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  1. Ostarine is in many over the counter energy supplements. Same substance that earned NDSU's Brock Robbins a one-year football suspension and kept him out of a title game a few years back. He allegedly claimed it was given to him by contracted coach "Pound the Rock" Newman. Buyer (User) beware.
  2. You people.
  3. Disney, Hulu, ESPN+ Package $7.95mos. or $79.95 yr. Best way to get ESPN+
  4. their they're don't get ahead of yourself Bison Dan....
  5. Hi, I'm Trey Lance's uncle...
  6. Not necessarily. The comforts of college prolong adolescence. They are young men, but still kids. The real world will be there soon enough. And we hope the college years have prepared them for it.
  7. Family, community, faith. Even the "hellians" I went to school with in the dark ages eventually come around. The bad guys get put away or die young. Those that live on want to live in peace and eventually turn to things that make us all safe and secure. Nobody wants to live a life of chaos. More recently, we've let 24 hour news channels and social media promote discord (our differences of opinion rather than our common interests). We and younger generations will learn how to better navigate this somewhat new medium and get back to center.
  8. I agree. Every generation has "their thing" but kids are kids. They want to know somebody cares. Taking the time to get to know them reveals that. Older generations (like mine) have been predicting the end of society since cave men ruled. Culture changes, but eventually our common values prevail. Good insight Geaux.
  9. You always have to be the biggest jerk on here. What qualifies you for anything other than being spoiled jackass from Carrington who Daddy put through optometry school. Grow up.
  10. It does make a difference. And its not a "strange" addendum. Whether or not a person is being honored as a benefactor or for athletic accomplishment matters very much in Hadju's contention that the honor was "long overdue." As pointed out, Pollard was in the very first Athletic Hall of Fame Class. Hadju simply wants readers of his tweets to see how "woke" he is by implying the University somehow overlooked Pollard. Except in this case as usual, Hadju is FOS. You left out the part about Hylsop being a benefactor. (another poster pointed it out) He wasn't honored with the naming of the arena for his baseball prowess. Just like Ralph wasn't given the honor of Ralph Engelstad Arena's name for his goal tending. Both were benefactors. Convenient omission if you're trying to paint my comments in a particular direction. My comments were not on the appropriateness of the Pollard honor. I believe it is appropriate. My point is and has always been about the LONG OVERDUE comment by Hadju. The naming of the HPC for a student-athlete is unprecedented. No other building (athletic or otherwise) has been named in honor of a student-athlete based in whole or part upon their athletic achievement. (Mr. Pollard is a historic UND figure as well) Therefore, it is not overdue. Nobody else has had this honor. Fritz Pollard, Jr. was not overlooked in favor of other student-athletes. The "long overdue" comment is simply Hadju being Hadju. Picking nits. Okay, maybe. But I have seen similar tripe from Hadju aimed at the University ever since he left. I hope he didn't let the door hit him in the ass on his way out. Maybe you miss him being in the employee lounge.
  11. You cut the story off short. Was Hyslop honored for his playing days or philanthropy? Makes a difference.
  12. Did not know that. Stand corrected. Thanks for the research. 1906 to 1981 = 75 years. 1936 to 2021 = 85 years. Overdue. Ok. But Hadju still suspect. That's a hill I'm willing to die on.
  13. Oh I think it's great. Primary tenants are football and T&F. The right thing for many reasons. Just don't understand the "long-overdue" comment from Hadju. Other than , since his UND departure, he's been quite critical of UND administration. Leaving was his decision, but acts like he has an ax to grind.
  14. Why is it "long overdue?" Name another campus building named in honor of a student athlete. Well, I'm waiting... Ralph doesn't count. To say it's long overdue, there must be precedent. A history of naming athletic buildings after athletic alumni. It's a fitting and great honor, but hardly "overdue " given this naming is the first of its kind. I guess "don't question the motives of Hockey God Hadju." He has always been and will continue to be a smug, holier than thou jackass.
  15. Fitting name to attach to the HPC. I do find it interesting, however, that J. Hadju had to weigh in on it via twitter calling the naming "long overdue." Really Hadju? The building opened in 2015. Nothing about it has been long. So glad that smug SJW moved on from UND. Blame Canada, ya hoser.
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