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Everything posted by johnsowe

  1. I hate to pile on but they might as well not come out for second half
  2. So our defense sucks offense left the building. How does this team keep going backwards?
  3. Bigger planes are coming to GFK maybe and Delta makes no money in Grand Forks.
  4. johnsowe

    SDSU at UND

    What's the deal with the bad camera work?
  5. Anything they do people will not be happy.
  6. Its just sad that we can not get a regional in the midwest that is not the X and we have to host in Fargo. I would hope the NCAA in the future will make some exceptions. Its a long shot I know. BTW if they do host in Fargo that will be the hard ticket to find.
  7. Remember its the school's that made the NCAA
  8. I was playing with the USCHO predicter and nothing else came up.
  9. I think there is no why the Sioux will not be in Grand Rapids next weekend. The Gophers are 2 and locked and we are 7 with UNH they host a regional. Unless I am wrong I hope.
  10. So now it is play off time and will this team jell together or will they be one and done? We have a good team but this team as not got over the hump per say. Too many ups and downs but if our goaile plays well like this weekend and Rocco stops missing the net anything is possible.
  11. So the webcast keeps jumping around anybody else?
  12. I am really mad at directv this is three games now they will not play. I would go to comcast but they suck too. I would call and complain but they will habe no clue what I would be talking about. There is no reason in the world why they can not show it.
  13. I am going and yes there is a winter storm.
  14. So we need all the under teams to win today.
  15. This team is missing two things: 1 Hextall 2 A third for Kight and Kristo(Brock Nelson) I thought the goaltending was in queston but you can not win if you do not score goals. For the people that want to get rid of Hak I thing that is dumb look at Blais and Omaha they have not been to the Final Five.
  16. Need two tickets for Sat SCSU would like lower bowl email wesncc1701@gmail.com 6127020725
  17. Goaile=Average Forwards=Awful Defense=OK Needs alot more and better goaltending and quick but you will not win games if you score only one goal. Well not alot.
  18. I just hope UND goaltending is alot better.
  19. Well so we have a bad game and lose and Minn has a bad game and wins. WTF! They will bounce back.
  20. Well due to the storm I have two tickets lower bowl for Saturday if you would like them 6127020725 hoping for 50 which I paid.
  21. johnsowe

    FCS Playoffs

    So if UND wins and it counts? Why watch if you think its jv? It is very hard to watch the team from the south win champsionships and we can not be even .500. We will get there I hope.
  22. So what is the rule? I thought if the goalie was pulled and the player was shooting on a empty net and get a penalty it was an auto goal?
  23. So if we lose does that put to bed all the Holy Cross jerseys at the Ralph?
  24. Looking for three Tickets for CC Sat game
  25. Need one Ticket for SAT night Denver lower bowl please wesncc1701@gmail.com
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