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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 15 hours ago, Norhsidepride said:

    Freund gives Tommy an RPO on a lot of plays.  (3rd and short and 3rd and long probably not)  His cadence or one word when its loud tells the Oline run or pass.   If you re watch you will see that on the road when its loud our WRs run more routes on run plays than at home, because if they don't hear it, they have go with the pass option.  South Dakota and MSU come to mind as examples.

    I will look for that.  The offense includes multiple shifts and usually motion on each play which also makes it much tougher to call traditional audibles.

  2. 5 hours ago, Siouxperfan7 said:

    Hearing from a credible source that the reason that Otis didn't make the trip to Southern Illinois was that he skipped practice the entire week leading up to the game.  Take into consideration that he also missed the Drake game for missing a team meeting.  If this is all true, I don't know how he wasn't dismissed from the team that week.  It is sounding more and more like Otis entering the transfer portal was a way for him to leave the team with some dignity because Bubba may have told him to do it because he was going to be dismissed from the team.  

    I don't think this a big secret anymore.   It was an ongoing problem.

  3. 30 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    There isn’t a college offense where there aren’t audibles. If you are a college QB and for whatever reason,  you are afraid to audible out of the wrong call, then you are playing the wrong position. 

    I would agree,  most larger and accomplished high school programs have an audible or two each week.

    I watched each game bell to bell this fall minus the Missouri state 2nd half.  I have also watched most of this falls games a second time and I have not seen a single offensive play, where the QB recognizes something in the defense and changes the play.  If someone knows of a play where an audible happened, I’d love to rewatch the play.


  4. 12 hours ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    I just watched two replay games and I didn’t see any noticeable times that Tommy audibled.

     I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer but I am wondering if I just am missing it or what

    That’s my observation as well.  I have rewatched several games, and I see no evidence of audibles being called at the line by Tommy.

  5. 14 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    USD is thrilled with the job Bob has done to "get them over the hump and win it all".

    About as thrilled as Delaware is with Danny Rocco after plucking him from Richmond to get them to the promised land.  

    What is your basement acceptable threshold(contract extension) for Bubba in 2022? 4 wins?  5 wins?  6 wins? Playoffs?

  6. 1 hour ago, homer said:

    Who would have known that is all it takes to win a National Championship.  


    It’s the details which are the difference between UND’s 2021 5-6 and lining up in Frisco in 3 weeks . Our details stink.

    At MSU all we had to do was take the play clock down to a couple of seconds before each snap after going up 28-17 and we win despite both of the 4th qtr fumbles.

    It’s sad because Bubba was good enough to assemble the team and get us to the threshold, just couldn’t cross it.

    Bubba is a great ambassador for UND but the chances are slim he gets it done next fall.

  7. 28 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Up to the National Title game NDSU has lost once (@SDSU) and its next two closest games were a six-point win at home (JMU) and a six-point win on the road (UND). 

    UND is that close.

    All the little things, from false starts to clock management, from assignment sharp to play calling, need to get cleaned up to get over the hump. 

    Yep.  Started the year ranked 8th. With the above mentioned short-comings cleaned up, we would all be figuring out our flights to Frisco.

    • Upvote 1
  8. 10 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    Not only are they allowed, they are supposed to audible when indicated. 

    I don't remember Tommy calling an audible all season.  If you remember a specific instance, let me know and i will re watch.

  9. 8 hours ago, zonadub said:

    I think you are missing his point…

    Many voices on SS are saying that losing the continuity of Bubba would cost UND several years of rebuilding (again). That a new coach will set the football program back at least a few more years. MW Hawk is pointing out the fact that first year coaches, the right first year coaches, can and do make a difference their first year. Utah State did pretty well with their new Coach Anderson this year too and Missouri State has gone from the lower half of the MVFC to the playoffs in both of Petrino’s first 2 years. (and before you say it, I realize both used the transfer portal liberally)

    Yes, MSU was in better shape than UND was at the end of the Mussman era (and UND is also in a better place than when Bubba took over), but Vigen is taking the Bobcats to their first Championship game since 1984 and their first conference championship since 2012 in his first year as a head coach. Vigen did not have to rebuild the whole team, but he apparently is very successful in fine-tuning it.

    I think what MW Hawk is saying is that UND, with the right fine tuning (leadership), can take that next step to becoming the championship caliber team we are all confident they can be and it doesn’t have to take several years.

