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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. IMO there was likely an incredible let down after the botched 4th down trick play. Not defending porous defense, just stating a likely scenario. Probably an even bigger let down after the later fumble on 3rd down. I can't imagine there isn't some serious heated conversations happening between the staff. At some point folks internally will have to start asking WTF is going on.
  2. I agree, if they ask tough questions they lose access. Might have been the end of an era today.
  3. If Tom Miller is on here, how about a point blank question asking how many practices and team meetings Otis has been late or missed completely. Just ask around a bit. Will be interesting to see how they manage this going forward.
  4. Quite an accomplishment to average 6.2 yards per carry on 41 carries and lose the game.
  5. Hard to practice it much when Otis is not at practice or is late. I can't imagine that wasn't rolling around in the minds of most of the players....and then the fumble.
  6. Don't forget the end of the half vs WIU. In a close game that bungled disaster could have been the difference. Sometimes, its like watching a mediocre middle school staff manage the game and situational football.
  7. 2 of the losses(NDSU & MSU) include 2 of the 10 worst coaching calls in all of 2021 college football.
  8. It will be interesting to see what comes next. If the coaches are blamed(the 4th and 2) or if its Otis. Either way I would say the chances of losing out are 50/50.
  9. It was coaches who lost the NDSU game and this game.
  10. Absolutely. The game should have been sealed on the 4th down call earlier.
  11. This kind of collapse is almost impossible.... Total F'ng horse sh&t.
  12. So tired of this. 4th down with lead against NDSU in our own red zone. Trick play on 4th and short with 2 score lead in this one. We will never have good enough personnel to overcome this BS.
  13. Just a bunch of horsesH&t. Anyone who calls that 4th and 2 play deserves to lose.
  14. Next 4 th and short lets have otis do a cart wheel with the ball between his legs and fling it to Boltmann.
  15. If we lose this game, its again on moronic play calling and game management Averaging 8 yards a carry and run a trick play.
  16. Why don't we just run the ball there?
  17. Good one. Got any other clever comments? A QB who can run and throw? Who would have thought?
  18. If we can run the ball we have an offense, when we can't the offense is pathetic.
  19. UND 34-21. 2 FG and a defensive score.
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