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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Where is Vanek's gold medal?? How many people win Gold Medals?? Name one player that plays for the U of M that has a gold medal?? You are a complete idiot. You come onto the board and bash the Sioux and Parise, yet you know absolutely nothing about college hockey. I'm not going to say that Parise is better than Vanek because they are entirely different players. Vanek is a natural goal scorer who gets it done in the offensive zone, Parise plays both ways and gets a lot of his goals from hard work. I could also throw out the fact that Parise has played three less games than Vanek, yet Vanek only has one more point than he does. The Gopher bandwagon is getting awefully heavy again.....
  2. Your last post blew it for you completely. Parise often times gets mugged without a call. Parise has only played one year for the Sioux, and yet he's a shame because he hasn't won a national championship in that one year?? What about Mike Crowley? What about Erik Westrum? What about Brian Bonin? What about Rob Stauber? All gopher greats who never won a national championship in FOUR YEARS with the gophers, yet that doesn't take away the type of players that they were. And if you caught the WJC you saw whose team prevailed. Parise has more world junior championships than Vanek so he is obviously the better player.....
  3. UND's strength of schedule is #1 in the nation pal.....
  4. Until Kupcake Kupchella lowers tuition and closes campus when its 40 below I will yell all I want at sporting events that I am paying to attend.
  5. I heard that it was Fabian who got the 4.0 for mens hockey. As far as the womens hockey GPA....you gotta be kidding me ladies.....
  6. I know its a little early to be getting into the WCHA Rookie of the week, but with the way that he played this weekend, Jordan Parise should win the award hands down. Maybe even WCHA defensive player of the week? Parise's stats for the weekend 2 GA 55 Saves Save percentage: 96% Super human glove saves: 3 (I added that one to his stats) Without him the Sioux would of lost tonight. Any thoughts??
  7. Okay, well we got beat by 25 points, basketball is still not a sport.
  8. Boy, we are finding all sorts of minorities playing hockey. NDSU fans must be pretty pi$$ed off.
  9. You also have to remember the three African Americans on Canada's WJC team. If Canada had won, Nigel Dawes would of been the MVP......yep, he's a minority.
  10. I was doing DI championships. Actually, they'll never get any. It will always be Division I-AA.
  11. I was just over browsing the NDSU board bisonville.com, and they are talking about UND's racism in regards to hockey. Here's one of the quotes: "Hockey is the sport where minorities are excluded. It is the top sport at UND. That gives the impression that UND is a racist institution. Pair that with the insensitivity of the naming issue, and of course the obvious patronization efforts, and your presidents statements that there is too much criminal scandal in DI (except hockey of course where there are no minorities ). Your left with a very mixed and uncomfortable image." I guess they got tired with the Engelstad issue. Ohh wait, they didn't, they are speaking in German on the board. Don't those IAA hicks down south have anything better to talk about?
  12. Shepherd is the worst official I've ever seen. He should have his skates taken away and sent to Wyoming.
  13. Hit by Parise with a high stick, goes off Ballard (should of been waived off) and then Murray scores. Its a two two tie in my book.
  14. I think your right, somebody has to be redshirted. I don't think that Phil is the type of player that would wait around to be redshirted either, so its either going to be Parise or Ziggy. And with the way things are right now if somebody was going to be redshirted it would be Ziggy.
  15. The youngest Lamoureax brother is Mario who plays for central. Then its PJ, who plays defense for the bobcats, then its Jacque who plays forward for the bobcats, and then the oldest brother Phil. In other words: Phil, Jacque, PJ, Mario. All soon to be Fighting Sioux!!!!! As for the goaltending rotation next year, your guess is as good as mine. Brandt will be a senior so he'll get some time, but I'm thinking that Phil will step right in and get playing time right away. The odd, man out may be Ziggy....
  16. It was announced yesterday that UND recruit Phil Lamoureax made the USHL all star game to be held in Lincoln February 3rd. Goaltending will not be a problem, the four years he's at UND. Heres the link with complete rosters: http://www.ushl.com/pr/20032004/20040114ushl.htm
  17. I was at the Ralph a couple weeks ago delivering something to the main office and I saw that the doors were open so I went and watched a little bit of practice. It wasn't a team practice, but a practice for the power play units. The goalie who was there taking shots (aka...extra practice) was none other than Jordan Parise. As for the who will be our brick wall question, I think that its Brandt for sure. I'm kind of unsettled on Nate Ziegelmann though, the kid should get a chance to start a WCHA game rather than just an exhibition. Maybe this weekend at Tech would be the perfect time to see what he could do....
  19. Whenever I see Brady around campus he's always smiling and always seems to be having a good time. I can't wait until Monday for the Championship game. The Canadians will probably be favored with all the talent that they have, but this would be the year for the U.S. to pull off the big win, and take home gold.
  20. 1-0 USA in the third period.
  21. Montoya is all over the place, still 1-0 USA.......
  22. Wilbur


    4-4 Tie. SCSU got three consecutive power plays to end the game, which is probably why they dominated the last period. Good point for UND though, SCSU was talking about sweeping this series to make some room for them in the standings, but UND recovered and got the tie.
  23. Wilbur


    That might be the worst checking from behind penalty I've ever seen. Of course Potulny laid on the ice to sell it, but was able to make it back to the bench under his own power.....
  24. Wilbur


    Wow, bad start for UND, looks like they may be starting to hit their stride though!
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