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Everything posted by Rick

  1. I know what they had to do contractually, that's not my point.
  2. Actually, I think the NCAA wanted to hear from Standing Rock and Spirit Lake when they thought the tribes wanted to get rid of the name. Once the NCAA found out that the tribes wanted the name to remain and that they actually felt honored by the name is when they quickly kicked them to the curb and didn't want to hear from them anymore.
  3. You must be referring to some other school since UND doesn't have a mascot and it's the North Dakota Native American's that are trying to get the racist NCAA to let UND keep the Fighting Sioux name. Congrats, you didn't have one accurate statement in your post.
  4. No, but 70% of the Native American's probably do.
  5. It was kind of a slow day so I thought I'd put "Popeye" on the hook and do some fishing.
  6. Anybody else hearing that the New Jersey/Brooklyn Nets assistant coach has been offered the job? I guess he coaches the defense for the Nets and could easily make the transition from the pro's to the college game. I've been hearing some things about the situation from some scouts and this is what they're telling me. Apparently the demands of the pro game don't allow him enough time to see any of his son's games.
  7. Must be a heck of a way to go through life. I'm glad you're not part of the team.
  8. Dagies ~ there's lots of material in that article for you. It is truely amazing what these players say about the program every year. Whether it's Zach Parise, Jonathan Toews, Chay Genoway, Drew Stafford, Matt Frattin, Ben Blood....you could go on and on with the list and they all are saying the same thing. None of them are happy to leave. It says so much about the program and especially about Dave Hakstol. Whenever there is a coaching change you wonder if the new coach will be able to maintain Fighting Sioux hockey as the premier college hockey program in the country. Gino Gasparini took the program to the top during his time. Then Dean Blais came on and started ripping the top talent out of Minnesota and Canada and built on the tradition and elevated the program some more. Then, just when you think there is not a next level for the program to jump to, Dave Hakstol comes along and establishes a new standard. When Hak leaves we'll all be worried that the next guy won't be able to keep the program at the highest level, but I'm just wondering if we should start a new "Fire Hak" thread so we can get a new coach and establish a new college hockey standard that others can only dream of. Actually, I hope Mr. Faison gets Hak locked into a long-term contract as a coach until Dave wants to take over his bosses job.
  9. Was the Gopher player standing behind his coach and yelling at the opposing player while picking up the gear?
  10. Wasn't there another NDSU Athletics Director that got in trouble several years back? I can't remember the name or details, but it seems like it was a similar situation.
  11. I believe it's called Spring Break.
  12. Agree....I think the strength/weight will be there by this fall. What people are forgetting here is that Nelson broke his tailbone towards the end of his first year and that set him back for 3 months last summer. So he didn't get to add the strength/weight that a summer in the weight room would have given him. As a result of that, he had to come into the season on the light side. He's going into this summer healthy and it will be interesting to see where he's at in September. I'll be very surprised if he's riding the bus in January.
  13. What are you basing that on? If he isn't up with the big club for good by January I'll be surprised.
  14. Uhmmm......So, your background is that of a "Community Organizer"? Or, maybe your first name is Earl, Kent or Byron.
  15. We were walking through the Mall of America yesterday and as we passed the "Field of Dreams" store I noticed there was a Sioux Hand Bag in the display window along with hand bags for the New York Giants, Kansas City Chiefs, Denver Broncos, Illinois, New England Patriots, etc. I'd never been in the store before so I went in to check it out. In addition to the hand bags, I noticed there were some Sioux pennants hanging from the walls along with Illinois, Texas A&M, Michigan, Michigan State, Purdue, Iowa, Ohio State, Texas, Florida State, USC, etc. Most of the Big-Time college programs and Pro Teams were there. Out of all the pro and college teams they had merchandise for I was surprised that I couldn't find any North Dakota State Bison stuff. I figured surely a Mall of America store would be capitalizing on the fame NDSU has garnered with their recent success in football. There are two possible senario's here: 1) either there's been a huge run on the Hurd merchandise and their pennants and hand bags are on back order or 2) nobody cares about NDSU and their FCS football championship
  16. Look out Notre Dame. The Irish have been offended by a shoe so it's only a matter of time before someone takes on the Fighting Irish logo. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/03/14/nike-black-and-tan_n_1344197.html
  17. So, you would have advised Toews to "go play in the CHL, have a big year, sign your name and be set for life"? JT's earning and leadership potential was greatly reduced by playing for Hak, wasn't it?
  18. I see ScottM is leading this angry mob. You can always pick a lawyer out a of a group. He's the guy with the Bow-Tie. The guy with the orange hair must be one of the Gophers.
  19. Actually, I think this is something else we could bash Lammy on. I've noticed that he's also dyed his hair blond just like the Gophers do. ;) ;) MafiaMan, thought I'd do lots of winkies there just in case someone's not catching my attempt at a little bit of humor.
  20. I haven't taken the time to look whether this is already posted somewhere else but Mike Mcfeely had an interesting interview with Terry Wanless today. http://www.kfgo.com/...ike-mcfeely.php
  21. Due to the time difference the Harvard game was concluded well before the men's game. I heard from an "undisclosed source" that Roebuck's team was openly cheering the defeat of NDSU and this was quite upsetting to the UND administration. If they would have been in their hotel rooms with the doors locked it would have been acceptable but this was out in the open where top administrators from other academic institutions might have witnessed, or heard about, this deplorable act.
  22. Can anyone confirm that Jones & Faison apologized to Saul Phillips and Gene Taylor because the Fighting Sioux beat NDSU tonight? Even though the women's team had nothing to do with the beating, sources also said that Roebuck was instructed to apologize to Bresciani again because several of his players were openly cheering the defeat of the Bison.
  23. Very well said. There's always someone who wants to P&M about everything. They must have a pretty miserable life. Last night R.T. O'Sullivan's in Mesa was packed with Sioux jerseys and not one person was complaining about the FSSN/WDAZ picture or their commercials. It's actually kind of fun seeing a local Grand Forks/EGF commercial when you're 2000 miles away. Thanks to guys like Jim Satrom at PS Doors, Dahlstrom Motors, Home of Economy and all the rest who make it possible for all Sioux fans around the country to see UND sports. I don't care what format the picture is in as long as I can see Andrew MacWilliam snipe one of his patented goals against the Gophers.
  24. You must have been dreaming, Jackson hasn't implied anything like that. The "handful of folks" you're referring to never have, and never will, give anything to UND. Last night R.T. O'Sullivan's in Mesa was loaded with 50, 60, 70 & 80 year old folks with green Sioux jerseys and sweatshirts on that give more money to UND in one week than any of these "handful of folks" will in a lifetime -- logo or no logo.
  25. I guess I've missed some of these events in Fargo, please tell me what sports these teams have traveled to NDSU for and how many people were in attendance for these "secondary" sporting events. Also, could you post a schedule of when these major schools will be coming back to Fargo so people can get it on their calendars? When these teams travel to UND for a series there is typically around 23,000 to 24,000 people in attendance. Because of the larger population in Fargo you most likely get more attendance than that.
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