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  1. Thus the "I hope I'm wrong"
  2. A kid like Strinden would take a bullet for the program. You've got a few heading out where you can't convince me that's the case.
  3. I was thinking JPL to be our new goalie guru. Long professional career and we need goaltending development.
  4. This feels like all the assistants are back....I hope I'm wrong.
  5. I was on the Herter bandwagon. Not shocked it's Jackson as we never stray away from comfort....
  6. Wherever Herter goes, he wins. (C) @gfhockey
  7. You just can't touch anyone after you got a major PP. Same when you get a 5x3....don't touch anybody.
  8. Not a good play by the Russian. Don't leave it up to chance.
  9. Wow.....I can't believe that's a 5....
  10. Umass is a good team. Well coached. It'll be a battle.
  11. Gotta remember that UMass is not far removed from the Natty and back to back HE titles. They've got some players. And the monster goalie.
  12. In the heart of many Gopher fans i felt i was diplomatic....
  13. I was impressed with Eisele. Played a lot of heavy minutes against Western. I kind of thought he may seek out a pay day after the season. The other one may be Alex Tracy, although he's been with Strand forever.
  14. Reffs missed a trip. The other stuff was your typical below the goal line hockey.
  15. Either: -Top four teams host regionals. -Two weekends of best of three then frozen four. 1 v 16, 8 v 9, etc. First weekend is the regional, second weekend is the super regional. Higher seed hosts. Super regional during basketball final four. Or we just continue to play the most important games of the season on $hit ice....makes sense.
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