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Midwestern Hawk

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Posts posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. 13 minutes ago, Hawkster said:

    Well according to some one here we were just one bad Bubba play call away from beating the Bison and then moving on to be the next FCS champs.

    It’s the “snowball effect ”. Their snowball went uphill and ours went downhill.

    After that moment we did beat WIU and comeback wins at home vs YSU and ISU…

  2. 1 minute ago, SiouxFan100 said:

    How much better are the bisons now than when we played them. Seems like they continue to get better as the year goes on and we don’t as much

    Thy have had 20-30 practices, we have not.

  3. 3 minutes ago, nodak651 said:

    UND needs to know what it costs to add seating to the Alerus before they can do anything.  This should probably be explored even though action isn't needed here yet.

    Wouldn’t Chaves already have completed a rough cost summary for an FBS move?

  4. 22 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    At 300 pm NDSU will have another national championship and UND will still have Bubba.

    UND has a great ambassador for the university in Bubba, but I'm afraid his chance of winning a national championship is now in the rear view mirror.  And when Entz is hoisting that trophy don't forget on October 2nd we were leading the Bison with about 7 minutes left in the 3rd qtr. 

    It was 4th and 1 at our own 20.  Someone on UND staff thought NDSU would automatically run their punt return team on to the field, we would leave our OL on the field and sub in Q among others.  NDSU noticed the OL move so they kept their defense on the field.  Instead of calling TO and punting we ran the Q sneak anyways and didn't make it.  Did I mention we had the lead in the 3rd quarter at our own 20?  Who the &$(^ didn't call TO and punt?  

    Looking back on Bubba's coaching time at UND, it will be very easy to determine when it started to go downhill.  The entire season was downhill from that moment.  I'll shut up for awhile now.

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  5. On 1/6/2022 at 1:29 PM, jdub27 said:

    Just sit tight, there's still plenty of offseason left to be taught all the different ways that this season wasn't the success everyone outside of the elite football minds thought it was.

    Can't wait to hear how the experts declare us much closer to a bottom 15 FCS team instead closer to a top 15 FCS team that well respected unbiased algorithms show us as.

    (And now I'm going to get lectured on low expectations and thinking that nothing needs to improve!!)

    I agree that is where we are.  Closer to a top 15 team than we were when Bubba arrived.    

    Why are we not a top 8 team EVERY year?

    You all know what I think.



  6. 17 hours ago, Hawkster said:

    I did some digging on our 2021 opponents final records today.   

    Teams that UND beat finished 12-41.   Games played: 5

    Teams that beat UND finished 58-22 (not counting one more game for NDSU).   Games played: 6

    Frustrating that the teams we beat only managed 12 combined wins.   I'm not trying to be Debby Downer here but the difference in records is glaring.  

    From that angle, the season was an unmitigated disaster.  2022 we play 2 teams who in 2021 had records well under .500. Nebraska was 3-9 and Youngstown State was 3-7.  We also play 6 2021 playoff teams and Nebraska.  Will be incredibly important that we come out of the first 4 games a minimum of 2-2, or the season could go downhill fast.

  7. 33 minutes ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    Never going to compete with the program to the south unless we fund our program to the same level. Thinking we can achieve what NDSU has is not reality, no one will ever repeat their run. We can win a championship but becoming another NDSU dynasty will be unlikely. Replacing Bubba with another below average paid coach isn’t going to bring more success. You get what you pay for……. There is a reason Coach Schmidt left…. $$$$$$$ Holinka could be next to follow the $$$$$$$$

    Nobody will ever repeat the NDSU run the last 11 years or whatever it is.  There is no reason whatsoever we can't compete with NDSU year in and year out and win multiple MVFC championships, be seeded in the playoffs every year and always make the quarterfinals, usually make the semi-finals and often make the final.  If that is not our aim(especially as the FCS is watered down with FBS defections) the University should state that and we should return do D2 and drop all the "flagship U" talk.

    IMO if Bubba was the coach we need to get to the next level he would either be paid like that or he would have moved on to a better job.  Why on earth do you think Schmidt didn't decide he wanted to attach himself to a coach that was going to win big and move up the coaching ranks fast?  Now he has far more $ and he is moving up fast.

    If being a really good man, loving the state of North Dakota and the University of North Dakota were the only ingredients it takes to win a National Championship, Bubba would be playing in a couple weeks for his 8th.

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  8. 17 minutes ago, Irish said:

    Would more money for the Football program help - absolutely.  No Question.  I have no insight into the Athletic Department budgeting process, but it seems that there are two main ways for Football to get more money - a rich donor (or many semi-rich donors) or sell more tickets.  Since no deep pockets alumni seem to be stepping up we need more butts in the seats. Look at our attendance after the Bison fiasco - we have been on the cusp of capturing many more fans many times recently but it always seems to slip away - mainly because watching our team for the the last 14 years has been by and large a frustrating experience - first 6 years of Muss - then 6 years of watching Rudy call the plays - then this year. (I'm not saying there haven't been high spots, but not sustainable). If you don't think a winning program brings in more fans, look at Hockey during the last few years of Gino.  Winning begats more money which in turn begats more winning.  We seriously need more money in the program, but I'm not so sure that some donors worry that a richer Bubba for the next couple of years is the way to go.  

    This is an absolute truth.

