with plenty of strings attached. I don't think that's unusual. Certainly Ralph wanted some things done certain ways so he put up all the money needed to complete the arena he wanted for the hockey program and he also personally managed the project. He really didn't ask for much in return. I think the Sanford money comes with some requirements that UND is uncomfortable with similar to what Minnesota was. UND and Minnesota see quite a few donation similar to the ones that Scheel's and Sanford are giving so they don't need to sell their soul for the money. NDSU isn't in a position to turn anything down no matter what they're required to do. The Ag College never see's donations like this so they'll bend over and do whatever is required and they'll do it with a smile. I give Minnesota a lot of credit for sticking to their principles and turning the money down and to UND for putting it on hold until certain things can be worked out that will not compromise their principles.
  13. GeauxSioux -- You make a very valid point there. Whatever happened to the successful "rope-a-dope" philosophy of Hak's first 6 years? I realize that other teams are catching on to this tactic so he probably feels it's time to start something new, but I've been kind of enjoying these second half surges. Most of them aren't able to duplicate it anyway. Just look at the Gophers. For the last 3-4 years The Don has been trying to implement a variant of the "rope-a-dope", but his players keep forgetting that they have to abandon the "dope" systems before the end of March rolls around.
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if Sally Smith made the call on the tickets. Along with Phil Jackson, John Barry and 32 other UND alum's, she is helping lead the $300 million campaign and is a very good friend of the UND Alumni Foundation. UND alum's are always trying to help our neighbors to the south because they can't seem to get their own alumni to help build the downtown campus, the presidents house and other needed projects.
  15. Yes, you're exactly right......it does apply to a lot of you guys What's with all the Canadian talk here....aye?
  16. Rick


    Well, if you know Genoway at all, you know that statements like this are idiotic: "The Genoway hype here does remind me of Farve, it is all about them" "Maybe he thinks he need to bag skate because he wants to work on increasing the length of his shifts" Only "Andy" could make statements like that and I'm surprised that he could find someone else to agree with him.
  17. Rick


    Cowboychuck's real name is Andy and he lives in Seattle. Apparently Oxbow helps out with the rent occasionally, but you can listen to Cowboychuck here.....
  18. Rick

    FCS Post Season

    Very good point. With the students home for the Thanksgiving holiday it makes it very difficult to sellout a game. I noticed Sioux Hockey had the same issue up in Grand Forks.
  19. Rick

    Montana Watch

    I believe you took that wrong, I think Star was using the term Pinhead with affection.
  20. Excellent post Star. I see absolutely no negatives with UND being in the Big Sky. I really think if UND markets this right it will be a huge boost for the university. As I've stated in other posts, the Sioux should have a huge recruiting advantage when we go up against the other regional schools. We're talking about 17 and 18 year old kids here so it shouldn't be too hard of a sell for all the sports mentioned above. When we're going up against the XDSU's for a recruit in football, the coaches will be telling them: - Our home conference schedule includes the likes of Montana, Montana State, Idaho State, Portland State, Sacramento State, Cal Poly, UC Davis, etc. - Our home non-conference game is SDSU, USD or NDSU. - Our FBS away game is Texas Tech in front of 60,000 people (example) - Our away non-conference game is at SDSU, USD or NDSU - Our away conference games are in Southern California, Sacramento, San Francisco area, Oregon, Washington, Arizona, Montana and Colorado. - Our training facilities are the best in the region - We are the only Liberal Arts University in the region - We are THE premier tier one research university in the region. - We have a Medical School, Law School, the top Aviation School in the country, a top regional Business School, etc, etc, etc. Now, we'd still have the academic advantages if we were in the Summit/MVFC, but the schedule, TV games and conference travel location advantages that the Big Sky Conference offers should convince most 17 and 18 y/o kids that they'd rather spend the next 4 to 5 years at UND than at SDSU, USD or NDSU. So again, I couldn't be happier to be the Dakota school that was picked to be in the Big Sky. Several months ago all we could do is dream about being in the BSC and nobody would have every believed it was possible. It's been a great last 5 days.
  21. Here we go Dagies, here we go. [clap,clap].........Here we go Dagies, here we go. [clap, clap]..........Dagies, Dagies he's our man.....if he can't do it no one can.
  22. We're now into the last two months of 2010 and I've been giving some thought to my nominations for the Biggest Winners/Losers for the year. So far, I've come up with these: Big-time winners
  23. Which Boston?
  24. He also wears a cap with the Sioux logo during the movie.
  25. I really hope the Big Sky Conference steps up and offers UND full membership and USD football membership in the next few weeks before the Summit makes their visit. I have absolutely no interesting the Summit League and even if Montana leaves the BSC I'd rather be in that league with Montana State and South Dakota. I've always felt the Summit League was a big joke and now these clowns say they're going to make a trip to Grand Forks to gather up as much information about UND as possible. Dimple now says there's a lot of interest in UND. After that idiot makes his visit here, I think UND should make a trip to the Summit League offices and a few sites visits (at the Summit League's expense) to see if the league is up to UND standards.
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