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Everything posted by DamStrait

  1. Obviously, but I have and you have not made a case why GF/Fargo is different. Thank you for strengthening my point. Wow, got to hand it to you, when you've obviously lost a point in your debate, you just go on as though nothing has happened. Tell you what, you really don't need to post on this site any longer as everyone here already knows what you're going to say before you say it.
  2. The most important goal for next year is to have the boys make the field of 16 and play at the Ralph for the first round of the NCAAs. After that, anything can happen. If that comes to pass, youthful and freshmen mistakes that occur before the NCAAs will not matter or be remembered.
  3. Yeah, schools like: Arizona (Tucson) Georgia (Athens) North Carolina (Chapel Hill) Oregon State (Corvallis) have really suffered beyond recovery because of: Arizona State (Tempe - i.e. Phoenix) Georgia State (Atlanta) North Carolina State (Raleigh) Oregon (Eugene)
  4. I already have a good deal of antipathy towards PK, which probably means he'll light up the Sioux every time he plays them, just to torture me. What I'd really love to see though, is for a Sioux player to knock him on his prima donna ass via a clean check every time he touches the puck.
  5. I'd add Denver to that list in a heartbeat. New rink, Denver metro. CC may not quite be a "have", but they're not really a "have-not" either. The principal and totally legitimate bitch that Sioux fans have is the highly disproportionate number of post-season games UMN plays in MPLS-STP without earning that right. And, of course, when the Sioux suffer from the 'UMN rule' at the final five.
  6. That sounds like an incredibly statisically valid poll! That's like polling residents of Green Bay on which team they'd like to see win the Superbowl.
  7. Isn't the CBC required to have an English version also available? I know Americans are renown for their poor geography (especially geography outside the US), but I have a feeling that the people of Kennewick would be surprised to learn they live in Oregon.
  8. Really? He merely pointed out that schools with DI hockey were better represented in the top 25 of DIAA football than they were in the balance. For that, and with no good reason that I could discern, you made a snide remark that did not contribute to the discussion of the topic. Your claim against trolling would seem to be rather weak.
  9. Do not feed the troll.
  10. Believe me, there are FAR worse things than hydrogen. Because it is so light, if precautions are taken to prevent it from being trapped in from above (outdoor bulk storage), it escapes quickly and easily into the atmosphere and its potential hazard is substantially mitigated. However, without a doubt, this is a power play by Gerry Groenewold. He's done a lot of great things for the EERC, but growing too fast, if that growth is unsustainable over the long run, is a very dangerous thing. There's just something about Gerry that I find distasteful - he just seems too "oily" for my comfort.
  11. Do you have anything to back this up (Molde being offered the job first)? This is the first I've heard of this, but maybe I'm just living under a rock or having my memory go. If it is true, I'm glad he turned it down because from what I know of the situation (i.e. no inside info) Buning was by far the better candidate.
  12. Care to fill us, the great unwashed, in, O Wise One?
  13. If he expects to play for Dale Lennon, he had better have a team attitude
  14. Be careful of what you wish for. CK is a very competent administrator, and has done a lot of very good things for UND after getting off to a very rocky start with lots of alumni over the nickname issue. You may not like him and may feel he is keeping UND in DII, but you may like who replaces him less. I also think you can guarantee a reopening of the nickname issue once a successor has been named. I admit to having mixed feelings about the man, but give him his due and remember that change is not always for the better.
  15. This just confirms my opinion that DeFord is a bombastic pompous ass.
  16. My question is: Are UND as well as REA and FS-supporters doing anything other than honoring the Sioux people?? Why does UND using 'Fighting Sioux' as it's nickname for athletic teams get your undies in a bunch? Plausible answers only please! I get the feeling that were someone to drop several million $ in your lap you'd somehow find a way to bitch about that too.
  17. I really think a lot of you are selling Fabian short. Whether the coaches share my thoughts (let's hope for all our sakes that this would be a rare exception), I couldn't possibly say, but I'd love to see a Fabian - Porter - Prpich line, especially with that snot-nosed punk Kessel on the ice (throw in Greene and Smaby on D). Call that the BBVGW line (black & blue via green & white), or maybe the Armageddon line.
  18. Popularity is the hallmark of mediocrity.
  19. I'll agree to disagree. Whatever faults the Ralph has don't, IMHO, have anything to do with the facility itself.
  20. Wow. This one really hurts. Probably because it was so unexpected. Looks like the Sioux are finding new ways to lose players. I wasn't aware of this loophole that applied to Brady and the Swiss league, but I can't blame him for taking the money when it presented itself. It was great to have had him in the program. I wish nothing but the very best of luck to him. Though unexpected, the Sioux'll find a way to recover. Why? Because that's what they do - they're the Fighting Sioux from North Dakota U.
  21. I agree, that's why I said the faculty would throw a HUGE fit. This is total BS, though, and a pardigm shift in higher education is definitely in order. Why not start it at UND?
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