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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 9 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    So let's assume two scenarios...

    1. Richter runs route at full speed and catches that ball.  We take a Timeout after he gets tackled.  So then it's 3rd and 1 at about the 14 with the clock stopped with 46 seconds and one timeout remaining.  It's 3rd and one and you have just taken a timeout to think about what to call on a very important 3rd down. 

    2.  We take a timeout after the sack.  There is 1:26 left on the clock with the clock stopped.  We run the same play and hit Richter in the same spot he gets tackled with 1:19 on the clock and the clock is running.  It's third down and we can't spike the ball, so everyone would be running up to the line.  The coach probably doesn't want to super hurry the play call in because it's 3rd and one and is a huge play so by the time they run it.......it probably takes 30 seconds off the clock by the time they snap it on that crucial 3rd down, which would mean there would have been about 50 seconds left.  Really not much different in my opinion on how much time and timeouts would have been left no matter which way they did it.  It could be argued the first scenario having a timeout to make sure you get the best 3rd and 1 play you have called correctly would be important. 

    Now if you are telling me during the timeout, they would have told Richter....."hey....don't forget to keep running full speed when you break your route in"  Then they definitely messed up by not calling the timeout.  

    I think it could be argued they should have taken a timeout after the sack, and I think it could be argued they didn't need to burn one there.  


    And if the pass is incomplete, it’s 3rd and 18 from the 31 with ~ 42 seconds left.  Still have two timeouts, but the clock gets to be a factor.

  2. 1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Give me the four point lead and I’ll risk it. 

    Now we are supposed to believe that they were worried about leaving sdsu too much time.  It’s was 2nd and 18 at the 31 with less than a minute to go.  Now I’ve heard everything.  Some in here will defend absolutely any moronic thing we do.

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  3. 10 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    I just went and watched it again.  You are literally lying when you say UND was "hurrying" and not coordinated after the sack.  They even went so far as to huddle and Tommy looked over at the sideline for the play calmly for probably 10-15 secs.  UND took 34 secs to run that play, that is how HURRIED they were.  I mean seriously dude, give it up.  

    If you want them to take a timeout fine.  But don't make up reasons for it.  

    Your serious?  Do you know anything about clock management?  Some huddle some don’t,  it’s disorganized and obviously by richter route not everyone was on the same page.  With 1:30 we burned 39 seconds on one play . That’s as bad as it gets.


    Refresh my memory how did it work out for us?  Yeah, that’s what I thought.  Maybe we can use the two timeouts next season.  


  4. 7 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Receivers should always expect the ball off of their cut. Normally cut and accelerate off of your cut unless you are in the seam of the zone then you glide so you don’t run into coverage. I’m in NY so didn’t see the game nor play so I can’t disagree with others who saw the play. 

    Totally agree, but I agree with Sioux 94, richter makes the cut and slows down like either he doesn’t expect the ball or there is miscommunication on the route between he and Tommy.  It’s near the end.  Not ESPN view.

  5. 8 minutes ago, Sioux94 said:

    I just watched the play about 10 times. As another poster mentioned, and I hadn't caught it at the time, when Richter breaks to the inside....he slows up just a bit.  Would you say if he keeps running the route the way Tommy expects him...meaning continuing full speed to the inside......that the ball hits him in the hands?  

    Very well could have . It looks as though Richter is not expecting the ball, which again leads me back to taking a timeout.

    During timeout discuss situation with everyone and what happens after completion short of first down, completion out of bounds, or incompletion and if it’s third and what next play is in each scenario.

  6. 3 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Not sure. I’m also not sure what is meant by a “burner”.  What kind of speed are you looking for?  

    There is so much more to our lack of deep throwing game than just someone who is a “burner”.  Double moves, overloading a zone with high low, rub routes, lots of ways to create space.

    not sure sdsu had anyone who would be considered a “burner”, yet they took several deeper shot including one throw where their qb threw the ball 55 yards in the air.

    • Upvote 2
  7. 48 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Lol...and TWO timeouts.  I am completely lost why you keep bringing that up.  42 secs left on the 12 yard line is literally TOO MUCH time left on the clock when a team has two timeouts. They could've scored the next play and left SDSU with 25+ secs.  

    42 seconds is not much time with a third down and short.   If the pass is incomplete, it’s 3rd and 18 with 42 seconds left and we are at the 31.   It was absolutely horrible clock management.  Go back and watch the plays again . Total disarray after the sack.  