  9. 14 hours ago, iramurphy said:

    Of course he would still have a job. They were undefeated National Champs in 2019. Last year gets a pass. One year (even 5-6 ) wouldn’t be enough for them to buy out his remaining contract. The Bison social media warriors would be calling for his head but they don’t drive decisions just like our social media warriors don’t drive our decisions. I understand there are fans who think we need a change. 
    Others  make a valid point about resources/salaries. It is a factor. We have a recent Big Sky Championship and a MVFC Championship in the last 4-5 yrs. We need to continue to get better. I wish it were faster but I can see progress. Anyone who thinks because some people don’t want to fire coaches right now, that they are satisfied being average,have no clue. I would wonder if they have ever tried to rebuild a program, much less even coach. Those who want to change coaches but can understand different opinions without moronic judgements about what we are satisfied with, may be right and we may be wrong. It certainly isn’t that the internet warriors are “winners” and those who don’t agree with them are satisfied with mediocrity.  I understand frustration with lack of success with our favorite sports teams. If anyone thinks they have the answers, I believe I can arrange a meeting with the decision makers. But bring your checkbook and be prepared to back up the big talk with at substantial 8 figure check. That will help with Phase 2 and help buy out contracts and hire coaches with salaries of 50% more than we are paying. I don’t have the answers and I’m not going to donate $1million so I can’t move things along any faster. I will continue to support the coaches and players we have now and in the future with the goal of being a national champion and sustaining that level of play season after season. I don’t care what happens at NDSU except when we are playing them. I’m sitting at airport with delayed/canceled flights so I can say dumb stuff all night. Happy New Year. 

    You have many valid thoughts.  You are likely correct on Entz, however if Entz's spring quarterfinal run included a loss to UND and he had finished 5-6 this fall including a 2nd loss to UND, I think Entz would be gone.  Obviously that is just surmising as he beat us twice in 2021 and it appears will lead the Bison to a 2nd natty in 3 years.

    I too have witnessed signs of progress over the years with Bubba especially with recruiting and IMO everything was lined up for UND this fall.  I love UND football and I am sincerely afraid Bubba's pinnacle as coach at UND will be having the lead at halftime this fall against NDSU.  The season(and likely his tenure) certainly slid backwards from that moment both literally and figuratively.  

    I don't see many ways the fall of 2022 will turn out any better than 2021, too many holes to fill and too many weaknesses were exposed this fall.   I sincerely hope all of you are reposting these gloomy forecasts a year from now and throwing it in my face as we all are buying tickets to Frisco, but I have "been around the block" a time or two in football and business and the chances of a "breakout" season are not good without a major change in the program.

    • Upvote 1
  10. 14 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    You are insane if you believe that. You don’t become elite by paying bottom to average salaries. If NDSU cut their coaches salaries in half they would still be able to ride the coat tails of their past success but there is no way they would retain their elite coaching. Entz and Roehl are no where near the caliber of coach that program had in the past and are still paid that much……

    Some guys are elite coaches, some guys are good coaches, some guys are average coaches, some guys are bad coaches.  Usually the pay follows fairly closely behind the results.

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  11. 13 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    You are insane if you believe that. You don’t become elite by paying bottom to average salaries. If NDSU cut their coaches salaries in half they would still be able to ride the coat tails of their past success but there is no way they would retain their elite coaching. Entz and Roehl are no where near the caliber of coach that program had in the past and are still paid that much……

    Those salaries are paid because NDSU is elite.  You don’t think the national championships earned over the last decade have anything to do with the differences in wages?  Put another way, do you think Bubba and his staff would be paid more if they had won 6 national championships during his 8 years?

    Some of you have so many excuses, it’s frightening.  

  12. 2 hours ago, Sioux>Bison said:

    You are insane if you believe that. You don’t become elite by paying bottom to average salaries. If NDSU cut their coaches salaries in half they would still be able to ride the coat tails of their past success but there is no way they would retain their elite coaching. Entz and Roehl are no where near the caliber of coach that program had in the past and are still paid that much……

    That terrible coach (Entz) is on the cusp of his 2nd national championship in 3 tries.  Some of you have so many excuses.  

  13. 1 hour ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    I agree, but some people on here talk like we should move down to D-2 and join the NSIC. They cannot win the argument if this realignment takes place.

    Coach Thomas made a strategic mistake not going up to D1 when the Bison made the move.  Have been playing catch up ever since.  We will never know for sure, but I firmly believe if we move up at the same time, the FCS results over the last 10-12 years would be considerably different for both programs.

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  14. 2 hours ago, nodak651 said:

    I mentioned earlier that, when evaluating Bubba as a head coach, that budget and other constraints should be considered when doing so.  Bubba is doing pretty damn well given the budget that he is dealt with, and if he's replaced, I think it's near impossible that we fill out the staff with equal or better talent than we currently have with an equal budget.  It's impressive that Bubba has done as well as he has when guys like Holinka and Freund are paid less than pretty much every position coach at NDSU.  


    If NDSU had just finished 5-6 the way UND did, would Entz still have a job?  I doubt it.  Collectively, our expectations stink as do our results.

  15. 28 minutes ago, shep said:

    It's a good article.

    He notes the Bison's regular season conference games are tougher than the first rounds of the playoffs. He notes all the teams that have gone to FBS which includes Coastal Carolina which played in something called the Cure Bowl this year in front of 3000 fans.

    Is that what moving up gets you? 

    College football likely about to undergo a major shift(transfer portal, NIL, conference realignment. etc)  Not sure how it will all shake out, but likely 4 FBS super-conferences(ACC,B1G,SEC, P12).  If FCS is destroyed in the process, UND needs to be ready to move with the Bison and Jacks.

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