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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Ditto fair Bison Fan. A Merry Christmas to you and yours!
  2. On behalf of UND fans I would like to wish Coach Kyle Schweigert the best of luck with his new job at the University of Minnesota Duluth. The defenses that UND produced under the coach simply known as "Bubba" were the best in the nation. Good luck with your new job Coach Schweigert, and you will definatley be missed!!!!!!
  3. Caufield is from my home town (Minot obviously) and just watching the kid play football makes you smile. He was a man among boys during high school football and completely took over some games with his ability. He's also got a firey side to him as he's been known to take some 15 yard unsportsmanlike penalties.
  4. That right there is an NHL quality line. I don't think that Eaves is quite the finisher that Bochenski is, but to see that line in action would be a priveledge.
  5. Wilbur

    A Fine Line

    Too bad that they aren't a line anymore. Well, I mean unless Blaiser switches them back after the WJC, but I'm pretty sure he intends to put Stafford on that line for good. I'll get the magazine just to read the article Pat
  6. Wilbur

    next year

    I think Cody Saunders should be given a shot at kicker next year for UND. The kid only missed one field goal playing outdoors and in the snow most of the time and was the DAC 10 kicker of the year twice playing for Minot State. Don't get me wrong, Glas won some games for UND, but Saunders should get his chance as well. Some people are okay with 50% accuracy for the season(about Glas's average), but I don't think that the Fighting Sioux should be.
  8. UND 17 GVSU 16 Even if they lose the game though, I'll be proud of this hard working group of players!!!
  9. I think it will be a classic championship game decided in the fourth quarter. A lot depends on Lueck being able to play, but the Sioux should have a great game plan put together to stop the run, and keep the GVSU offense off of the field. Can't wait until Saturday!!!
  10. Well, we couldn't tackle your number five either, wow is that kid fast!!! We had him in the middle of three guys and he just took off for the touchdown, amazing play....
  11. I'd like to thank UNA fan for coming on board and showing some class about the whole situation. Like I posted earlier I heard nothing racial said the whole game long, and I talked to a kid I know after the game (who happens to be African American) and he didn't say anything about the racial issue and was standing two rows from the front. BUT: If there was something said I'd like to apologize on behalf of the student section. There are some people who take it a little to far, and those are the ones who give everyone a bad name....
  12. I would like to apologize first for any UND fans that crossed the line at the game yesterday. I didn't hear anything near me that could of been considered racial, but I'll apologize for those students who did. But since UNA complained about UND, I think I'll complain a little about UNA fans. My complaints about UNA 1. The confetti-all over the fricken place, and even got on the field. Not cool 2. #51- making a gesture towards UND's student section before the game even started was pretty stupid. I played athletics, and I was yelled at by fans, yet I was big enough to keep my mouth shut. 3. In the bathroom at the Alerus a UNA fan made a point to say to me "I didn't know y'all had bathrooms in North Dakota, I was worried we's was gonna have to go on the sidewalk outside." I told him it wasn't funny, and he got upset at me for showing a lack of class. 4. You lost the game, get over it, I know you're mad, don't blame the crowd. My congrats for UNA 1. Will Hall-A tremendous show of class talking to the student section before the game, and shaking Lenon's hand after the last touchdown, in probably the last football game of his career. Good luck to him! 2. Your cheerleaders. I don't know why anyone would yell at them, boy are they good looking.....wow!! 3. #5-Great touchdown, in making the quote "Speed kills" true.
  13. I'll have to agree with Superman, just seeing the trailer kind of brightened my day
  14. Well, when you put it that way the Bison should be in the BCS Championship game against Oklahoma!!! Although they lost to UC-Davis, UND, and SCSU. Two of them DII teams....AHHHHH!!!!!!!! My predictions for this weeks games: GVSU 24 Kingsville 27 (This game is basically a toss up, both teams are great, should be some good football!) UND 41 UNA 40 The only way UND will win is if they outscore UNA. I think they have to go five wide and spread the field, I'll be there yelling like a mad man, and if UND finds a way to win I'll be helping people tear down the goal posts!
  15. I'll miss Ed's football commentary, but I won't miss the pompous @ss of a person that he is. I could do UND football games though. Give me a mic and I would go on and on about roosters in the barn, and going to the well one to many times. I hope they find a good guy to replace him.
  16. Wilbur