  8. 2 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    I’m not down on Tommy but a QB at this level will change the play and call a needed timeout when needed. That fact is something that need to change if he’s going to get better. That’s what a winner will do. He is still learning. 

    I don't know this for a fact, but I have watched Tommy closely this season and I have NOT seen him change a play at the line nor call a timeout on the field.  If someone has a specific instance of either scenario, please let me know which game and I would love to see what I missed.  I can't think of an instance this season where UND called a TO from the field on O or D.

    • Upvote 1
  9. 7 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Then why didn’t Schuster call it????

    You may have the inside scoop on what the protocol is on the team, but I doubt very much it is standard for Tommy to call a TO in that situation.  I don't remember Tommy calling a TO on his own all year.

  10. 2 hours ago, UND1983 said:

    Don't understand it myself. Not calling a timeout there isn't even a "decision".  Its completely optional and if Tommy doesn't lead Richter too far or throws to Otis it never even comes up on this site because it was so optional. But Tommy throws a INT so now its Bubba's fault for not calling a timeout.  This board is full of winners.  

    The sack play wasted almost half of the remaining time.  the situation went from 1st and 10 with plenty of time to 2nd and 18 and a rush.  There is no question a timeout should have been used after the sack.   Even if the pass is completed we are down to around 42 seconds left with 12 yards to go and a likely third and short.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Sioux95 said:

    If Feeney beats out Tommy, that means we'll have a rock solid 1-2 in that position.  If he doesn't, I'm more than happy to see Tommy playing the next 2-3 years.  Curious about what people think Feeney will do better than Tommy?  Take less sacks?  Higher completion percentage?  Make longer throws to our receivers who can't separate?  Make better reads?  Be more mobile?  I'm not sure I see Feeney being better in any of these areas, but I don't know he won't be better either.  

    If your analysis is correct, the staff needs to completely change how it evaluates QB potential.

  12. 4 minutes ago, iramurphy said:

    Feeney should be starter soon. One thing few understand is the job this staff did to maximize Schuster’s strengths and minimize his weaknesses. 

    No question,  Danny was working overtime to do just that.  No idea why Tommy would not run 'til yesterday.  Can live with a weak arm if he is an accurate passer and can run, for much of this season we made due with an accurate passer with a weak arm and no threat to run.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 14 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    I will say, I’m overall fairly impressed with Freund’s offense and Holinka’s defense, but it’s the game management from Bubba that has been awfully disappointing. Hate to say, cause he’s a good guy, but the sooner he retires/resigns, the better UND will be on the field. Of course, getting better players would also help, but UND needs better facilities which requires more $$ in order to secure this. 

    I agree on Freund and Holinka for the most part, sometimes Danny overthinks situations.  Bubba is a great guy, but the game management is not even close to good enough.  He needs to find a way to farm that out to a coach who runs it and is communicating to Bubba in critical situations.  I keep going back to the NDSU fake punt.  Not calling a TO when NDSU didn't bring their punt guys out was the worst coaching move I have seen at any level this season.  Changed that game, the season and likely UND football.  A win in that game, in that situation, in that atmosphere, and all things UND football are significantly better.

    • Upvote 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    1. Isn't going to change unfortunately. It's  mind numbing to watch. Gonna set the 2022 over/under at 5. That number is the times UND punts from its opponents 35-39 yards line with 2 yards or less on 4th down.

    2. Top 3 WRs this season only Belquist played to his talent level or exceeded it. Don't know one Bison fan that isn't disappointed he didn't wind up at SU. He's the real deal. Maag and Ritcher were hugely disappointing. Need someone that can separate, run and consistently catch the ball down field.

    3. Agree. Tommy needs to take what the D gives him. He had too many opportunities he didn't take advantage of this season.

    4. This is huge. Kindred had a female HS soccer player that made 4 of 5 PATs and hit her only FG attempt in the championship game of the Dakota Bowl. Find someone....male or female.

    I listed this number 1 for a reason, to overcome these shortcomings UND has to be BETTER than each opponent.

    -NDSU - Not calling TO on 4th down, cost UND the lead and possibly the game.

    -USD - Used TO to begin the 2nd half, which changed complexion of game down the stretch.

    -SIU - EVERY UND second half possession ended inside the SIU 35 and UND scored 7 points in the second half.

