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Everything posted by Wilbur

  1. Hope the Central kid is okay. That did not look good for the young man.
  2. I personally enjoyed my kid getting food poisoning at Xcel and throwing up all the way home. I don't know if that was more fun or finding a food place that was actually open at the X....that was fun too...
  3. I think spots 1-3 in the EDC will be RR, Central, North, after that anyone's guess 4-7 with Davies, WFHS, Sheyenne, and South/Shanley. Devils Lake goalie is good. Was fun to watch him last night. Gutty win for them.
  4. Right, I can't be right in the brain having followed the Vikings all these years.....
  5. I mean how realistic is it to go from a Craig Bohl to a Klieman? Hiring up instead of down. Entz definitely got the fruits of Klieman's efforts before he headed K. State. Maybe Polasek is a hire up in the process, I dunno.
  6. If #4 is (reportedly) getting 6 figure offers how does he not leave? Playing safety at an FBS school while securing your financial future for a few years down the line. If he comes back with "I love this place too much to leave" then I may doubt an offer like that was on the table.
  7. Davies played toe to toe with Red River and then just got bombed by North....Central beats EGF, loses to Sheyenne. Interesting week in a wide open EDC.
  8. I was told the players love Tyler. If he's the guy do some/most stick around?
  9. Yes. Home of the..... Any MLS followers???
  10. You take the ball out of your QBs (both) hands and run that. You travel three weeks in a row in the postseason and that's the play you think saves your season. In other news the Jackrabbits win by 3 scores whenever the soccer field game is.
  11. Roehl: "Let's run scooter 2 banana on 1" Entz: "I like the call Tyler, let's run it with the season on the line."
  12. What in Jesus name NDSU..... Does Entz need to be out of his home by Dec. 31st?
  13. That 2 point conversion was just about right for a game like this.
  14. If I'm Montana if I score a TD I go for 2.
  15. How this team is 12-1 with that guy....my word....
  16. -Missed XP.... -Kicker can't get ball to goal posts from 45 yards.... -Wide open guy missed for TDs.... -Dropped passes..... But the scenery. I tell ya!
  17. Can we just call it division 2 already because most of the teams are that caliber. My God the football sometimes...
  18. The defense went from lights out to three TD possessions in a row. Then the aforementioned play calling. Chandler is the guy at RB. Mullens okay in the game. Not the reason they lost, but dumb turnovers. Just missing the playoffs would be okay. 7-7 with 3 games to go.
  19. Right! Tough to be a 16 year old kid last year and get that shock during the hockey season. Happy for the whole family.
  20. No more Pagan....sigh..... Got a lot of pitching to replace. Hope there is a plan.
  21. Central vs. Sheyenne last night was a good EDC hockey game. Sheyenne had control the first two periods, but the third was all GFC. I think right now the top team is Red River from what I've seen. North has a shot of winning it this year as well.
  22. Kurt Warner comes out saying Dobbs with the raw end of the deal... What football team was he watching the last two weeks?
  23. So with the current state of affairs you can make yourself a ton of money by being a really good FCS offensive lineman, or really any position for that matter. You develop and play a lot for a few years in FCS and then you go full steam into an FBS school that can throw all sorts of money at you through different revenue streams and you ride off into the sunset from the school that put a lot of time into you. I mean I'd leave too as an FCS player with 6 figure offers on the table for my playing ability. Even if you don't get NIL money getting to the FBS only increases your chances of playing on an NFL field one day. The Green and Gold group can pass a plate at the Fargo Dome and collect, but you're really just wasting your time with the money floating around P5 football right now. If they want a player bad enough they'll get the player.
  24. Wonder how the team responds to this. Can't remember if it was Klieman or Bohl that left before the season ended? One of them answered his cell phone at practice and accepted the job if I remember right. Maybe I dreamt that.
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