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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 26 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    So why hasn’t Otis been getting any offers? If he was such a top talent why haven’t FBS teams been tromping down the door to sign him? 

    Did he hit the transfer portal because he was forced out by the coaching staff because of discipline issues? Are we letting him back if he doesn’t get the offer he wants?

    From a team perspective, I can’t imagine the staff would let him back in.

  2. Going through 2022 schedule and trying to make a  prediction on 12/12/2021 for the 2022 season.  

    Tommy will be the QB to start the season.

    Offense will be roughly the same as 2021(Losing Otis will hurt), defense will not be able to fill the losses to defection and graduation.

    @Nebraska - L

    N Iowa - "TOSS UP" - Huge game.  A must win.

    @NAU - "TOSS UP" - another huge game.

    @SIU - L - SIU program is rising quickly, on the road.

    MSU - W(as long as UNI or NAU are wins)

    @YSU - based on the game in November and UND record on the road over the years - L


    SDSU - "Toss-up" - coming off a bye week and at home

    TBD - Need a D1 patsy(pioneer league team) - W

    @ISU - W - Indiana State is bad.

    USD - W - USD will be have a down year, Nielsen is avg coach, running avg program

    @NDSU - L


    Need the TBD to be a "sure" win.  HAVE to beat UNI at home or NAU on the road or the season could get away from us. Win them both and a top half MVFC and playoff berth is not out of the question.

    6 games(4 at home) vs 2021 playoff teams plus @Nebraska.



  3. 1 minute ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Glaring lack of athleticism at multiple positions. Lack of size in the trenches. Those are unarguable. End of discussion.

    WR and a couple spots on offense I would agree, but SDSU has holes as does NDSU, they are both still playing.  

  4. 1 minute ago, UND1983 said:

    No it isn't.  That is a real rough comparison

    So you are saying we were competitive in all those games because Bubba and co took inferior talent and made them that much better?  Is that what you really believe?

  5. 1 minute ago, UND Fan said:

    An interesting prospect.  Must be a bright kid as he has offers from Dartmouth, Bucknell, Columbia, Penn, Valpo & St. Thomas.  That may or may not be impressive but he also has PWO offers from UM, IL, Purdue & Wake Forest!  

    Would be a big get for UND.  After losing Maglii we need a spark.

  6. 9 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    You serious Clark?

    Absolutely.  So your thesis is it was our dazzling game/clock management techniques vs the SU’s in 2021 were the reason we very well could have been 3-1 vs 1-3?

    Watch the NDSU or SDSU game from this fall again and tell me where they were dominant from a talent/physical point.  The NDSU game last spring the coach’s just plain sh!t the bed before the game and that translated to our poor performance into the field.  

    Don't believe me?  Ask yourself if Entz and co would have lost both games if they were coaching the UND team and bubba and co were coaching NDSU.  Bubba and co expect "to compete", Entz and co expect to win.

  7. 1 hour ago, AJS said:

    You would think having at least four uncommitted recruits on campus the weekend before early signing day would be a huge advantage. I wouldn’t be surprised if they got one or two commitments today. 

    So you are saying we have a recruiting advantage over the SU’s because we are home and they are still chasing hardware?  Did you think about this comment?

  8. 28 minutes ago, UND Fan said:

    I said I didn't want to debate so I will respectfully disagree!  One question: Am I correct that you feel our talent level is equal to either of the SU's?

    Yes.  The talent is roughly equal.  The coaching and subsequent culture is not.  That was never more obvious than in many of the games this fall.

  9. 11 hours ago, UND Fan said:

    My take on this year's FB recruiting effort:

    • Next week, we will sign 4-5 REALLY talented kids similar to what we have gotten in few years.  To really compete for a title, we need 8-10 kids with great talent every year.  Many of the rest of the signees will be contributors but not at the difference-maker level we need.  It was a hard hit when RB Gilman took a recruiting trip to Bozeman and decided UM would be a pretty good place to play his college ball.  We were very sure he was going to commit to us. 
    • I have followed our recruiting efforts for many years.  We are certainly making improvements in the quality of the kids we are recruiting. However, I know that many of the offerees that we all wanted and were talked about often on this thread, had let us know some time ago that we were no longer among their considerations.  This is evidenced by offers we have made in the last few weeks to some kids who had not been highly recruited.  I know you can come back with Santiago and a few others who weren't highly recruited didn't turn out too bad.  I agree but, as a percentage, not many of them are difference-makers.
    • Without getting into strengths and weaknesses by position, a major need we have is speed - at all positions.  Unfortunately, I don't think next week's recruiting class will improve that area to any great degree.
    • Our mediocre results this fall season certainly didn't help recruiting.  I am sure there were recruits watching some of our games on ESPN3 or their local TV stations (probably with their dad or FB buddies) with some of our efforts and decision-making creating discussions that were not favorable for UND.  
    • For the last 50 years and continuing today, our location creates a huge challenge for our coaching staff to convince kids from S MN, IA, NE, KS, etc. to play their college ball much farther away from their homes (and families/girlfriends, etc.).  There are so many schools closer to home than Grand Forks and most kids have to drive by at least three of them to get to GF.  Weather is a factor for kids living in much milder climates.  These challenges might hurt us further with the new transfer rules (a terrible thing for college sports, in my opinion) making it easier for truly talented kids to move up a level or find a school closer to home.
    • Our facilities do not dazzle many recruits.  Phase I was certainly an improvement but we really need Phase II soon.  I think there will be an announcement soon but we will be playing catchup as many MVFC schools are (or have in recent years) made significant improvements to their facilities.  Many people across the country think SDSU has the best facilities in all of FCS.

