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Everything posted by Let'sGoHawks!

  1. We are in sec 102, any other sioux fans there?
  2. Did you attend the game? You have to admit, your team had their doggy you know what's handed to them by the Sioux.
  3. Wild wings would be good, I would get there very early though, last year we walked in and there were very few Sioux fans, many many maverick fans, they looked at us funny. We did get there only an hour before the game though.
  4. Why are you still here?
  5. I went to ticketmaster.com and found my local number, but I think it connected me to some national place though, it sucked waiting, but I finally got through. I just asked for the best seats and then requested seats near sec 100, they had some in 101 and 102 available. Sioux fans typically sit in those sec 100, 200 and 300, but the lady said none of those were available...I don't know if Mankato has to hold those for visiting fans or what and release them later. Last year, there were Sioux fans scattered throughout the building, except for their student section, which is on the opposite end of the arena.
  6. I'll be in Mankato. I called Ticketmaster and asked for what was available, I had to wait awhile on hold, but got good seats that weren't online. It is nice when you call because you can have a map of the arena in front of you and ask for specific sections. I encourage all Sioux fans who can do so to travel to Mankato and see the Sioux, it was a lot of fun last year and should be the same this year. GO SIOUX!
  7. As I stated earlier in the week, UND would win this one big, they could have put my dad in the game in the second half, but Coach Lennon opted not to. GLIAC=WEAK. Oh yeah, mr terrie, the ferris state running back was held to 20 some yards on 13 carries, I guess UND has a better defense than Findlay.
  8. We all have heard proud Gopher fans stating how they stole 2 right out of our backyard in the Potulny brothers. My question is this: Did UND actively recruit these two? I was told no, but does anyone have any proof of what really happened? I ask the question because I am sick of gopher fans talking about them and Danny Irmen, by the way, did UND recruit him? Thanks in advance for the clarification.
  9. Wow, quite a response, thanks for all the help!
  10. I'm quite a mix too, Finnish, Swedish, German and Bohemian! These people in St. Cloud are such clowns it's unbelieveble. You'd think they would look up how to spell the word "SIOUX". It is as simple as running spellcheck on their cheap campus computer they wrote the story on. In my opinion, it is a disrespect to spell the name wrong. Ignore these people in St. Cloud. They have their own racist allegations to deal with on campus...but I won't get into that. Maybe someone else could dig up the stories from the past few years.
  11. This "Penalty Box" bar in GF, how big is it? I hear they will have the game for a nominal fee on Friday. I don't live in GF, I will be there for this weekend though, that is why I am wondering where to watch the game there.
  12. Are any GF stations broadcasting the game? You'd think DAZ would pick up the feed. What bars will be showing the games? Thanks for the info.
  13. I would question whether to put some lucky fans into the game for some spot duty when the Sioux are way up. My dad could play receiver maybe...
  14. To get back to the original subject...just because this is a non-conference team, don't think you shouldn't show up. Sure, most of us haven't heard of ferris state(at least their football program), but that is no excuse. Lets be loud and show these guys what real Division II football is all about. Remember the noise against teams like Cal Davis and N. Alabama? Lets replicate it! This is a big game for the Sioux.
  15. It is pretty variable...if UND has a great record and is a high seed, they are likely to stay in the West. The lower the seed, the more likely you will be sent to another region. I think the NC$$ also trys to avoid same conference matchups if possible. I really don't know the criteria that well, I am sure someone out there does...
  16. Ferris State is and always will be an afterthought to most Sioux fans. Your win against us in hockey a few years back will forever be remembered by your fans. It is similar to one of our 7 NCAA titles I would imagine. Good job guys! Back to football, Diggler said it, this will be another non-conference spanking put on by the Sioux. To quote Dave Chappelle's depiction of Prince on his show "This bores me". Moving on...
  17. Also today, MSU-Mankato tickets went on sale. Sioux fans sit in sec 100, 200 and 300, and maybe some in 101, 201 and 301.
  18. Ferris....All I can think of is the 80's movie with Matthew Broderick. Good movie.
  19. 1:42 third, sioux ball on their own 22.
  20. 4th DOWN and 10, time to punt.
  21. 3rd and 10 st cloud
  22. If the Sioux hold the huskies again, I say they win.
  23. Glas' kick out of bounds AGAIN! Two in a row now. What is going on with his kicks? It happens way too much.
  24. YESSS! TD SIOUX! 21-17 3:14 3rd
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