    My apologies, I don’t mean to put words in MW Hawk’s mouth, but that is how I understand his post.

    This is spot on.  Football isn’t rocket science, and coaching is supreme.  Football at every level is full of examples of this.  

  10. 6 hours ago, nodak651 said:

    What does that have to do with key moments of just plain bad football?  You have so many excuses. 
    So your thought process is if phase 2 was complete Bubba would have called timeout vs NDSU on 4th down, we would have run out the clock vs missou st, we would NOT have called timeout to start the 2nd half vs USD….I could go on and on?   Do I have that correct?

  11. 2 hours ago, Nodak78 said:

    You could change you moniker to Midwestern Bison.  We would all understand.

    Is it that hard to understand that we choked in that moment.  Call me whatever you want.  NDSU had nobody back to catch the punt,   left their defense in. They knew exactly what was happening . How did we not call timeout?  Who would not call timeout!?

  12. 30 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Woah woah woah...so everytime a player screws up its because he wasn't prepared by the coaches?  

    Over time.  Absolutely.  The more screw ups the less chance of winning.  The 4th down vs NDSU was a fantastic example.  They were prepared for the trickery, UND had not prepared for NDSU being ready for the fake.

  13. 19 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Or are we just sick of hearing the same thing over and over EVERYTIME somebody says anything positive. 

    We all want the program to be better, we all want to win and make a deep playoff run.  Bitching about coaching every damn week when several times its the players themselves that completely f'd up gets really old.  The coaches don't get credit when the players succeed though, weird.  

    Players screw up because they are not prepared, doesn’t matter which level it is at.  There are obviously some good things that have happened under Bubba and some of his staff, but there are also some massive problems.

    We began the season ranked 8th in FCS and barely won 5 games, all against bad teams.  I truly hope I am wrong, because I like Bubba, but it’s a 90% chance a year form now we are trying to figure out who the next coach will be.

  14. 6 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    Ah yes, right back to the "unless you're super negative about everything and sh!t on anything positive somebody says, you're not a real fan"

    A football coach is supposed to make the sum of the parts more valuable than they are as separate parts.

    Bubba took a team which should have won 7-9 regular season games (more if it beats NDSU) and we barely made it to 5 wins.   You tell me what was wrong and what you think happens next season?  It’s not an easy start to the season.

  15. 8 minutes ago, SiouxBoys said:

    Yeah dude, we get it. You're a realist. You're also a broken record saying the same sh!t over and over again. 

    I’m tired of a vastly underperforming program and all the excuses some of you make.  Go back and look through my posts over the years, I had the blinders on for a long time.  

  16. 12 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Your best players play in that situation. That’s Otis…… or was Otis . I’d take Otis over Hunter any day football performance wise!

    Don’t disagree.  You have made my point.  The Bison are still playing and we haven’t played for almost a month.

    don’t forget the first fumble happened on a trick play with a sizable lead.  How many times had Otis practiced that play?  Otis had been awol two weeks earlier for most of that week.

    I’m obviously tired of being in the top 35 of FCS when UND should always be top 10.  I also have lost faith it will happen with Bubba.  I’m a realist.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Vigen inherited a much better program  and roster than Bubba did. Kinda a big difference!

    You mean the team we beat in 2019?  That team?

    Vigen has put that team into the championship, we have been recruiting for a month.

    • Upvote 2
  18. 4 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    We had our bulldozer in against Mo St to put the game away and run out the clock………… and he fumbled, not his fault that we lost but those are the times when winners put games away like winners……

    I would assume when you say “winners”you are addressing Bubba and the staff?

    As for Otis he is only about 5-6 “ and 40-50 lbs short of Leupke.


  19. 26 minutes ago, Irish said:

    This is the crux of the matter.  No one knows what happens behind closed doors because they are exceptionally tight lipped - all we get from Bubba is "shucky darn, work harder, day by day" and Chaves is invisible.    However. based on what we can see from this program there is approaching zero honest self-evaluation and even less outward change.  The game management by staff seems to have gotten worse and even after the SU fiasco we continued to piss games away that we easily could have won.  

    We watched serious game management problems/play calling etc in almost every game after NDSU. Based on that nobody may have had the nuts to inform Bubba how “chicken sh!t” that moment was.  I still can’t believe they didn’t call a timeout when NDSU knew what was coming.

    By the way when talking about programs and taking time and all the rest of the excuses, Brett Vigen at Montana State is in his first season. 

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