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Everything posted by BarnWinterSportsEngelstad

  1. Here's three clips of posts from 3 different posters from last season's SD football thread. Up gut play one up gut play two pass play three. The Fighting Hawks logo is jinxed! Well we are leaving As you all know, we miraculously came back. It's like are we trying to hide something? Is there not enough confidence in the rest of the team? is this a decoy not to expose our potential? We have to learn how to run? I just don't get it, have to see what happens Saturday.
  2. Five of us so far, trying to get more, only 2 mile road trip for me. What a start, 9-1 and against some good teams. Today a rivalry game more so for the fans that like to see us play SU, should be fun.
  3. It seems hard to tell how often Keaton does change the play at the line of scrimage. Anyone know if this is a practice that only happens a very few amount of times, or is a little more often? Keaton seems to be a smart player, and yes, the team needs adjust to the switched play. And, I know we have 1 completed game so far this year.
  4. That's what Misery St will expect, let's pass on the 1st play, and everyone that watches our game films will expect the same. Dont get me wrong here, running is supposed to be our strenght, but we have enough talent to mix it up. Studs could have a really great year, and so should our running backs. We can't afford to play to just win by running. Sure that may work with most teams, and then guess what, you get in the habit of just barely winning, and then there's the chance we could loose a close one because we let the opponent hang around. Sure, I'm a HOMER, but that aside, this team has the potential to make a deep run. We need to be prepared for the teams that are going to give us a big challenge and hopefully the playoffs. We need to win this game. We don't want to play SD the next weekend at 0-2 like last year.
  5. I'm on your page. Our offense could be pretty good if we opened it up some more, this run up the middle on 1 & 2 down is old. We have a pretty talented team overall. Let's use everybody, that way everybody becomes better. The other team's focus then needs to spread out on verybody. Start of last year our defense was talked about being very risky by blitzing alot from nearly everywhere. Why does our offense have to be ultra conservative so that everyone knows what are first two plays are in every set of downs?
  6. You win, I blinked, but be easy on Darrel for supporting the Hawks.
  7. That would help with the congestion on ground level just inside the SE doors.
  8. It's such a bottle neck trying to get in prior to the game. The selling of tickets just off to the side and the tailgating till the last few minutes creates a surge of fans trying to get in. I'll have to school myself to break away earlier, I hate to miss the kickoff. Can't wait to hear the new sound system.
  9. Hawks 34-17 E. Wash game will not be played
  10. A friend of mine text me on Saturday saying how Hurricane Harvey grabbed the attention of most everyone and that things are very serious out west. Montana alone had 68 forest fires.
  11. Wild fires are getting serious out west. E. Wash air quality is below acceptable levels. http://www.spokesman.com/stories/201...okane-as-w/#/0 Air quality is below standards allowed by NCAA for a game. Things could clear up by Saturday.
  12. Our 3 headed horse at running back is great, but we need to pass more and Keaton should be able to do it. If we ran say 55% of the time and passed 45% of the time and mixed that up real well on downs, our offense might be very good. Then our defense says rested and becomes excellent.
  13. You are trolling again, I do not hate NDSU, Iowa was over ranked when you played them and then you were over ranked in the FBS poll after that game.
  14. Bizon positives and or Hawks negatives, MVFC positives, and or Big Sky negatives, on and on. Not saying true facts are never mentioned. But the facts mentioned mostly fall into my first sentence.
  15. Bizon06 has used this reasoning many times before. He likes to make comments that let fans assume something worse. He is a troll and mostly with his comments he has the knifes edge against UND. But, some on here thinks he's feeding them valuable info.
  16. Both defenses were terrible, hope we play well this weekend. We owe them a thrashing!
  17. You can add slip and slide to that first sentence.
  18. E Wash who you have next week. JMU who beat you 2 games ago. SDSU who beat you during last season. Youngstown St who made it to NC finals
  19. But, you didn't see it through Bizon06 glasses.
  20. FYP, I really don't feel Bizon will be better this year than they were last year or few years prior.
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