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  1. Let's all pump the brakes on the annual "woe is me, the season is already over." This Beaver team is coming off a split with Minnesota, they're not the normal auto win we are used to. It sucks, but it won't tank our PWR. ALL of other loses have come from quality teams that will likely be in the top 10 at the end of the year. Would have been great to win a few more of those yes, but our school almost always starts slow and finishes strong. They'll figure it out. To be clear, I'm not saying to put our heads in the snow and pretend everything is fine and that Berry is a the perfect coach and it may be time to move on, but let's not give up on this season yet.
  2. Guess I'm an Anti-Big 10 fan for the rest of the tournament.
  3. Agreed. It sucks yes, but it's not like we got swept by Stonehill or some AHA team. CC has a decent team this year with a real shot to make the tournament, especially now. We got a few points out of the weekend and we are still in great standings for the NCHC and the Pairwise, nothing to freak out about.
  4. Would have been nice to see a replay after the goal.
  5. If they had waited just a few more years we could have been the Fighting Moose.
  6. It's a more environmentally sound methodology for today's youth...also cleaner...and easier to sneak past security.
  7. Maybe a formality? I'd be surprised if he's not promoted into the position unless he's left the team.
  8. I suspect they'd still owe the full $1 million exit fee.
  9. A guy can dream I suppose. The recent trend has been for smaller schools to add hockey rather than larger schools.
  10. I wouldn't count MSU out. They got a good coach hired and some talent inbound from the portal.
  11. I don't understand the pull of St. Thomas. They aren't competitive enough to play in the NCHC right now. Minnesota State is far more compelling amongst the current teams available.
  12. Any speculation as to who he signs with in the off season?
  13. I could see coincidental, but personally I think they got the call right. Cooley has multiple infractions they could have called versus just the hold from Quinnipiac.
  14. Sure were a lot of empty seats for a playoff game
  15. That's good to see. Swimming for fun (not S&D) was a big deal in my family. Fickle as it may be, I'm not sure I would have gone to UND if they didn't have a student pool.
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