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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. From a team perspective, I can’t imagine the staff would let him back in.
  2. Looking ahead to the schedule next fall, needs to be a very likely win.
  3. Going through 2022 schedule and trying to make a prediction on 12/12/2021 for the 2022 season. Tommy will be the QB to start the season. Offense will be roughly the same as 2021(Losing Otis will hurt), defense will not be able to fill the losses to defection and graduation. @Nebraska - L N Iowa - "TOSS UP" - Huge game. A must win. @NAU - "TOSS UP" - another huge game. @SIU - L - SIU program is rising quickly, on the road. MSU - W(as long as UNI or NAU are wins) @YSU - based on the game in November and UND record on the road over the years - L BYE SDSU - "Toss-up" - coming off a bye week and at home TBD - Need a D1 patsy(pioneer league team) - W @ISU - W - Indiana State is bad. USD - W - USD will be have a down year, Nielsen is avg coach, running avg program @NDSU - L Need the TBD to be a "sure" win. HAVE to beat UNI at home or NAU on the road or the season could get away from us. Win them both and a top half MVFC and playoff berth is not out of the question. 6 games(4 at home) vs 2021 playoff teams plus @Nebraska.
  4. WR and a couple spots on offense I would agree, but SDSU has holes as does NDSU, they are both still playing.
  5. So you are saying we were competitive in all those games because Bubba and co took inferior talent and made them that much better? Is that what you really believe?
  6. Would be a big get for UND. After losing Maglii we need a spark.
  7. Absolutely. So your thesis is it was our dazzling game/clock management techniques vs the SU’s in 2021 were the reason we very well could have been 3-1 vs 1-3? Watch the NDSU or SDSU game from this fall again and tell me where they were dominant from a talent/physical point. The NDSU game last spring the coach’s just plain sh!t the bed before the game and that translated to our poor performance into the field. Don't believe me? Ask yourself if Entz and co would have lost both games if they were coaching the UND team and bubba and co were coaching NDSU. Bubba and co expect "to compete", Entz and co expect to win.
  8. So you are saying we have a recruiting advantage over the SU’s because we are home and they are still chasing hardware? Did you think about this comment?
  9. Yes. The talent is roughly equal. The coaching and subsequent culture is not. That was never more obvious than in many of the games this fall.
  10. That early lead and the first 40 minutes vs NDSU we’re the highlights of an otherwise dismal season.
  11. Lots of good stuff in this, but we are 70 miles north of the most dominant program in D1 history so location does not cut it for me. The facilities are a problem only compared to NDSU and SDSU and hopefully that will be addressed very soon with phase 2. Top to bottom this falls team stacks up very well to the SU’s. The missing link is culture and results. Especially after watching the games yesterday, the only thing we are missing is results and the subsequent culture which comes from winning and believing in the guys around you and the staff. In retrospect, it’s obvious whatever “winning” culture Bubba had developed over the last couple seasons of winning evaporated last fall. Next season is the tell. Make the playoffs and a top 3 MVFC finish or it’s time to reboot.
  12. Entz and NDSU on to the semi finals.
  13. UND in this game in the spring. Bummed watching it.
  14. Overall our defense was really good. Many guys in our d, would have no trouble finding playing time at NIU. Not gonna win many D1 football games scoring less than 4 tds on offense.
  15. I agree lets move on. I am sure in hindsight, Bubba wishes he would have just cut Otis months ago.
  16. Do you really think Otis was suspended against Drake for being late to one team meeting or what ever was thrown out there? What was the official message anyways? Bubba is clear as mud in his presser. https://fightinghawks.com/watch/?Archive=9111&type=Live
  17. Which other player missed 2 games due to anything other than injury? How about 1? If you know anyone with inside knowledge, ask them how many times Otis was late or absent from lifts, meetings and practices since June 1st, then ask about the rest of the team.
  18. Do you know anybody with a connection to the program? One does not have to dig very deep.
  19. Yep. Definitely a tool for the elite to get stronger.
  20. Bummer. Would have been a big help.
  21. I doubt it, but If that is the case, its about 75 days too late.
  22. A set of rules for Otis and a set of rules for everyone else? Its the ultimate team game. Would love to know how many practices/lifts/meetings he was late for or missed altogether.
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