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Midwestern Hawk

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Everything posted by Midwestern Hawk

  1. I don't remember Tommy calling an audible all season. If you remember a specific instance, let me know and i will re watch.
  2. Missouri state for starters. Did you forget about the end of the half vs WIU?
  3. This is spot on. Football isn’t rocket science, and coaching is supreme. Football at every level is full of examples of this.
  4. What does that have to do with key moments of just plain bad football? You have so many excuses. So your thought process is if phase 2 was complete Bubba would have called timeout vs NDSU on 4th down, we would have run out the clock vs missou st, we would NOT have called timeout to start the 2nd half vs USD….I could go on and on? Do I have that correct?
  5. Is it that hard to understand that we choked in that moment. Call me whatever you want. NDSU had nobody back to catch the punt, left their defense in. They knew exactly what was happening . How did we not call timeout? Who would not call timeout!?
  6. Over time. Absolutely. The more screw ups the less chance of winning. The 4th down vs NDSU was a fantastic example. They were prepared for the trickery, UND had not prepared for NDSU being ready for the fake.
  7. Players screw up because they are not prepared, doesn’t matter which level it is at. There are obviously some good things that have happened under Bubba and some of his staff, but there are also some massive problems. We began the season ranked 8th in FCS and barely won 5 games, all against bad teams. I truly hope I am wrong, because I like Bubba, but it’s a 90% chance a year form now we are trying to figure out who the next coach will be.
  8. A football coach is supposed to make the sum of the parts more valuable than they are as separate parts. Bubba took a team which should have won 7-9 regular season games (more if it beats NDSU) and we barely made it to 5 wins. You tell me what was wrong and what you think happens next season? It’s not an easy start to the season.
  9. I’m tired of a vastly underperforming program and all the excuses some of you make. Go back and look through my posts over the years, I had the blinders on for a long time.
  10. Yeah I’m the idiot and you think Bubba is just not “lucky”.
  11. Don’t disagree. You have made my point. The Bison are still playing and we haven’t played for almost a month. don’t forget the first fumble happened on a trick play with a sizable lead. How many times had Otis practiced that play? Otis had been awol two weeks earlier for most of that week. I’m obviously tired of being in the top 35 of FCS when UND should always be top 10. I also have lost faith it will happen with Bubba. I’m a realist.
  12. You mean the team we beat in 2019? That team? Vigen has put that team into the championship, we have been recruiting for a month.
  13. I would assume when you say “winners”you are addressing Bubba and the staff? As for Otis he is only about 5-6 “ and 40-50 lbs short of Leupke.
  14. We watched serious game management problems/play calling etc in almost every game after NDSU. Based on that nobody may have had the nuts to inform Bubba how “chicken sh!t” that moment was. I still can’t believe they didn’t call a timeout when NDSU knew what was coming. By the way when talking about programs and taking time and all the rest of the excuses, Brett Vigen at Montana State is in his first season.
  15. 100%. From a roster standpoint, we are largely there, from an in-game coaching standpoint we are not even close. At this point it's about a 90% certainty we will all get all fired up for next August and end up being let down in a major way...yet again. I wonder how much time the staff really breaks down how bad this season went? Do they understand exactly how awful and cataclysmic for the program their collective "deer-in-the-headlights" moment vs NDSU was? The game and the entire season unraveled at that moment. I for one will really struggle watching an SU vs SU tilt in Frisco. IMO either of those staffs would have won using our players vs their rosters and that is the current state of UND football. I think the evidence supporting that hypothesis was on display in almost every game this season.
  16. I struggled watching last night. This all just sucks.
  17. From a skill level, JMU has more talent IMO and its really not that close. NDSU won the game behind their 250 FB. How hard is it to find a 250lb FB who can run a 4.8/4.9 40? Their QB has been in and out of the lineup the last 2 seasons, so he is hardly a "star". A question for our staff is why no HL in the bullpen to hammer games away when we have the lead(MIZZOU ST)? NDSU also kicked a 20 and a 43 yard field goal.(should be automatic in D1 football). As for the play clock? Its home field advantage, and if JMU would have been on their game they would have noticed right away and had the time restored. If the roles were reversed, I have a feeling NDSU would have noticed. There is no "luck" involved in any of this. Maybe a lucky bounce now and then, but overall NO LUCK INVOLVED.
  18. Not sure what your point is here. Stuff like that happens in games alot. I hear the "talent" excuse on SS all the time. Which team had more "talent" in this game?
  19. Its culture, coaching, preparation and attention to detail. The 4th down play vs the Bison this fall is the perfect summary for why Entz & co are going to win their 9th national championship in the last 11 years and our staff has been out recruiting for the last month. They were prepared for every scenario and we were not.
  20. One game in December in the Bubba era. December 3, 2016 vs Richmond. I think most of us remember the story line of that game whether we want to remember or not. I think that qualifies as another "p!$$ed it down the leg".
  21. It just rolls on and on. It was there for us this season and we p!$$ed it down our collective leg. I have a feeling that window is closed for this staff now. Hopefully I’m wrong. Please stop with comments insinuating the Bison get lucky and UND just doesn’t get lucky. Those comments are just flat out embarrassing at this point.
  22. I must have failed. Shame on me for improper use of reflexive pronouns....
  23. You are correct. Last regular season game is 11/19 @ NDSU. First round playoffs would be 11/26, second round would be 12/4, So UND would either need to be a seed or win a playoff game to play in December. So in reality UND wins a playoff game or wins 8+ regular season games and is a seed to still be playing football in December of 2022.
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