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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Sad that I'm cheering harder for Dale and crew than I am for Muss and company.
  2. You would have had a lot of open seats around you. You could have laid out a bit?
  3. Bubba and the boys in Carbondale are doing pretty well against the #1 team in the nation. Maybe I'll watch that game.
  4. I like how their qb tried to cock off, but there wasn't anybody sitting in the seats near him so he had no one to cock off too.
  5. And Kuska doesn't wrap up on what would have been a fourth down stop.... Touchdown coming up here........yup. Tackling.....nice job.
  6. Ohhh god....I don't want to guess the attendance...but looking at the empty seats during the kickoff....yikes...
  7. I guess there is no game thread.....but we're almost ready for kickoff. PS: Bubba's defense is holding their own against the Bizen. We'll see for how long.
  8. Denver just won't ever be the same without Gwoz. The guy could recruit good hockey players....and good goaltenders. His teams always played with a swagger whether they were up by 3 goals or down by three goals. I think you'll see them at the bottom of the NCHC this year. I'm hoping they end up in last place.
  9. UND loses today, but its a close football game. My question: Can UND go an entire 60 minute football game without a 15 yard personal foul penalty?
  10. Women beat Ohio State last night 5-2. Looks like they've been able to score with out Joc and Mo so far.
  11. Going to see a desperate Miami at home. Need to weather that initial rush right away, and hopefully get the first goal.
  12. Looks like its 7pm central according to the UND website.
  13. My issue with the powerplay is that they always dump the puck on zone entry. And they dump it hard. You see teams like Minnesota carry the zone with numbers, gain the line and then boom....its set up and they're moving it around the perimeter looking for a shot. Dumping a puck isn't the worst thing, but we see the same hard ring every single time to the weak side, then its a 50/50 puck. I guess if they are going to dump the puck I'd like to see a soft cross ice play (like a lob shot in golf) into the weakside corner where you have the weakside wing going with speed to get to it first. Seems like every team runs an umbrella now. UND is no different. They try to get a body in front and get a one timer from somebody to make the goaltender move which creates a better chance for a rebound. Last nights powerplay goal was pretty lucky. But then again you can't ever be mad at a guy for getting the puck to the net.
  14. 3 PTS for a win in regulation or OT. 2 PTS for a shootout win. 1 PT for getting to the shootout and losing the shootout.
  15. Bryn just brings just so much more speed than Mitch does. I mean watching last week Mitch slowed down a rush where he was a full zone ahead of his line mate. I mean he has proved he can score goals at the junior level, thats why he's playing college hockey. But he's not a top six forward. He's a 3rd-4th line type grinder that they're happy to get some offense from. I think Bryn is in again tomorrow night. I wouldn't change anything.
  16. I will say it was nice to see almost every line create some scoring chances. Rocco and Drake were pretty quiet, but they were the line that Miami keyed on so another line had to step up....and you could say they did.
  17. Stecher gets his own post again. Not playing like a Freshman whatsoever. I thought it would be LaDue that would shine early, but its been Stecher so far. LaDue has been good too though.
  18. Nothing to do with anything....but when did CC become the Boston Bruins?
  19. Thoughts: ~Weathered the storm well in the first period. Getting the first goal was big. ~Thought they handled Miami's number one unit pretty well. ~Zane was the number one star. Even with the softie. ~Funny how Mark-OD-Parks was just tremendous. Mark has found a home I think. ~4th line was fun to watch. Tons of energy. Fun game to watch. Heart still thumping....Go Sioux!
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