    All I can say is wow. Winona deserved to win, but UND just came up with one more play than Winona in the end. I do have some problems with the offensive playcalling in the second half, pretty horsecrap if you ask me, but a win is a win. PS: I was over browsing the Bison board and all they can do is talk about what an embarrasment UND is to the NCC. I can't believe how unclassy some people can be when a rival university has some success.
  17. I know for a fact that some students bought tickets, but when they heard the game was going to be on TV they just decided to forget the five bucks and watched it on TV. I heard something about how they sold like 8,000 tickets and then decided to broadcast the game or something like that, but I'm not certain about that. I agree that its a great idea to show the game on the fighting sioux network this weekend! Black it out in Grand Forks so people who are in the Grand Forks area who don't like Ed Schultz, and won't listen to the radio broadcast will attend the game. As for me, I'll be home in Minot for Turkey day, and if they don't televise it I'll have Eddy at my side.
  18. I think that we get more shots off on the power play when we have guys moving around. There was a lot of standing still going on the first part of the year on the power play, but now guys are finally starting to move a little bit with and without the puck. I thought Friday night we made strides on improving, but then we just went back to zero on Saturday. The triangle really works well for the gophers though, and I think UND should give it a try. Put Schneider or Fuher out on the point as the trigger man with Zpar and Murray on the wings and and Bobo and Fuher/Schneider pounding it out in front of the net we could score some goals. But I'm not the coach, let Blais figure it out.
  19. I think that we get more shots off on the power play when we have guys moving around. There was a lot of standing still going on the first part of the year on the power play, but now guys are finally starting to move a little bit with and without the puck. I thought Friday night we made strides on improving, but then we just went back to zero on Saturday. The triangle really works well for the gophers though, and I think UND should give it a try. Put Schneider or Fuher out on the point as the trigger man with Zpar and Murray on the wings and and Bobo and Fuher/Schneider pounding it out in front of the net we could score some goals. But I'm not the coach, let Blais figure it out.
  20. I'll predict that UND will win the game 28-21. UND's defense has been solid but they seem to be suseptible to giving up the long play once in a while. I read somewhere that it is pretty easy to pass on Pitt St. and if thats the case Bowenkamp should have a field day with the recievers we have. Good luck to the Sioux, were all for you!!!!
  21. I'm actually pretty suprised that NDSU didn't get in, with Pitt. State losing yesterday. It would of been fun to see a UND-NDSU meeting in the playoffs, but I guess the football gods put a rest to the DII rivalry for good. If they had beaten SCSU they would of ended up #2 in the region and then we would of had the possible matchup at the Alerus in the second round.....would of been a dandy. So what do people know about Pitt State? They didn't impress me a couple years ago when they came to the Alerus and UND completely dominated them. Are they still a mainly run the ball, throw when we have to team??? Looking forward to the post.
  22. Tough loss for the Gophers, but they'll still be the team to beat come March and April.
  23. I'm worried about this game more than any other game this season. The Sioux have guaranteed at least a share of the conference title, but USD is a pretty decent team. My little brother is in the NDSU marching band and he said that USD moved the ball pretty well against NDSU last weekend, but just fvcked up when they had the opportunity to score. USD has nothing to lose, UND has home field in the playoffs to lose.
  24. I voted for outdoor, but there are sometimes when outdoor football games are absolutely horrible because of the weather. I mean I don't mind rain or snow, but when the wind chill comes into factor it makes the games unbearable. On a day with no wind chill, outdoor football will always be #1.
  25. As far as Brady Murray smiling I see the kid smiling all the time. At the Ralph when I was waiting in line for tickets he and Jordan Parise were laughing with each other about Matt Greene driving that van around like a lunatic.
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