    -WIU - 1st half ended with UND @ WIU 8 yard line and no points and no FG try

    -MSU - blew an 11 point lead late in 4th qtr with awful play calling

    -SDSU - not calling TO with the ball @SDSU 31 after a sack and burned 30 some seconds needlessly resulting in a bad throw and INT


    These are off the top of my head, I know there were several more questionable 3rd and 4th and short calls. 


  15. 19 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:


    Moving forward, that can't happen.  Whoever is the coolest under pressure needs to be in charge of clock/game management decisions.  It was NOT just yesterday.  Almost every MVFC game we played was decided by one score or less.  Most next fall will likely be the same.  A timeout at our 20 vs NDSU and a timeout yesterday late and this team may very well have 2 more wins just on those two instances.

  16. 11 hours ago, ND-fan said:

    This year has been team that has shown it can play with anyone but problem has been to finish people off in end of the game.  I believe this is sign of young team especially at the skilled positions on offense and the defense was good but hurt by injuries. I have to believe were going to be better next year on offense and i think defense will still be quite strong. It will be interesting see how our young players develop and what we can add to this team the defense needs to add to lines in numbers and size. This team with a few breaks could have easily made the playoffs this year but it wasn't meant to be. I am sure to hear how it was all coaching but watching this team they are well coached they make very few penalties and they play well together as a team. I felt for this team but i also know were very close to being very good team that could make championship run. I remember coming from 80 and 90's when we had similar results until it finally all came together as program and i think were about to do the same again.

    If UND is going to get to the next level it has to fill these gaps:

    1. Game/clock management/ play calling - Almost every MVFC game had at least one instance where game management, time management or play calling was just plain bad.

    2. Vertical passing game - we can debate all day long about why we struggle to complete any deep passes but this is a huge problem.

    3. QB as a running threat - Tommy needs to do what he did yesterday, 5-8 QB runs/scrambles for 50 yards changes the defense.

    4. Field Goal from 45 and in have to be $ - This is D1 college football, most large school high school teams can kick field goals consistently from inside 35 yards.

    • Upvote 3
  17. 2 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Plot twist: he wasn't pressured and chose to throw to an open receiver but led him too much. Watch the replay, Rockne.

    I’ve watched it several times, I still can’t get past we let almost half the time left expire on one play.

    Tommy forced the throw because he felt the time pressure.  Everyone felt the time pressure, including the announcers.  

    The time management over the last 1:30 is just stunning.   



  18. 1 minute ago, UND1983 said:

    Right.  What am I missing?  That is about perfect in that situation. 

    So was the sack planned?  The staff wanted to run down the clock?  Is this a real comment?  Tommy obviously felt the time pressure and forced a bad throw and we lost the game.  Not sure what is perfect about that.


    If we call a TO after the sack, we can regroup, call the play and talk about the next play based on down and distance.

  19. 4 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Once again, why would this be bad?  They are already on the 31 yard line going in.  Do you want to leave 30 secs for SDSU? 

    They had plenty of time and were in no hurry with 2 timeouts left.  


    How were we going to leave SDSU a bunch of time?  Did we think Tommy was going to throw a 31 yard TD pass on 2nd and 18 after the sack?  That would have been by far our longest play all day.  We let almost half the time expire on the sack.  That is inexcusable.  IF Tommy completes that pass we have 3rd and short around the 13 or a first down around the 12, with around 45 seconds to go.

  20. 8 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Why?  Explain why they couldn't just run a play there?  They certainly weren't rushed.

    Almost half the 90 seconds had expired on the sack.  They had 51 seconds when Tommy snapped the ball on 2nd and 18 from the 31.  That is terrible clock/game management.  
    Like I said earlier in the 39 seconds wasted on the sack, the clock went form no problem to a huge problem and it was obvious that Tommy felt that too.

  21. 2 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Wrong. Bubba is the head coach. Every win and loss has something to do with the leader of your program. 

    We had the ball 1st and 10 at the 23 yard line with 90 seconds left.  Tommy forced a bad throw on second and 18 after the sack with 51 seconds to go.  

  22. This team was as good as any team in the MVFC, the game management wasn’t.  Those are the facts.  Not sure when our personnel will be good enough to compensate for the way the end of the game was handled in Brookings.  If the SDSU game was an aberration, that would be one thing, the poor game management was the rule.

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