    In proofing the above, it may come across as quite negative.  It was not meant to be - only to point out some of our challenges from my perspective.  I truly think we can reach the level of being in the top 3-4 in the league each year and making the playoffs most years but a few things need to happen.  For us to truly consistently compete at a higher level, most of what we need revolves around money - for facilities, the coaching staff, improving the athletes' college experience, the gameday experience, etc.  UND needs to find more $ for athletics and the Champion's Club needs to step up their contributions.  If we truly care, people like us need to aggressively (based upon what each of us can do) and actively others to do the same!

    Feel free to comment but I have no interest in a debate!


    Lots of good stuff in this, but we are 70 miles north of the most dominant program in D1 history so location does not cut it for me.  
    The facilities are a problem only compared to NDSU and SDSU and hopefully that will be addressed very soon with phase 2.

    Top to bottom this falls team stacks up very well to the SU’s.  

    The missing link is culture and results.  Especially after watching the games yesterday, the only thing we are missing is results and the subsequent culture which comes from winning and believing in the guys around you and the staff.  

    In retrospect, it’s obvious whatever “winning” culture Bubba had developed over the last couple seasons of winning evaporated last fall.
    Next season is the tell.  Make the playoffs and a top 3 MVFC finish or it’s time to reboot.


  10. 19 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Question is if our defensive players were so good that these guys weren’t starting this year and still we’re good enough to play FBS , or were they buried on the depth chart because we had too much loyalty to the 6th year seniors? That Covid year may not have been as helpful as we thought……

    Is UND’s defense better than NIU?

    Overall our defense was really good.  Many guys in our d, would have no trouble finding playing time at NIU.

    Not gonna win many D1 football games scoring less than 4 tds on offense.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 22 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Frankly, I don’t know why he missed games. I had read that it was once for missing a meeting and once for being sick. I’m not interested in asking about who got to meetings on time etc. I thought Otis had a very good spring. I thought he was good this fall but not playing up to his capabilities. If he has become a discipline problem I would wonder if he was advised by staff to move on. Again, I don’t care. We could have used him but not if he isn’t remaining focused on getting better and doing whatever it takes to help the team be successful. 
    This subject is starting to look like high school social media gossip. Time to move on. We can replace his production from this past fall. 

    I agree lets move on.  I am sure in hindsight, Bubba wishes he would have just cut Otis months ago.

  12. 23 minutes ago, homer said:

    I would think not missing games when discipline is needed would imply a different set of rules.  Maybe I’m missing something.  

    Do you really think Otis was suspended against Drake for being late to one team meeting or what ever was thrown out there?  What was the official message anyways?  Bubba is clear as mud in his presser.


  13. 11 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    What is the evidence there was a different set of rules for Otis? I’m not defending him, nor criticizing him cuz I wouldn’t know.  (I don’t believe it is any of my business). I believe  there are a lot of assumptions made based on rumors/second hand information, but I guess you could be correct if you have the facts. 

    Which other player missed 2 games due to anything other than injury?  How about 1?  If you know anyone with inside knowledge, ask them how many times Otis was late or absent from lifts, meetings and practices since June 1st, then ask about the rest of the team.

  14. 18 minutes ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    One has to think how much the decision to sit Weah and not bring him to the Southern Illinois game played a part into the decision.  Not saying it was the only factor, but that may have caused a rif between him and the coaches that maybe he couldn't get over.  He was sick all week and the coaches said that by the time he was healthy, it was too late to fit him into the gameplan.  Weah seemed to be just fine on Saturday because he attended a Moorhead High School football game that day.  I never really understood the decision to not play Weah that game if he was healthy.  Not too hard to plug your All American RB into the mix after 4 days of missed practices.  

    Also, he didn't play against Drake because he missed a team meeting.  I don't mean to dog on Weah, but there are definitly some character issues there.  Part of me thinks how much he really wants to be here.  I guess we now know the answer.

    He was "sick" all week?  You know this for a fact?

  15. 25 minutes ago, shep said:

    What do we really know v what has been speculated? 

    I realize some on this board have access to insider knowledge. I don't. So I'm legit curious as to what really went on with him.

    A helluva talent. But if he's been a troubled soul in the locker room then I'm Ok with the departure.

    A set of rules for Otis and a set of rules for everyone else?  Its the ultimate team game.  Would love to know how many practices/lifts/meetings he was late for or missed altogether.

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